The edge of pure land

Chapter 106 Visiting Snow Lotus

On this day, the Alpha Project promoted by the Supreme Federation and the Akashic Holy Cult was officially launched. Every active soldier learned about the new system opened by the Evolutionary Road. Most of them witnessed the special sequence of night with their own eyes. The ghost remains were stored in the underground taboo vault.

This also means that the frontline operations to suppress the wave of ghosts are temporarily suspended.

The soldiers at the Linhai City Military Headquarters all received a sealed file. Their superiors compiled all the existing clues about the Corpse Food Cult and sent them to them.

A mobile phone and calling card are also included.

Usually active duty soldiers are not allowed to carry communication equipment, but this time the mission is different from the previous one. They need to search for corpse-eating cultists in the city. It would be too much to not give them mobile phones.

Everyone's mobile phone has been granted access to the military's internal network. Soldiers can exchange clues about the Corpse Cult in real time in the forum, and can also check everyone's contribution value.

Top-level resource plans like this that require competition usually require the Divine Intelligence to judge a set of contribution values ​​based on your merits. It has a very fair and impartial independent algorithm. At least no one has done so in the past five hundred years. Questions were raised.

It's a bit like the boss battle in online games five hundred years ago.

Your contribution will be judged based on injury and milk volume or injury tolerance.

But this time the target is an organization.

"Formal notification, Project Alpha is officially launched."

"The Corpse Food Cult extermination operation has officially started!"

When the soldiers' mobile phones rang a notification tone, they were shocked to see that a name on the contribution ranking list went directly to the top, with 4,687 points!

Surprisingly, it was Major Yuan Qing.

Yuan Lie watched with satisfaction as the prison van of the Heretic Tribunal drove into the military headquarters. A charming smile appeared on his majestic old face, and he praised: "Very good. It seems that my Yuan family owes that boy another favor. This Let the Russell family chase Potian’s contribution value.”

"Four thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven points, it still feels like it's missing."

Xia Yan muttered: "This Annan's rank is too low. As long as he has a third level, his contribution must be doubled. But this is not important. Yuan Qing's advantage is already big enough. No matter how you say it, Alpha She will have a share of the final reward of the plan.”

They are not worried about Yuan Qing's strength.

The most important thing is the brain.

But now they have foreign aid.

"Is this too little for you? Have you forgotten why Yuan Qing was unable to get the right to be crowned? How could our Yuan family produce such stupid offspring?" Yuan Lie snorted coldly.

"I don't think you have the right to talk about her."

Xia Yan glanced at him: "The more difficult question now is how to repay such a huge favor to others? Now that the entire military department is under supervision, we are afraid that we will not be able to use our power for personal gain and give that kid a small chance. However, although the Yuan family’s wealth is also very rich, it is not used at all in the first three realms, so we can’t give him a big pie, right?”

Yuan Lie was stunned for a moment and became displeased: "When has my Yuan family painted cakes before? If there is no other way, just think of a way! We have no way to give him merit points, but we can secretly fund his merit tickets! In the underground black market, Sometimes there are a lot of good stuff.”

Xia Yan nodded slightly: "You are not stupid at all at this time."

Yuan Lie was furious: "I am very smart to begin with!"

Outside the office, Yuan Qing lowered her head and fiddled with her mobile phone, secretly listening to the conversation between the two old guys. Her red lips inadvertently curved, which seemed a little sweet.

A total of 4,867 points of contribution.

The young man just gave her the first-class credit.

Just to give her some relief.

Nowadays, her huge contribution is being discussed in the forums of the military department, but almost all those who mention her are full of praise, and some people's sarcastic remarks are also sprayed back. She is a somewhat vain girl, and she enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by stars, or being a saint in front of others.

"No, we must help Xiaolu get the ghost bones!"

She leaned against the door and stared at the blank ceiling. It suddenly occurred to her that today's nutritious meal had not been prepared yet, so she raised her long legs and ran downstairs to purchase ingredients.



Early the next morning, the military dormitory.

Shika Fuji had a wonderful night.

The reason why last night was wonderful was because a beautiful major with big breasts, a big waist, slender legs, came to bring him dinner. During the meal, he also talked about a lot of things on the road to evolution, including how to hone combat skills, etc., which made him happy. He knew that memory chips alone would not be enough.

The memory chips piled up are all routines.


You can learn to draw from a memory chip.

