The edge of pure land

Chapter 169 Selfless Mrs. Deer

Half asleep and half awake, Lianhua actually felt a little panicked.

how can that be possible.

How could she be panicking?

During this period of time in the dream, she had been holding that person's hand, and it was still a particularly intimate interlocking of fingers, which made her feel safe in the dream.

Until the moment I let go, I felt lost.

As if she had lost something very important, the huge gap made her suddenly wake up, and her eyes reflected endless brilliant holy light, full of majesty.

She stood up from the bed, her silky black hair falling down like a waterfall, her delicate white face as flawless as a celestial being, her eyes and brows revealing a thrilling beauty, she breathed the fresh air of early spring and tightened her plump lips Petal fell into silence.

The right hand is empty.

It seems like something is missing.

"This ceremony went particularly smoothly..."

she said softly.

She has never mentioned it to anyone for more than two hundred years. Replenishing divine power is an extremely painful thing. As the deficient divine power is gradually replenished, the process is like a mortal gradually becoming a god, while his own humanity is gradually being replenished. stripped out.

It felt like being torn apart alive.

This is a very mysterious phenomenon. There are similar sayings in the orthodox myths and legends of the East and the West. That is, in the process of gradually getting closer to God, people must gradually abandon the seven emotions and six desires, follow the development of all things in the universe, and conform to the laws of natural growth. .

According to existing scientific research, the reason for this phenomenon is that human beings cannot bear the huge energy irrigation beyond their own limits, resulting in a special out-of-control phenomenon. The popular description is more like an unusual obsession, but the symptoms are not that of madness, but that they become indifferent and lose their humanity.

Traditional evolvers, on the other hand, are not troubled because their own life levels have been evolving and their own power has always remained within a controllable range.

The holy high priests of the Akashic Religion are different. They were all ordinary humans at first, but they were able to sublimate because they were born with the power of the sacred tree.

Every sacrificial ceremony was an extremely painful torture for the holy high priest, but this time, he didn't feel any pain. It was really miraculous.

"My father is in heaven, may your name be a saint, your kingdom be present, and may all your wishes be fulfilled!"

Accompanied by devout prayers, the ceremony in the monastery was finally completed, and the huge light pillar falling from the sky disappeared into the void, leaving only golden light fragments.

She lowered her head and glanced at the robe on her body. She suddenly felt a little bit tacky for some reason, so she went to the cloakroom and changed into a black off-shoulder dress, and then put on a gauze shawl, letting her black hair fall down and wearing a headscarf. I'm too lazy to wear it, it's really ugly.

Suddenly, she saw something strange in the cloakroom.

A pair of unopened white stockings.

Memories suddenly came to mind.

Amusement parks, aquariums, cherry blossom petals scattered in the wind.

And those two cups of milk tea with a lot of sugar.

And that "Your Name."

"Shika Fuji?"

She remembered who the person in the dream was.

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Now that she has regained her divinity, of course she will not admit that relationship. She only thinks that she is dealing with the nonsense of a little guy. After all, she has indeed accepted his love.

Well, absolutely not.

Now she is the Holy High Priest.


Of course I won't favor any one person over the other.

Absolutely not.

She opened the door and saw her students face to face. Her majestic and beautiful eyes immediately scanned everyone present and forcibly read their consciousness.

Ye Zilin, who was still sleeping, felt as if he had been split open by a thunderbolt. His spring and autumn dream was suddenly disturbed, and all his recent memories were forcibly taken away.

I almost had epileptic seizures in my dream.

Fortunately, his junior brothers immediately supported him.

Unexpectedly, Si Yixian and Chu He were not spared.

It was as if his forehead had been split open with a knife.

Normally Lianhua would not use such crude means to explore other people's memories, but at this moment her state seemed a bit abnormal. There was a hint of humanity hidden in her majestic divinity, so she looked at these stupid people. The students are a bit displeased.

A lot of information flooded into my mind along with my memories.

Useful, useless.

A whole lot.

Some of them made her look even colder.

"The teacher is not worthy of being a high priest at all. He talks about selfless love and is not even willing to dedicate himself. It is clear that as long as she marries herself, I will be able to get the method to purify the dark matter, and then I can leave my name in the history of medicine. Isn’t it beautiful?”

"It's so boring to keep a straight face all day long. If you don't say a word, won't you be suffocating yourself to death? Some people actually like a boring person like the teacher?"

"Why doesn't the teacher come out? I really want to go to bed. Could it be that he is dead? If he is dead, then I can go back to sleep. The major named Lu is also serious. Hurry and get the teacher to Take it away, and my soul will be freed!"

