Hearing Mother Li's words, Uncle Sheng and the lieutenant colonel couldn't help but feel a little funny.

The lieutenant colonel smiled and said, "God?"

There was a trace of pride on his face: "Don't you know, the young master just enslaved a god.

Haha, gods are not qualified to bless the young master..."

When the Li family heard this, their faces showed shock.

Master, can you enslave even gods?

Their hearts were filled with awe for Qin Jun.

In any case, at least in the hearts of the Li family, Qin Jun's image can be described as wise, mighty, kind and noble.

The lieutenant colonel officer looked at Li Xiang.

He knew that this 387 young man was likely to soar into the sky.

He smiled slightly: "Your name is Li Xiang?"

Li Xiang nodded quickly: "Sir, I am Li Xiang."

He replied respectfully.

After all, this lieutenant colonel officer was very flattering to Uncle Sheng.

The lieutenant colonel behaved very kindly: "The young master has ordered you to join the army's foreign troops.

As long as you can stay for three months, you will be given talent seeds and become the young master's personal guard. "

After all, the lieutenant colonel officer couldn't help but be a little jealous of Li Xiang.

What a lucky young man.

Uncle Sheng explained with envy on the side: "That is the young master's personal bodyguard. I don't know how many children from aristocratic families have squeezed their heads and are not qualified to enter.

Li Xiang, if you really become the young master's personal guard.

I will have to rely on you to take care of me from now on! "

When Li Xiang heard this, his face showed emotion.

Li Xiang was very grateful that all four of his family could enter Dongdu.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jun actually gave him a chance to change!

He stared in silence at the direction the convoy was leaving.

Suddenly he bowed deeply and was reluctant to get up for a long time...

Chapter 163 Contempt Chain

Li Xiang is not a person who talks a lot.

But he is calm and resolute by nature, and he will repay kindness.

It was precisely because of this that Uncle Sheng was willing to help Li Xiang within his ability.

Li Xiang didn't know why Qin Jun gave him a chance.

But his heart was filled with gratitude at the moment.

He was grateful to Qin Jun for giving his family the opportunity to go to Dongdu, and even more grateful to Qin Jun for giving him the opportunity to change his destiny!


In this way, the Li family gained the qualification to live in Dongdu.

They followed Uncle Sheng into Dongdu. As soon as they entered Dongdu, the eyes of the Li family were filled with shock.

Lively entertainment and busy traffic.

The streets are very clean and various shops on both sides of the road are open for business.

Pedestrians are bustling with smiles on their faces.

Somehow, this scene made them want to cry.

This is the most common scene in the old times, but it is also the most precious scene in the last days.

Although the end of the world had only arrived not long ago, it seemed like a lifetime had passed for them.

This street scene is like a dream.

It's elusive.

No wonder everyone wants to go to Dongdu.

Here, even an ordinary person may have a better life than the high-ups in the shelters outside!

Soon, someone brought Li Xiang and his family to the Government Affairs Bureau to go through household registration procedures.

From now on, it seems that Li Xiang and his family are official residents of Dongdu.

The residence arranged for Li Xiang's family was in a civilian area.

Although it is a civilian area, the location and environment are pretty good. It is in a community with three bedrooms and one living room.

There is even a small garden in the community.

Each of the Li family finally has their own room, which is a huge difference from before when the whole family was crowded into a small cubicle of 10 square meters!

Until now, the Li family is still dizzy and feels like they are dreaming.

Yesterday they were still worrying about their next meal, but today they can already live in such a spacious and clean room?

The Li family tidied up in the afternoon.

Another staff member came to the door, preparing to arrange work for the Li family.

Although the living standards of Dongdu residents are getting higher and higher, everyone must also go to work.

The Eastern Capital does not support idle people.

Except, of course, the rich and powerful.

Perhaps they heard that the Li family was brought in under the care of a certain noble person, so the staff's choice to improve the Li family was quite good.

Li's father went to the workshop of the military factory, and Li's mother went to the canteen of the military factory.

Unlike the dark work in the shelter, here they only need to work 10 hours a day, and even have an hour's lunch break.

Mother Li's health was also taken into consideration, and she only had to work in the morning.

You can recuperate at home in the afternoon until your body recovers.

Of course, Mother Li could only get half of the grade point reward.

But even so, these are days like heaven for the Li family.

They no longer have to worry about whether there will be a zombie attack, or what to eat next.

They can survive in Dongdu as long as they work hard.

This is the happiest thing for ordinary people in the last days.

Because Li Wen was too young, only 13 years old, she was assigned a job of collecting letters.

As for Li Xiang, he got a military uniform.

From today on, he is a soldier in the foreign troops.

He will report to the field force tomorrow.

That night, Li's mother and Li Wen had a sumptuous dinner to celebrate the family's changed destiny.

This opportunity is extremely rare for them.

At the dinner table, Li's father was nagging Li Xiang.

"I think, when you get to the army, you must work hard and never let the young master down.

Our family is what it is today, thanks to the young master...¨"."

Li Xiang had firm eyes and nodded deeply.

"Dad, don't worry, I will do a good job!"


Qin Jun didn't care about the gratitude of Li Xiang's family.

He cares as little for the gratitude of the common people as he does for the hatred of the common people.

Ordinary people without power, so what about gratitude, what about hatred?

In fact, he quickly forgot about it.

After returning to Dongdu, Qin Jun ordered Lilith to build a small library next to the World Tree.

The ground in Dongdu began to tremble again.

An extremely majestic library rises from the ground, juxtaposed with the World Tree.

Like two high towers, they support the backbone of Dongdu.

This miracle appeared again in front of millions of civilians in the Eastern Capital, looking at this majestic library.

Everyone felt awe.

Even divine!

The news that Qin Jun enslaved the gods has spread throughout the eastern capital.

Upon hearing this news, the hard-working civilians in Dongdu raised their chests with pride.

Look how powerful our young master is.

Even the gods must bow before him!

They felt connected with Rong Yan, and even spontaneously celebrated Qin Jun!

In the eyes of countless civilians, Qin Jun is the incarnation of God.

But now, they feel that Qin Jun is more powerful than God!

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