But you can never be Van Gogh.


Because you're not the only one who uses memory chips.

When everyone has the same skills, you have nothing.

In other words, you still have to roll.

Yuan Qing finished the meal with him, took a shower at his place, and then left. It was said that her hot water system was affected by the battle and malfunctioned, and it would take a few days for repairs.

When Lu Fuji listened to the sound of running water in the bath, he felt sick.

He practiced like this all night, and the numerology chips were broken everywhere.

After one night, his life energy accumulation had reached 15%.

The assimilation of numerology is also full at the same time.

It has to be said that he does not need the marrow of the sacred tree to replenish his lifespan. Practicing the sacred rhythm is just like playing. As long as he has enough numerology chips, he can quickly reach the limit of the glory world.

If this continues, his life energy will accumulate faster and faster.

But the assimilation of numerology will most likely not be able to keep up.

Unless he is given a super-large thunderstorm that is rare in a century.


He breathed a long sigh of relief, and the severe pain in his mind gradually faded away.

As he went further and further on the road of evolution, his pain became more and more intense. If his physical fitness had not become stronger, he would have been unable to bear it and died of pain.

How strange.

His life level is evolving, and his symptoms are becoming more and more serious.

But he won't die yet.


He got up, brushed his teeth and washed, picked up the mobile phone issued by the military department, thought for a while and made a call: "Annan has been delivered. Are you sure you have done everything you can?"

It was now six o'clock in the morning. After Longque answered the phone, he yawned and said, "Is this the reason for this kind of thing in the middle of the night? Don't worry, I have implanted drugs into his body, and he will be healed within three hours." If the patient becomes ill, they can only carry out resuscitation and cannot conduct a trial at all."

Lu Fuji was stunned: "Why did you pick up the phone so quickly? Didn't you sleep?"

On the phone, Long Que said calmly: "Well, we visited and investigated all night. What Dongshan said is true. There is really this kind of strange disease in the city. But it is obviously not an infectious disease or a toxin, but Dark matter. Generally speaking, dark matter will quickly deplete after leaving the body of the White Walkers. Therefore, in the past five hundred years, there has been no news of humans being infected with dark matter."

He paused and his voice became deeper: "But the evolutionary chain of the Creation Mother's Nest is different. Their dark matter can still maintain amazing activity after leaving themselves... This matter should have been adjudicated by the heretics. He is responsible for it, but have you heard about the previous Grand Adjudicator?”

I see.

Lu Fuji brushed his teeth and said into his mobile phone: "Oh, is that the poor guy you hanged? If it were him, he could indeed suppress this matter, but it wouldn't mean that no news could be spread at all. Right? There must be a lot of moles in this city."

"This is the real clue that can dig up the foundation of the Corpse Food Cult. If I guessed correctly, Project Alpha should have been officially launched, right? Ghost Bones is exactly what you need."

Longque said calmly: "I'll take a rest and see you at the same place at noon."

Just as Lu Fuji hung up the phone, there was a sudden sound of breaking from the glass window.

He was startled.

Fortunately, Lu Sixian was not there, otherwise he would have been scratched by glass fragments.

He walked out of the bathroom and found a sack thrown in.

When he opened the sack, he was stunned.

Because there are densely packed merit tickets in the sack.

Bundle after bundle.

It looks like stolen money.

Lu Fuji covered the sack.

"What the hell?"

After thinking about it, this should be the handiwork of the original family.

It's like Xia Yan's work style.

"You have to have seven or eight thousand merit votes, right?"

Lu Fuji murmured: "Where can I spend money here?"

Suddenly, the doorbell of the dormitory rang.

The guard reported: "Sir Lu, someone wants to see you."

Lu Fujian answered the call: "Who is it?"

The guard said: "The person from the Morgan Consortium who is here to deliver supplies is named Zhang."

Lu Fuji was overjoyed: "Let him come up!"

Boss Zhang once again gained permission to enter the military base. This time he looked in better condition than before. The clothes he wore were all relatively high-end brands, but for some reason he was a bit sly. He carefully sneaked to the door and said: " Little deer, here I come!”

Lu Buer said angrily: "What are you doing with such a sly look?"

As soon as he finished speaking, something was stuffed into his hand.

"I got it for you on the black market."

