The edge of pure land

Chapter 143 People walking under the sun

In the flooded underground neighborhoods, submarines were already loaded with refugees from the disaster area. These huge steel monsters were airlifted by super-large transport helicopters. They were mobilized and operated by the City Lord's Joint City Safety Committee and played a vital role. role.

However, because there were too many people in the underground block, the refugees who could not evacuate were taken to a safe zone in the south. The church clergy created a special alchemical matrix here, which not only isolated the surging water, but also provided enough oxygen.

Finally, the army is stationed and protected, making it foolproof.

"A huge energy fluctuation has been detected near the underground ruins. It is expected to collapse in five minutes and fifty-six seconds. Rescue workers are requested to lead the refugees to evacuate as soon as possible!"

In the control room of the command ship, Lyman saw the report detected on the projection screen, immediately turned around and strode to the conference hall to report the specific situation.

Ever since he was instantly killed by Dragon Bird in Waste Factory Street, his soul blade has been crushed, along with his self-esteem. In view of his injuries, he did not join the frontline combat troops, but came to the end of his life. Participate in rescue operations in disaster-stricken areas.

At this moment, the Russell family is in a state of panic. If the rescue work in the disaster area is not in place, it is hard to say whether they can maintain their current status, let alone return to Tianzhu City.

So that the young master looked as pale as a lonely ghost.

Not to mention juniors like Yuna and Luke.

"Have all our rescue teams returned?"

Cameron roared in the corridor: "Get them back!"

Xia Yan yelled: "The hatch has been opened! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

The senior officials were all in a mess. No one knew what was happening at this moment. The top priority was to withdraw the people, otherwise those people would be buried in the underground ruins.

"Beware of another terrorist attack from the Tower of Babel!"

"Gao Muli has been severely wounded by Admiral Su and is unable to fight anymore!"

"Where is the opponent's quasi-Aragami level combat power?"

"The Grand Adjudicator Longque is watching from above!"

Admiral Su Shi looked at the huge red dot displayed on the projection screen in silence. At this moment, most of the rescue team had taken the refugees into the submarine, and the remaining part had also entered the alchemical matrix, but in the underground ruins There are still people who haven't come out.

He was soaked all over and his breath was a little restless.

The veins in his clenched right hand bulged slightly.

He knew that the flood in the underground ruins should have been successfully stopped, because the Holy Intelligence Network had detected four minutes ago that the dark matter concentration of the water flow was no longer increasing.

Because Xuelian was already sitting in the drying room in the rest area, her waterfall-like black hair was being dried, her loose nun clothes were fluttering in the hot wind, and her eyes were full of exhaustion.

Now that the high priests are back, it proves that the source of the disaster has been solved.

But the problem is, some people haven't come back yet.

The countdown is three minutes and twenty-two seconds, and the dawn special sequence returns.

Three people were missing.

With a countdown of two minutes and four seconds, the submarine fleet prepared to surface.

Ai Yue did not come back.

Qingye and Lu Ming didn't come back either.

Lu Fuji and the little nun he brought did not come back either.

After one minute and three seconds of countdown, there was a violent roar in the area where the underground ruins were located, as if they were sinking into deep water, and majestic dust spurted out.

Admiral Su Shi still couldn't wait for the news he wanted.

No sound came out from the intercom.

Finally, he gave the order.

"All fleets, prepare to surface!"

The current situation cannot be delayed any longer. The underground ruins have completely collapsed. It is impossible for the people trapped inside to come out again. There is no point in them continuing to stay.

There are still many lives on the submarine that need to be saved.

They can't afford to lose a lot for a small amount of money.

He turned around and looked at the high priest in the rest area.

"Will they come back?"

Xuelian silently picked up a cup of hot tea, opened her red lips and blew the tea into a circle of ripples. There was a hint of coldness in her slightly hoarse voice: "The person I choose will not be so short-lived."

Admiral Sush stared at her silently.

Xuelian knew that he was worried about his daughter and said calmly: "With his competitive character, even if he dies, he will never leave your daughter to live alone."

Today, she has understood the boy's heart.

In her two hundred years of life, she had never seen such a competitive person.

Underneath that young man's seemingly naughty and arrogant appearance, hidden is an extremely passionate soul, which has been burning since he learned that he was ill and has not been extinguished to this day.

He wants to conquer life.

He wants to defeat the disease.

He wants to defeat death.

He wants to defeat fate.

No matter Longque or Su Shi, they still couldn't understand why the most legendary holy high priest since the beginning of the new era paid so much attention to a young man who had just emerged from his cocoon.

In fact, it was not because of that encounter in the underground ruins.

But earlier.

Xuelian once investigated the information of that boy. When he was in the third grade of junior high school, he wrote an essay with a score of zero just because the last sentence in the article cursed.

The original text says this:

"It would be great if fate were a concrete person. Then when I die, I can rot like a dead dog at his door and scare him when he goes out in the morning."

It was these words that Xuelian deeply remembered this boy.

Because of this, Xuelian felt that he would not die.

The people around him won't die either.

The Corpse Eater Cult and the people from the Tower of Babel provoked him, and he had not yet disgusted his enemies. At this time, the gods and Buddhas in the sky protected him and allowed him to fight a beautiful victory.

Just like the words in the Garden of Heroes at the Military Region Headquarters: "May our martyrs in heaven protect you, may you be invulnerable to weapons and bullets, may you be invulnerable to water and fire, may you be radiant and invincible..."



At this moment, Lu Fuji was swimming upstream, with thousands of dark arcs wrapping around his body, his white hair fluttering in the current, and his eyes filled with fierce lightning.