Lian Hua's pretty face was covered with frost until she read the summary of intelligence since the Holy Mountain survey operation: "Dragon Bird died, Dragon Ling became a god, Metanzo escaped from trouble..."

Unexpectedly, once we said goodbye at the seaside, we would be separated from each other in this life.

As the holy high priest, Lianhua could actually feel the energy residue of that man dissipating in the world, and could also sense his mood before his death.

When Longque left, he left with relief and satisfaction.

I walked the last part of my life very happily.

Although his life was short and rough.

But also wonderful.

If she were in a human state, she would probably be a little disappointed.

But at this moment he just nodded slightly.

What is more important to consider is that the human world has lost a large amount of super combat power.

And Long Ling's becoming a god was something she didn't expect. Although she had imagined in advance that there were huge secrets hidden in the holy mountain, she didn't expect that it would really allow humans to have the power of gods. From then on, the world would probably fall into huge turmoil. , it is difficult to collect water.

As for Metanzo's escape, it was expected, and the light energy between heaven and earth was so clear, but I don't know where the madman is hiding now and what his intentions are.

Next, she read the battle situation in the Land of the Past.

We also learned about the dangerous situation Linhai City is currently in.

Including the realm of God that covers the entire Linhai City, it is very difficult.

The list of casualties was a trivial matter by comparison.

There was just a small impulse in her heart that made her read the list of casualties carefully and saw that familiar name listed.

There was a click.

A crack instantly appeared on the porcelain bottle in the bedroom.

A huge golden light swept across.

The officiating priests had splitting headaches, and there was a bang in their minds!

"Teacher, stop it!"

They said painfully: "We were wrong..."

Unexpectedly, Lianhua seemed to be unheard of.

Her hair was blown by the wind, messing up her deep beautiful eyes. She looked at the falling cherry blossoms outside the window in despair, and every bit of the time she had spent together came to mind.

The cherry blossoms in my memory seemed to become clearer, as if I could recall the feeling of the petals falling on my skin, and the sweetness of the milk tea flowing in my mouth.

The ups and downs of a roller coaster ride.

Madness when bumper cars collide.

There is also a Ferris wheel illuminated by the sun.

The young man's flamboyant white hair was swaying in the wind.

There was also a dark cinema, and there was someone holding her hand from beginning to end, and the gesture of interlocking fingers was exactly the same as what had appeared in the dream, giving her an inexplicable sense of security.

Memories begin to flash back.

Emotions began to boil.

Fragmented golden light loomed under her snow-white skin, and sadness was dense like mist. However, the entire sacrificial hall felt a great pressure, as if it was shaken for a moment, and the old believers knelt down one after another.

Lianhua's skirt was swaying and her expression was in a trance.

It actually looks a little lonely.

really weird.

It's clearly just a single individual.

Why does she feel so sad?

No, wait.

She suddenly turned around and looked at her youngest student.

Lu Sixian is the only one whose memory has not been read. Her power is very special and her brain cannot be easily spied on.

Sensing the teacher's gaze, she raised her head.

Lianhua looked at her coldly.

Waiting for her to speak first.

As the holy high priest, she must be selfless and not mix in any personal feelings. Of course, it is not convenient for her to show concern about the life and death of a little guy and act like she cares about it.

Lu Sixian ate the ice cream expressionlessly.

Wait for the teacher to ask first.

In fact, Lu Sixian's attitude towards this woman is very subtle.

It's like something.

Your brother sent you to kindergarten to study.

The beautiful female teacher in the kindergarten has a crush on your brother.

A bit forbidden, but not impossible.

Lu Sixian didn't completely regard herself as a student.

Instead, she considers herself as a sister-in-law.

Just in time to test whether this woman is loyal to her brother.

Lianhua also felt that he had a firm grip on this little girl.

Little did they know that Lu Sixian had already made a move to rebel against Tiangang.

The teacher and the student looked at each other in silence for a long time.

The lotus flower is noble and cool.

Lu Sixian is cute and ruthless.

In fact, Lianhua had already judged the so-called truth through the little girl's emotions, but the panic deep in her heart did not disappear. She had to get the answer personally.

After a long time, she couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Your brother is dead?"

Lu Sixian took a sip of the ice cream and replied expressionlessly: "My brother is not dead. He deepened his secret protection and completely hid himself."

It turns out the little thing can talk.

But she had to speak first.

Lianhua closed her beautiful eyes, took a deep breath, her chest rose and fell violently, and for some reason she felt the urge to send all her students to reincarnation.

After hesitating for a long time, she said coldly: "Feel where he is."