Boss Zhang lowered his voice and said: "I heard that something big has happened in the military department recently. The competition among soldiers is fierce, especially you officers. I am afraid that you will suffer a loss because you are new here, so I specially bought you some contraband. ...Well, don’t let anyone know.”

Lu Fuji lowered his head and saw that it was actually a handful of memory chips.

"Professional medical memory chip, professional theft memory chip, professional investigation memory chip, professional swordsmanship memory chip! There are four in total. Find a place where no one is around to digest them. His grandma's. In order to do these things, I Almost got in."

Boss Zhang wiped a cold sweat.

The four professional-grade memory chips have been specially processed. During the initial inspection, it was impossible to tell that they were contraband and were mixed with regular supplies.

But it can definitely be found out during the inspection.

However, he had already established a good relationship and found an opportunity to take out the things.

Boss Zhang whispered: "These things are not in the military supply warehouse, right? They are all made by the wanderers and scavengers who have wandered into the land of the past. It is said that the production method is a bit bloody. There are advanced and professional grades The difference is that the former can be produced in batches, while the latter can kill people. I heard that today’s top agents basically have these four types!”

They don't even know how to make memory chips.

But just by looking at the name, I can tell that it was read from the human brain.

Generally speaking, existing technologies read at most to advanced levels.

For example, the chip obtained by reading the memory of a chess master can make you invincible in urban Go games, but it cannot let you win the championship in the world competition.

Because the technology is limited.

If you try to read it forcefully, it will damage the brain of the chess master.

As for this professional level...

No need to think about it, it must be bloody.

The same goes for chips including surgical techniques.

At most, you can learn the principles.

Whether you can actually pull it off is another matter.

Moreover, there is no strongest technique, only the most suitable one.

Forcibly learning from others is not necessarily a good thing.

It is better to adjust according to your actual situation.

Lu Buer was shocked, because the only ones that could be exchanged in the munitions warehouse were high-grade ones, and there were actually professional-grade ones on the black market. He couldn't help but ask, "How did you get it?"

Boss Zhang was frightened when he thought about it: "It all depends on luck. I still have a few high-level ones that I don't need, so I will give them to Lao An later. By the way, there is still a lot of money..."

He took out a stack of merit tickets: "More than two thousand, it is the profit of the store."

Lu Buer pushed him back with his backhand.

Boss Zhang was stunned when he saw the young man opening a sack in front of him.

Lu Fuji said calmly: "Are you afraid?"

Boss Zhang had already begun to tremble: "Afraid."

Lu Buer shrugged: "Let's put half of it into our clothes. I'll take you out later. These things are yours. You can continue to run your shop after you go out. If you find an opportunity, help me sell some." Stolen goods. Remember not to take risks, protect yourself first."

Boss Zhang trembled and nodded, taking out a bag from his back: "These are clothes given by the merchant we cooperate with, and they are a big brand. I looked very good, so I gave you a set, and I also kept it for my daughter. One set. I will go to the Population and Resources Bureau later to pick up my daughter."

Lu Fuji was stunned: "Okay, do you have a house?"

Boss Zhang shook his head: "We'll live in the dormitory."

Lu Buer glanced at the sack: "You can use the money to buy a house first. Just treat it as if I borrowed it from you. You won't have to pay it back for a while. Anyway, the stolen money... won't be spent all for a while."

Boss Zhang glared: "That will kill me."

They hurriedly took off their clothes and stuffed their merit tickets into their thermal clothes.

Lu Fuji put on the black woolen coat he brought, lined with a black suit and a white shirt, making him look like a soldier as a mafia man.

Other mafiosi's clothes are stuffed with bulletproof steel plates.

He was stuffed full of merit tickets.


Boss Zhang praised: "You have temperament!"



Ten minutes later, Lu Fuji was already sitting on the tram eating steamed buns. The streets were very deserted early in the morning, especially since the military area was located in the suburbs and there was no fireworks.

I thought he had woken up early enough, and I only found out the real situation when I inquired.

After the military officers obtained the right to leave the military camp, some of them went out to investigate the case at three o'clock in the morning. The camp was now empty, not even a military dog ​​could be seen.

"What a roll."

He took a hard bite of the bun.

In his hand were fragments of four professional-grade memory chips.

The majestic memory washed through his mind forcefully, making him miserable.

Fortunately, he was already used to the pain.

He just got through it.

At this moment, he was digesting four professional-level skills, and a large amount of knowledge appeared in his mind out of thin air, as well as the impulse that originated from the body's instinct.