His naked upper body with clear muscles was swinging the black wooden knife. The blade flashed with fierce thunder and lightning, sweeping across the turbulent water like lightning, splitting the boulders falling from the top of his head, and seemed to also blow the deep water into pieces. The darkness was split in two.

His other hand gathered terrifying thunder.

Thunder sounded, and a huge flash of light flashed away, breaking away the stubborn rocks!

This is his strongest state after breaking out of his cocoon. Based on his initial loose power, he mastered the thunder of long-range sniping and the blue flash of instant kill at close quarters, and was sublimated by the power of immortality.

Although the soul blade has not been fused yet.

But he felt that he had no rivals at this stage.

Lu Sixian only needed to hide behind him. Even after using the dark magic, she was extremely exhausted, but the boulders falling from the bottom of the water could not hurt her at all.

Because her brother is paving the way for her.

It gave her an unprecedented sense of security.

Even though this place allowed her to sense the holy mountains that often appeared in nightmares, and the heavy pressure of deep water could easily breed fear, she really wasn't afraid at all.

She was still immersed in the joy of helping her brother.

Very satisfied.

Ai Yue, who was seriously injured, seemed to have re-recognized this young man. The way he cut a way out of the water with his upper body naked was so powerful. Even if he choked repeatedly after losing the supply of oxygen, he was not hurt by the huge pain. Not even the slightest waver.

The consciousness is so clear.

The power of immortality is repairing his body.

Even if it is occasionally hit by a boulder, it can still withstand the damage.

The hand holding the knife is so steady.

The raised fingers never missed the target.

Cool eyes.

White hair floating in the water.

There are also the flowing lines of the muscles when swinging the knife.

It's like a mural from ancient times, immortal for thousands of years.

After reaching the third victory realm, Lu Fuji is already unreasonably strong. At least without the soul blade fusion, he can be ranked in the top five after the start of the new era, and he can even compete for the top three.

As long as the soul blade is forged well, it can compete for the first place in history!

Of course, this is because Ai Yue doesn't know his hidden abilities.

Such as White Walker transformation!

But strength is not what touches Ai Yue the most.

Because when the underground ruins collapsed, the first thing Lu Fuji did when he led them to escape was to return to the corridor and pick up a body.

Lu Ming's body.

Lu Bu Er lives up to his name.

Tell the truth.

If I say I'll take you out, I'll take you out.

As for the bone of the god in Takagi He's hand and the box containing the hidden blood in Qingye's hand, he didn't even take a second look at it, without any nostalgia.

However, Ai Yue didn't know.

In fact, Lu Fuji had noticed those things a long time ago.

But the situation was critical and he had no time to get it.

Therefore, he summoned the flaming ghosts he controlled and dived into the water.

As for whether the White Walkers die or not, it has nothing to do with him.

Even if he died, he didn't let the White Walkers die.

He just asked the White Walkers to get his things for him.

If you don't get it, it would be nice not to ask them for lost time pay.

Lu Fuji once again used the God's Seed to swallow the last ten black crystals. A large amount of life energy filled his body again. He thrust towards the exit of the underground ruins. Thunder and lightning burst out almost instantly, blasting away the rubble. Cut through the rock wall.

Go against the current.

It's like going straight from the abyss to heaven.



The next morning, fish belly white appeared in the east.

The initial rescue operation has been over for four hours. Submarines are floating on the water. The dry and hot weather has made the people on the rescue team sweat. Everyone is tired and slumped in the tent near the embankment, munching hot dogs and sandwiches. .

Last night, several cities near Linhai City had dispatched military support, as well as medical staff and medical equipment arriving on special planes to help rescue refugees in the disaster area.

Otherwise, Linhai's medical system will definitely collapse.

Su Shi, who currently has the highest military rank in Linhai City, led the Dawn Special Sequence and stood in front of the embankment, looking at the blocks submerged by the water, with a heavy look on his face.

These people stood here all night like sculptures.

“How long can the dry weather last?”

Su Shi suddenly asked.

Longque was sitting in a wheelchair smoking a cigarette, his face was as pale as ever, and an angry little nurse stood beside him to help him hook up the intravenous drip: "It can last about ten days, right? You can't use dry weather to prevent floods." Steaming and drying still requires some technology and hard work.”

"I'm just worried that the thunder attribute evolver from the eighth wisdom realm will come back. If your dry weather can be maintained forever, she will probably be more cautious."

Su Shi said quietly.

"It doesn't matter, the fire in her will always burn."

Longque blew out a smoke ring: "I'm also curious about how she should deal with it."

Xuelian crossed her arms and glanced at this guy, sensing his current state of life. She frowned slightly and said nothing, continuing to look at the calm water.

"No, no?"

Xia Yan paced back and forth anxiously: "Isn't it really gone?"

Cameron's face turned green: "God bless..."

The senior officers of the military department are all here.

Including Lyman and other members of the Russell family.

After all, if Ai Yue died here, it would be equivalent to the death of the first genius of the military in the past ten years, which would be a huge loss to the entire federation.

The Linhai District must bear the responsibility.

The Russell family has to follow suit.

And the most troublesome thing is that if Lu Buer dies...

What will the dragon bird do?

no one knows.

In fact, everyone here is not feeling relaxed.

We can only talk occasionally to share our attention.

There are still fifteen minutes until the next search and rescue operation begins.

After fifteen minutes, they can no longer waste time here.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but when the first ray of sunshine in the morning illuminated the water, someone walked out of the waist-deep water, all wet, holding a corpse in his arms, and the girls were silent Following him was like holding a funeral.

Under the sun, Admiral Su Shi's face was as hard as stone.

He raised his hand and put it on his chest, bowing slightly.

A swish sound.

Everyone in the Dawn Special Sequence clenched their fists and saluted.

All the soldiers present put their right hands on their chests.

I don’t know who this respect is for.

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