The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 327 Conspiracy in the Shadows

Konya, the capital of the Ottomans, was originally the capital of Karaman. After being occupied by the Ottomans, it continued to be the capital here. The sultan and his court lived here.

Muhammad has been a little happy recently. One of his concubines is pregnant and will soon give birth to his son. When the time comes that he has an heir, he can confidently conquer the East and the West.

"Sudan, we must choose between East and West as our goal."

Grand Vizier Khalil provided his own advice to Muhammad. The Ottomans must continue to recuperate, otherwise they will be seriously injured or even wiped out by any country in the East and West.

"Don't worry Grand Vizier, we just need to wait for an opportunity. The empire will not last long. As long as we seize the opportunity, we can expand our territory."

Muhammad was confident. Whether it was Mircha or Timur, he had an advantage that they could not compare with, and that was age. Compared to 49-year-old Mircha and 67-year-old Timur, Muhammad, who is less than 20 years old, looks so young. The Ottoman cultivation-style inheritance method made them all relatively precocious, which is also the way in which the tenth generation of divine kings came to be known in later generations.

In order to obtain as many troops as possible, Muhammad made friends with all the tribes, either through rewards or intermarriage, and the tribal leaders would gather all their soldiers to serve the Sultan.

The Sudan also canceled the tolerance decree that had lasted for nearly a hundred years, declared that the Crescent Church would be respected, banned other religions, and demoted people of other religions as slaves and rewarded them to tribes. This would improve national cohesion, and disaffected Crescent scholars would return to support the Sudan.

Subsequently, the practice of offering sacrifices from both sides stabilized the empires of both sides. Muhammad can continue to absorb the Turkic population to increase national strength, now he just needs to wait for the opportunity.

The pregnant concubine in the harem was also happy. As long as she gave birth to a son, she and her tribe would be able to gain a foothold in the court, and others could follow their opinions.

Thinking of this, she called someone to change her clothes.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you before?"

"I am Laila, who is new to the palace. The steward asked me to serve you."

The concubine was suspicious, but seeing that there was nothing unusual about this new maid, she just agreed and continued to let her serve her. After all, there were more than thirty concubines and hundreds of followers in the entire harem, so it was reasonable for the manager to allocate more people to her.

"Dear Sir, I have entered the harem of the Sultan of Konya and will deal with the pregnant woman as you said, but please also abide by the agreement and take good care of my parents."

Petkov burned the dungeon in Constantinople after reading Leila's letter, and ordered him to go down and take care of that person's family. Then we went to Hagia Sophia.

Peter was telling his confession to the Patriarch in the confessional of the cathedral. He had killed so many people on the battlefield, even unborn babies among them, but this was all for the development of the empire.

"Everything you have done for the Empire will be remembered. They are heretics and God will not let them go to heaven. They will only be burned to death."

Patriarch Antony patiently explained to him that the empire had legal authority over all of Europe, and that his recovery of lost territory was approved by legal authority and God. Even if they die, they deserve it.

After saying this, Peter felt much less guilty. Before leaving, he prayed devoutly to God in a voice that only he could hear.

"God forgive me for the mistake I am about to make. Ottoman's children will not be born. They will destroy the empire and seize Constantinople. Everything I do is for the empire. I don't expect to go to heaven. I only hope to be able to see what I have done." The Empire's contribution blessed the new nation."

Peter originally had no such idea, but Petkov said that he had recently hooked up with a woman in Ottoman. She was the daughter of a nobleman from the Karaman Kingdom. She wanted to take revenge, but she was too weak. Petkov thought that he should support her. Some impossible goals can be achieved.

Peter approved, but he still felt guilty about mutilating the baby, so he came to the cathedral to confess.

As soon as he walked out of the cathedral, Petkov, who had been waiting for a long time, reported the situation to Peter.

"Tell her that as long as she solves the problem before the child is born, no matter where she goes after that, she will never stop her."

"Yes, there is also His Highness. Pinsk sent news that His Majesty has been rejected several times when he wanted to see the prince. He is already a little angry."

This is really something he can do nothing about. Where did he put himself together in Pozzoni, so he could only ask Hungary to give up his father's idea, but he also asked someone to write a letter to Mircea, telling him that he could not meet because of busy affairs. Please forgive him.

In addition to this matter, Mary from Hungary also wrote him a letter, saying that he had not visited her for a long time and whether he had forgotten her.

This, he's a little crazy. Now I can only calm down temporarily and wait for a chance to make amends. Finding a ruler as a lover is indeed very busy.

Within Rome, there are still many spies of the Crescent Sect, and the fanatical believers headed by the Baitakshi sect have caused a lot of trouble to Anatolia. Peter issued a ban directly in Anatolia and encouraged people to report. Regarding Crescentism, a pagan religion, Peter was tolerant, encouraging pagans to convert and restricting the development of religious sites.

Those children obtained from the tribe have also become the most fanatical Orthodox Christians. They left their footprints in the Venetian War and the Battle of Rhodes Island.

Peter was very strict in disciplining this army. They could not get married and must obey the ruler's orders and abide by discipline. Violators could be imprisoned or beheaded. The high strictness makes this army victorious in every battle, and makes the enemy fearful with its great sense of oppression.

Nomads were also converting, the spread of Crescentism was curbed, the peace between the Orthodox and Coptic churches reunited the Eastern Churches, and the Armenian bishops obeyed the emperor's orders. The Crescent Church has fallen into schisms such as the Alawite sect. Although the danger is small, these sects mostly exist in border areas such as the Levant and have many contacts with Christianity. The local emir is somewhat worried that they will collude with the Roman Empire.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Mircea established the Orthodox Church as the state religion, but due to the large number of Eastern Crescent Christians, some moderate sects must be recognized.

The Ayatollahs from Damascus, Syria, came to Constantinople. They marveled at the prosperity of the city and felt sorry for what had happened in Syria. If there is another robbery, his faction may be gone, and Rome seems to be preparing to regain Syria, so it is necessary to establish good relations with them in advance.

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