When he saw the wallet, he wanted to steal it.

When you see a person with a bad temperament, you judge what disease he has.

If you look closely at a passerby, you will know whether he has been to a foot-washing city recently.

In particular, the memory and instinct of swordsmanship made him even more eager to move. If Yu Lei hadn't been stuffed into his tennis bag, he would have really wanted to take it out for a few strokes.

"Have you collected all the money?"

Lu Fuji asked.

After the launch of Project Alpha, the military's material control was very strict.

It's almost impossible to do something small.

But cash still has a lot of room to maneuver.

Boss Zhang sat next to him, sorted out the merit tickets and stuffed them back into his bag. He couldn't help complaining: "Isn't this too impressive? I'm really afraid of being robbed on the road."

Lu Buer waved his hand: "I will escort you back, don't panic."

Boss Zhang was relieved: "That's fine."

"By the way, Lao Zhang, are you still in the underground neighborhood?"

Lu Fuji suddenly asked.

Boss Zhang replied: "I opened two chain stores in the underground neighborhood, mainly selling vegetables. I opened a fruit store next to the Third Ring Road, and I am planning to open a few more branches."

Now that he has a large amount of start-up capital, he can start big.

"Then have you heard about the infectious diseases in the underground neighborhoods?"

Lu Fuji asked again.

Boss Zhang slapped his thigh: "Of course, otherwise why would I want to move out quickly? At first, everyone thought it was just an ordinary flu, but now the situation is really different. Everyone's situation is getting more and more serious. , I disinfect it every day.”

Lu Fuji shook his head: "It's damn good if disinfection works."

Boss Zhang complained: "Hey, the people at the sacrificial hall said the same thing yesterday."

Lu Fuji was stunned: "Sacrifice hall?"

Boss Zhang said: "Yes, people from the sacrificial hall came yesterday. A pretty but very cold nun came with two fools. One fool was Savadika, and the other fool was Doctors are here to treat illnesses."

"But even so, their disease still cannot be cured."

He sighed: "In the end, it was the nun who stabilized the patients' conditions in the hospital using some unknown method. Some people said that she used the power of God, which put a heavy load on herself. Big. When I came this morning, I heard that she was still in the hospital. People in the underground neighborhood were very grateful to her and sent her several banners, but she rejected them all."

Lu Fuji fell silent.

"Snow lotus?"

He frowned and said, "Take me to see it."

In fact, before this, he had no good impression of religion.

I thought that the so-called sacrificial hall was just a group of liars who were worshiped by others.

But I didn't expect that the high priest's students were actually treating illnesses and saving people.

It was obvious that he had received the news from Longque and rushed to the underground neighborhood immediately.

"Because it can't be cured, why use magic?"

Lu Fujiu touched his chin and pondered.

If the patients in the underground block are really contaminated by dark matter, then his ability may play a key role in forcibly devouring them.

The tram stops at a platform near the underground district.

Boss Zhang took him underground in an engineering elevator, walked through dilapidated alleys, and arrived at a decent-looking community hospital.

When Lu Fuji saw this community hospital, he was obviously stunned.

Because of the name.

"Dongshan Community Welfare Hospital?"

Lu Fuji murmured in a low voice: "What that guy said is true."

The hospital was already overcrowded and smelled of disinfectant.

There were patients lying everywhere in the outpatient building of the hospital, and the nurses were very busy.

Lu Fuji saw that familiar figure in the crowd at a glance.

The black and white nun's uniform, the slender and graceful back, the long hair scattered like a waterfall, and the fleeting white profile of the face, but she was a little haggard.

Xuelian had obviously been busy here all night. Her sweat-soaked hair was stuck to her smooth forehead, and her cherry lips were a little dry due to long-term lack of water.

Mental exhaustion and physical weakness made her look a little haggard, but she did not show any fatigue. Her eyes became more and more determined, and she forced herself to read the pathology report displayed on the instrument, silently accumulating the long-awaited results. Deficient divine power.

"A little hungry..."

She thought silently in her heart.

Si Yixian greeted the patient beside him like an idiot.

Chu He frowned and frantically made a list of medicines on the paper.


Someone suddenly handed over a bag of breakfast: "Fresh steamed buns and tofu puffs."

Xuelian turned around and was slightly startled.

This kid is dressed quite nicely today.

Five thousand four in this chapter!

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