The End of Technology

Chapter 181 March’s Suggestions

Real scientists are probably the purest group of people in the world. The word "real" is very important. It represents maintaining a strong curiosity about everything around them and always having a strong desire for knowledge. In order to satisfy their curiosity and thirst for knowledge, they can do far more than ordinary people can imagine.

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. This is the spirit.

If you can find the truth of the world, it doesn't matter whether you live or how long you live.

Fang Xu also said something similar. If he could solve a global problem that he was interested in by shortening his life by twenty years, he would not hesitate.

Astronomers are actually the same, and even more curious about knowledge.

The universe is so big that those who study it can easily feel despair.

The solar system in which humans live alone has a diameter of about 30 billion kilometers. At the current maximum speed of human aircraft, it would take tens of thousands of years to fly out of the solar system. The lifespan of a planet can often be measured in hundreds of millions of years. Without a strong heart, just thinking about it can easily make people feel despair.

In comparison, human lifespan is indeed too short.

Therefore, observing, speculating, and proposing various conjectures in a limited life to provide plausible explanations for various possibilities in the universe have become the most meaningful things in an astronomer's life.

The amazing thing about what Ning Zi did this time was that he speculated on a possible situation in the universe through theory. The most important thing is that his inference was correct.

This can be understood as Newton's three laws of motion, which allowed people not only to understand the interaction of forces, but also to calculate the mass, speed and force of an object. This is a milestone progress.

So it's not surprising that Ning Zi suddenly became busy.

Although the paper still needs time to prepare, Lucius Rudy worked on this project with more than a dozen astronomy friends after all.

With so many people trying to keep anyone secret, it is naturally impossible. The news began to travel around the circle again at the speed of light. The astronomy circle is actually not that big. There are actually only so many people who often attend meetings together. Once passed on to ten people, it soon spreads across the country.

Whether it is Huaqing or Yanbei astronomy departments who want to have academic discussions with Ning Zi, they are indeed sincere.

In fact, these two schools are not the only ones who want to have academic discussions with Ning Zi at the moment. Huaqing and Yanbei were the first to react because the three schools are indeed too close to each other and are now inextricably linked. It’s just convenient to find someone.

At this time, there were many people who wanted to discuss with Ning Zi. Nothing else, everyone wants to understand the theory mentioned in that paper as soon as possible.

Because this is not just about predicting stars in the galactic center, but more importantly, if they understand how Ning Ji came to the conclusion, it will make it easier for them to understand some of the laws of the universe, and maybe they can also Based on this, a new theory of the origin of the universe is made.

Just like the Big Bang theory and the white hole theory can be deduced through general relativity.

One can imagine how popular Ning Zi is at this time in the eyes of these big guys who study the universe and astrophysics.

The main reason is that Ning Zifa’s scientific papers are not very understandable.

Originally, the theory of pure mathematics is abstract enough, but Ning Zi's paper is not explained clearly. The whole paper only has six pictures, followed by strict formulas and derivation steps, with very little explanatory text. This is actually very helpful. The majority of astronomers are extremely unfriendly.

Most real astronomers are actually very good at mathematics. Because learning this stuff is actually very boring. Most of the learning process is theory or calculation. What I do most every day is analyze data, or hold a stack of information and do calculations.

But Ning Zi's mathematics paper was too obscure after all, which was probably something I had never encountered before.

So TiDa became lively again.

When Chen Lili accepted Academician Li's request in confusion and walked out of the office to Ningyuan to find Ning Jie, he saw Fan Zhenhua and Chen Wenze.

This also made Chen Lili feel a lot. What does it mean to have no interactions with others? This is it.

It is impossible to say that there is no pressure.

With students like Ning Zi, Chen Lili even felt another kind of distress, that is, the students' abilities are too outstanding, which is actually quite difficult for tutors. For example, a braggart doesn’t even know how to speak.

Fortunately, Ning Zi still respected him as a mentor and gave him enough face in front of everyone. When she saw him, she immediately greeted him: "Boss, here you go, would you like to sit down, would you like tea or water?"

Chen Lili saw that neither academician Cai Zhenhua nor Chen Wenze had a cup in front of them, so he shook his head and said, "No, I just came from the office and drank a lot of water. I'm not thirsty."

"Oh, okay, what's the matter with you? If it's a thesis issue, how about I talk to Mr. Fan and Mr. Chen first?"

"no no."

Chen Lili glanced at Chen Wenze, smiled and said: "Actually, I was entrusted by someone to come to you to talk about something, probably for the same purpose as Academician Chen. Just now, Academician Li from the Department of Astronomy at Huaqing called and said... I would like to invite you to give a lecture to share the paper you recently published in Science.

He knows about your relationship with Hua Qing... Well, so he specifically emphasized that he doesn't care about the school's affairs. He just invites you to have an exchange purely on behalf of the astronomy department. He asked me to come and talk to you first. We were all colleagues before, so I couldn't say no, so I thought we were close anyway, so I came over to ask what you meant. "

Obviously, in Chen Lili's view, there is nothing to hide in this matter, and it can help his students raise their status.