Lu Sixian remained expressionless: "I just sensed it half an hour ago. My dark matter has been used up. The next time I sense it will be twelve hours later."

The seemingly emotionless answer seemed to have a hidden meaning.

——You can feel it too!

Lianhua's eyes trembled slightly.

In the end, the selfless high priest used the power of divine power and used the immortal power remaining in his body as a medium to try to find the existence of that person in the vast sea of ​​people.

Because Lu Fuji hid himself with his secret blood, his specific situation could not be clearly perceived even with divine magic.

But Lianhua's magical attainments are extremely high.

Accurately, he sensed a touch of emotion belonging to him.

It was an extremely intense emotion.

Like burning blood and fire.

And in the silence, it roared like thunder.

At this moment, when he heard the familiar sound of thunder, Lianhua felt a sense of relief, but the emotion was too hot, as if even he himself was burned up.

This is completely different from the previous deer.

Some ridiculous ideas came to Lianhua's mind.

He was actually worried about what he had experienced on the Holy Mountain.

Are there any injuries?

Have you ever been wronged?

Is there anyone by his side to accompany him.

Would you feel lonely if there was no one around?

Lotus pursed her plump red lips, her eyes a little dazed.

Until there were footsteps on the stairs.

Archbishop Li Ang led the congregation up and bowed slightly: "It seems that you, the high priest, have recovered well. In this case, let's prepare for the meeting. The Soul Temple has been prepared. Facing the Supreme God of Site No. 5, we must We need to discuss a battle plan.”

Within the system of the Akashic Holy Cult, the pope, deputy pope and the five holy high priests have the highest status, and the cardinals are slightly behind.

Except for the Holy Officer and the Grand Priest.

Lianhua was silent for a second.

The burning blood and fire seemed to still remain in my mind.

"I will protect this city, and my plan is to fight."

Naturally, Lianhua would not have a good look on this person.

Because this archbishop was just here to monitor her.

Lianhua turned around indifferently and came to the window overlooking the city in the early morning.

She suddenly raised her eyes, and the dark universe seemed to be reflected in the depths of her pupils. Endless holy light burst out instantly, seemingly able to take in the entire world!

Even Archbishop Li Ang felt the huge pressure, and the believers from the City of God also retreated and performed religious rituals respectfully.

The students of the high priest also know that the teacher is serious about this.

First, Lianhua wants to find out all the traitors in this city!

With the use of divine magic, a golden city structure map emerged in the void. It was so three-dimensional and clear, accurately showing intricate streets and orderly buildings. Tens of millions of light spots symbolized Citizens with vital signs.

However, at this moment, countless light spots turned black at a suddenly visible speed.

Dense black fills the city structure map!

"How come there are so many!"

Archbishop Li Ang murmured.

The believers were so frightened that their expressions suddenly changed.

This shows that there are very heretics hiding in this city now, and there may even be a large number of strange ghosts lurking in the city!

For a moment, the city's structural diagram was distorted, and countless lines converged like whirlpools, and endless black mist emerged.

A face faintly emerged.


Huge pressure came over, and Lianhua's beautiful eyes suddenly became sharp.

Just at this moment, a believer hurried over and said in a deep voice: "The high priest, the archbishop, there is important news. Arthur Russell sent someone to deliver a letter! The letter was not wrapped in an envelope, and we saw the inside The content. What Arthur Russell means is that they have opened an exit in the city's barrier."

He paused: "Those people want the high priest... to escape!"



Late at night, Linhai North Railway Station.

According to the urban traffic management treaty, the train station usually stops running after twelve o'clock in the morning, but tonight an express white train crossed the track, piercing the night like a long queue in the sky, and finally slowly stopped at On the platform.

Train No. HT001, this special number, means a mysterious side train, specially provided for those evolutionists who venture to the land of the living.

Most of the people who can enter the land of death have retired from the military. They are unwilling to return to a peaceful daily life and would rather live a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife.

Of course, this kind of life is dangerous, but it also makes a lot of money.

Therefore, the people on this train are all experienced and ruthless evolvers. Some of them belong to a hunting union, there are also bounty hunters active on the dark web, and there are also some adventure groups composed of young people. In short, it is a mixed bag. There is something for everyone.

The conductor will examine this group of adventurers every time. In fact, the rank of this group of people is not very high. They are destined to be unlikely to get anything rare in the land of death. However, it is not ruled out that occasionally someone can get lucky. Such people often Get off the bus a few stops early.

I will not enter the city through formal security check channels.

And those who can ride all the way here means they haven’t caught anything good.