"Haha, when I came here I thought that Lao Li would definitely be unable to sit still, and it turned out to be true." Chen Wenze looked at Chen Lili with a smile and said.

Chen Lili could confirm that Ning Zi had indeed done something remarkable again.

Otherwise, the noise caused would not be so big.

Scholars in the capital are well-informed, and the three schools are close together, so they can respond faster. It doesn't take long for someone to come to your door.

I guess the school will be lively again next time. By the way, it seems that the University of Physical Education does not have an astronomy department yet...

Yes, Chen Lili's thinking was a little erratic at this time, and he didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

He had just passed the defense of his doctoral thesis and was about to move to the field of astrophysics. Chen Lili felt that Ning Jie was too anxious and should give everyone some time to react.

Just when Chen Li was thinking about these messy things, Chen Wenze had already moved his eyes away from him, looked at Ning Ji, and said eagerly: "But anyway, we came earlier than Professor Chen, and Lao Li didn't even Not coming here doesn't seem sincere, not to mention that Yanbei and Yanti are brother schools.

The physics major of Yanti is a cooperative unit with our Yanbei, not to mention that our astronomy department is closely related to the physics department. The astronomy departments of Yanbei and Huaqing are actually independent from the astrophysics major of the School of Physics. So even if Hua Qing found Professor Chen, they should move to the back, right? "

When Chen Wenze said this with a smile, Chen Lili felt mixed emotions in his heart.

There is no simple person who can become an academician.

Chen Lili was a professor at the Huaqing Institute of Mathematics before, so of course he knew about the dirty things between Ning Jie and the Huaqing Institute of Physics.

This old academician is just fine. He just picks up whichever pot he doesn't like.

Although there is no mention of why Huaqing is not good, but mentioning the physics department, isn't this rubbing salt on Huaqing's wounds? Yes, it was for nothing that he made it clear from the very first moment that the Huaqing Astronomy Department was not involved in the school's bad things. After all, he, Chen Lili, really didn't think that he, a half-assed mentor, could have much dignity in letting Ning Zi ignore his past grudges.

Ning Zi has such a strong temper, he doesn't want to let the harmonious master-disciple relationship that was finally established become sour because of the previous bad things.

So Chen Lili just put on a smile and said nothing. At this time, he regretted not asking for a cup of tea just now. After all, holding the cup and keeping silent would make him appear less embarrassed.

"Well, Academician Chen, in fact, my original intention of publishing that paper in science was to hope that someone could help me verify it. At that time, I had this idea because of a question raised by Yuan Jingheng when I was defending my doctoral thesis. I'm inspired.

However, I know that this theory still has some imperfections. Some explanations involving time and space are also based on some bold assumptions. So when you read that paper, you may find it a little confusing, and some concepts are not described clearly enough.

I don’t know much about basic astronomy. The original idea of ​​​​the paper was how to re-establish the connection between quarks and the universe. This is a big subject. From micro to macro, the mainstream astronomical thinking is that dark matter and dark energy dominate everything, whether it is the study of vacuum force or the study of unknown negative pressure matter.

But when I wrote this paper, many of the prerequisite assumptions were contrary to common sense in astronomy, which is why the paper seems incomplete. Because I feel that if these prerequisites are expressed in the paper, it may bring some wrong effects to the subject. To be honest, I was surprised when the final verification results showed that my inference was correct.

If I really need to give lectures to students, I don’t think it’s necessary for the time being. Putting these together may make students feel that the learning content is confusing. But it’s okay for everyone to sit down together and discuss it. To be honest, I received a lot of emails last night, all of whom wanted to discuss this issue.

So my idea is to hold a world cosmology discussion summit in Ningyuan in the near future, inviting domestic and foreign scholars of astronomy and astrophysics to participate. During this time, I happened to reorganize my ideas, make the things I had based on some assumptions more realistic, and give a report at the conference. How about it? "

The suggestions given by Ning Zi were obviously well thought out.

It can also be regarded as fulfilling the awesomeness I boasted at the freshman congress a year ago.

After all, he said at that time that the future sports conference would often see the emergence of big names in the world's academic community and would be a centralized location for world-class high-end academic conferences.

At the same time, it is indeed the most scientific consideration.

He needs time to perfect the theory with March. We must also consider how to prove or introduce the existence of medium space to the entire academic community, to redefine those illusory dark matter and dark energy, and to explain clearly the negative pressure theory that drives the universe to continue to expand.

These theories will surely subvert the entire academic world's understanding of the universe.

Of course, March can return to the past world with this theory, and it may subvert another world's understanding of the universe.

Because if previous mathematical deductions are followed, humans will be the only civilization in the universe at present.

But if Ning Zi’s inference is correct, then it will become possible that there are other civilizations in the universe. Even because of some distortions in space and time, interstellar civilizations outside the Earth may even be highly homologous to Earth civilization.