Of course, there is one exception.

That is because the other party is confident that it can defeat the supervision of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

For example, the guy sitting by the window in the fourth row of carriage three.

"Hey brother, this thing of yours is... pure gold, right?"

A gray-haired passenger spoke with a Beijing movie accent and licked his lips: "I just came back from the Land of the Past? Wasn't that place closed three months ago? Or did you do this a long time ago?" Will things come back recently?”

The other passengers were also staring at the boy.

In fact, they have a bolder guess.

That was the man who intercepted and killed the federal army.

Such a noble golden coffin is something extraordinary at first glance.

No one except the military can get this thing.

The strangest thing is that this young man didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but he didn't even cover his eyes with the coffin, and just took it into the car without any hesitation.

No words were spoken along the way.

He was playing with two third-level Rubik's Cubes with both hands.

Full concentration.

"Oh, it's pure gold."

The white-haired boy played with the Rubik's Cube and said calmly: "Actually, this coffin is nothing, but the guy lying inside is more valuable."


The passengers actually smelled the strange aroma in the coffin.

I don’t know if there is a female corpse lying inside that has not decayed for thousands of years or something else. It exudes the fragrance of the tree of life. Maybe it is the marrow of the sacred tree that fills the coffin!

The conductor hesitated again and again and stepped away step by step.

Because he always feels like something is going to happen.

The group of passengers stared at the coffin eagerly, obviously thinking of snatching it. If these people were given a million courage in normal times, they would not dare to have such thoughts, but they received it just two months ago. A mysterious text message.

The content of the text message is only one sentence.

——The era of disorder has arrived.

On the dark web, countless messages are popping up like mushrooms after rain.

Countless evolvers have confirmed one thing.

The order in Linhai City collapsed!

The military's troops were trapped in the land of the afterlife.

The Holy High Priest fell into a deep sleep.

The city's former guardian has turned to heresy.

The wealth and wealth of the sky is right in front of you.

Once the law loses the deterrence of violence, it becomes ineffective.

And the ways to get rich are actually written in the law.

What happens next?

The first generation of the Holy Monarch once said: "I hope that everyone in this world can feel kindness and compassion, but I will never be stupid enough to place my hope on this. I will always try to educate you, but I will always try to educate you. The knife is held at your neck."

Product carefully.

In fact, this is the situation.

Never overestimate human nature.

Once order is lost, many people can actually do anything.

Just looking at each other for a moment, the passengers were ready to take action.

The train roared and strong wind rushed in through the crack in the door.

The pages on the table were flying.

Murder is everywhere.

If you have a quick hand, you will have it, but if you have a slow hand, you will not have it.

At exactly this moment, the white-haired boy put down the Rubik's Cube.


He said suddenly.

The passengers were confused. This guy was probably not a novice.

I still don't feel the murderous intent yet.

Still playing with the Rubik's Cube.

"I didn't mean the Rubik's Cube."

Lu Fuji raised his head: "I mean, dark matter."

The murderous intention was as deep as the sea, and the lights in the carriage suddenly flickered on and off. A demon with thunder and lightning appeared in the violently flashing light at some point.


As if a demon from ancient times was holding a wooden knife in its hand, it passed by the passengers at extremely fast speeds, and a fierce electric light exploded!

In just a moment, the bodies of all the passengers were separated.

The train conductor who hid in advance seemed to have seen something terrifying, because it was the blazing ghost that had appeared on TV news, but it was not that ferocious and terrifying. Instead, it was flowing with endless electric light, like a combination of an angel and a demon. .

After two and a half months, Lu Fuji finally managed to do two things at once and created his own dark matter body, but it was slightly different from others.

"Whether it's Dragon Bird or Dragon Ling, their dark matter bodies are illusory, but I condensed the entity, just like I created a ghost. It's interesting. What do you think this is? Could it be? Is it because of the dark matter I swallowed before?"

Lu Buer patted the golden coffin beside him and carried it behind his back. Before leaving, he glanced at the shivering conductor: "Oh, by the way, you can call the police. Remember to contact Director Charles directly and ask him I personally led the team here and told him that someone was carrying contraband. By the way, I showed him the surveillance video. I believe he will forward the video to that group of people."

After saying that, the young man turned and left, muttering: "Is there any mobile phone store open in the middle of the night? My brother's mobile phone has been reimbursed, and I don't know if my wife has come to see me. Hey, you slept well. Xiang De, do you have any inheritance or something like that? Hurry up and get some gold coins, I don’t even have ten dollars left in my pocket, I’m going to be so hungry that I can’t afford to eat..."

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