Of course, Ning Zi's theory is not necessarily correct. All his inferences were based on the knowledge taught to him in March, but that knowledge was also extremely one-sided in his understanding of the universe. Otherwise, March's previous owner would not have let a kitten embark on a wandering journey with three of his questions.

This is like a civilized relay. No one knows what the final result will be, let alone whether this result is what civilization hopes to see.

The world is like this, and people can always feel frustration and despair inadvertently.

Two completely different world views, idealism and materialism, have been fighting for thousands of years. Even if materialism now has the upper hand, it cannot completely erase the existence of idealism. Even the debate on this issue may be accompanied by civilization forever. Until the last moment, no one can say which world view is correct.

This is just like scientists tend to explore the initial "1" in their later years.

This complex emotion was transmitted to Chen Wenze at this time.

To be honest, he didn't think the plan proposed by Ning Zi was very good.

If possible, he still hopes that the Yanbei Astronomy Department can be close to the water, first served, and conduct some academic discussions as soon as possible. This is more helpful than listening to reports at conferences. It is also more helpful to participate in such high-end academic forums with targeted questions.

This is like the difference between opening a small class and opening a public class.

But since Ning Zi had said this, he really couldn't say anything more and could only look at Fan Zhenhua. After all, he and Ning Zi were not actually familiar with each other. He was too embarrassed to keep making requests.

They are all very old. Fan Zhenhua can certainly understand Chen Wenze's inner expectations. He sighed in his heart and said, "Ning Zi, otherwise, you think this will not be helpful to academics. We at Yanbei There are more than a dozen professors in the Department of Astronomy who are not easily influenced by you. Why don't you, for my sake, give me a series of lectures and briefly talk about your thoughts?

In fact, this lecture-style way of sorting out details may be better than thinking about it alone. The professors will also ask some questions at that time, maybe they can inspire you? You just said that your thesis was inspired by Jingheng during your defense. Our professors in the Department of Astronomy are also pretty good. Maybe they can inspire you too? "

Looking at Fan Zhenhua's expectant eyes, Ning Ji pondered for a moment, nodded, and said: "Well, I won't go to Yanda. The location will still be in Ningyuan, starting from tomorrow at 3 p.m. every day At five o'clock, invite professors from the Department of Astronomy at Yanda to discuss this issue together. Three days and six hours will probably make it clear.

But if you really want results, I suggest that professors should read my paper several times first, and at least understand the meaning of some of the concepts mentioned in the paper. Otherwise, even if you come to listen, it will be of no use. After all, some cognitive aspects may be controversial. "

"I think it's okay! Let's do it this way." Chen Wenze said immediately before Fan Zhenhua could speak.

This matter can be considered as decided.

Chen Lili, who had been listening to the three people's discussion, took advantage of the opportunity and said: "In that case, I will also reply to Academician Li. If the professors from Huaqing are interested, they can also come and observe?"

Ning Zi nodded and said, "That's okay. Anyway, I just want to choose a larger lecture hall. But before coming, I'd better contact Ning Yuan in advance to facilitate the arrangement of the lecture hall."

Since you gave Fan Zhenhua face, you must also give face to your mentor.

"No problem. Well, should I ask Academician Li to call Director Jin directly?"

"There is no need to bother Director Jin. Just contact Director Zhuo directly. Yanbei Huaqing has calculated the number of people and directly told Zhuo Mingqian. He will notify both schools in which lecture hall he is sure to be in." Ning Zi replied.

It's a pity that Zhuo Mingqian is not here at this time, otherwise he would probably be moved to the point of coming up with countless theories.

To Ning Zi, it was just a casual remark. But for him, this arrangement allowed him to accumulate high-quality connections.

Through working relationships, you can easily get the phone numbers of academicians, and maybe even add them via WeChat. These are all resources.

"Okay, I'll look for Xiaozhuo later, so I won't disturb you, Ning Zi."

"Then let's say goodbye too. We just happened to go with Professor Chen to meet with Director Zhuo. See you tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Ning Zi stood up and sent the three of them out of the door.

The office became quiet again, and Ning Zi fell into deep thought.

To be honest, he was really not ready to deal with these professors who studied astrophysics.

In fact, after confirming that his judgment may be correct, he and March are still studying some of the most basic laws. March also needs more time to deduce new possibilities for the possible evolution process of the universe. .

And if we talk about this discovery purely from a mathematical perspective, it actually doesn't mean much.

He had to think about how to present the theory of medium space. After the medium space was proposed, it was related to the innovation of a series of viewpoints in the basic theoretical system of quantum mechanics.

Ning Zi was not sure whether the world was ready to accept these new ideas. It was no joke that one could get injured if he walked too fast. The biggest problem is that China seems not to be ready for relevant industrial innovation.

Although Mao Mao has worked very hard and spent most of the summer vacation to promote some industrial upgrading ideas, after all, improving production technology requires both time and money...

So the kitten gave its suggestion: "Meow, I can change the plan and let the laboratory first make anti-gravity materials and then use them in future engineering robots, so that resources can be freely available..."

Oh, as expected, this cat will never give up its intimidation route...

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