The End of Technology

Chapter 183 The Second Retreat

Generally speaking, academic circles refer to articles that neither propose new ideas nor raise new questions as hydrology.

To put it bluntly, 70 to 80 percent of the articles published in various journals in the world every year are about hydrology. This is especially true for magazines whose impact factors are ranked in the third or fourth zones, where no one even cares about them and the page fees are relatively cheap.

There is nothing we can do about it, after all, everyone needs to eat.

If those magazines that many people have never heard of want to survive, they have to charge some page fees first. Many schools and scientific research institutions have rigid standards for evaluating papers related to professional titles. There is no other way but to give them a thumbs up.

But today's report clearly went to the other extreme. It not only raised new questions, but also put forward a bunch of new ideas, so many that it made many people feel indigestion.

So it was no surprise that as soon as he finished his speech in class, Ning Zi was surrounded. A bunch of questions were also thrown out simultaneously.

It was a purely academic discussion, and Ning Zi was not able to refuse, so he could only answer the professors' questions.

Of course, it’s not just questions, there are also questions.

After all, we are not talking about science fiction literature here, but about the development of science and technology. To these professors, what Ning Zi talked about today does have some science fiction elements. For Ning Zi, this is indeed a bit troublesome, and the theory deduced from the results is still somewhat problematic.

Especially regarding the media space, including the content in the March database, it seems that there are problems now, so I can only give a simple explanation.

A more detailed explanation still takes time.

Fortunately, the crowd in Kochi was still reasonable. After simply answering a few questions, and with the help of Ningyuan staff, Ning Ji soon got out of the surrounding circle of professors.

If this topic is brought up, it will definitely be questioned.

But in fact, this kind of academic questioning actually has many benefits. To ask competent questions or write competent articles to refute his theories requires in-depth thinking about the views and theories he proposed.

This is also the original intention of Ning Zi in making this decision. It would be best if more people in the academic community think about it.

He is definitely not the only genius in this world. Maybe someone can be inspired by him and draw conclusions that are closer to the real laws; or maybe someone's research is far from the real laws, but it happens to inspire him. possible.

The lecture is over, but Ning Yuan doesn't care about food.

Kim Jong-nam is very tight on these dispensable expenses and saves almost as much as he can.

It's not that Ning Yuan has no money in his account, it's mainly that Ning Zi spends money too quickly. Even though Jin Zhengnan used to be a senior executive at Samsung and was used to seeing all kinds of large-money operations, it still frightened him. He knew that Ning Zi was rich, but he still felt that this was not the way to spend it.

He had specifically studied the research catalog given by a group of big guys from Shuangdan University. Ning Zhe had invested a lot of money in basic research. Regardless of the materials or theoretical basis, these things have an obvious characteristic. Not only do they cost money, but they also fail to see any benefits for a long time.

Not to mention that Ningyuan’s finances are separate from those of the University, and Ningji has never applied for national scientific research funding subsidies. Instead, he keeps spending his own money on these projects. Although Ningyuan does not pay the salaries of these researchers and professors, the investment in various equipment and materials alone is astronomical.

In addition, although Ning Yuan does not care about salary, the hidden benefits are fully paid.

Ningyuan has to pay part of the bonus for producing the results, and the food they eat is the best. The food cooked by Chef Su is indeed delicious, but they have rented a Ningyuan canteen, a chip research center canteen, and a laboratory. Gathering a very large scientific research base, if we don’t talk about food purchases for a month, it will be a net expenditure of one million.

In Kim Jong-nam's view, even the world's richest man cannot afford such trouble. A research institution that has no input but only output has no future.

It's not like he didn't report this matter to Ning Zi before, and the effect was obvious. Money was transferred to Ning Yuan's account the next day, and it was quite a lot.

Okay, but this is not the result Kim Jong Nam wanted.

After all, he is very satisfied with Ning Yuan's current job, so he really doesn't want Ning Yuan to be unable to support himself in the future. Jin Zhengnan is a shrewd person. He knows very well that with Ning Zi's current ability and status, no matter how he wants to live his life, he will never be short of money, but that is not necessarily the case for Ning Yuan.

It is an asset that can be discarded completely. Even if Ning Yuan really goes bankrupt or even becomes insolvent in the future, someone will take the initiative to help clear up the relationship between him and Ning Yuan without Ning Zi opening his mouth. It is guaranteed that Ning Zi will not be involved in those troubles, but it is different for him. There is a high probability that he will be kicked out directly and become a homeless person.

This is something Kim Jong-nam absolutely cannot accept.

After all, he is already forty-eight years old this year. If he is really kicked out of Ningyuan, there will probably be no hope of making a comeback in this life, so he really devotes himself to work. That is to say, he doesn't know much about scientific research, otherwise he would have to inspect the laboratories one by one and drive out those who fish in troubled waters.

Ning Zi was also aware of these arrangements made by Kim Jong-nam.

But he didn't interfere too much.

When Jin Zhengnan was originally invited to take charge of Ningyuan, firstly, there was really no suitable candidate; secondly, he also took a fancy to the fact that Jin Zhengnan did not have many entangled interests in China.

Research in basic directions not only costs money, but is often a bottomless pit that swallows gold. It is also the hardest hit area for corruption in the field of scientific research.

Although we had already screened the people in March when we were recruiting them, we were looking for researchers who were serious about working on projects. Those who already had professional titles and honors and just wanted to rest on their laurels and goof off didn’t even receive any. Although you have received an invitation letter, people’s mentality will eventually change.

As the nominal person in charge of Ningyuan, Kim Jong-nam will be the villain in the future.

Although a lot of money has been paid to recruit people, if no results can be achieved within a certain period of time, Ningyuan will definitely take back the laboratory and the people will leave directly. At this time, Jin Zhengnan will have to take action. Therefore, in these trivial matters, Ning Zi fully supported Kim Jong-nam and helped the Korean islander establish his authority in Ningyuan.

Of course, this is actually what March suggested. Regarding human nature, March may not see it more clearly and thoroughly than humans themselves, but at least they understand it better than Ning Zi.

After leaving the lecture hall, Ning Zi went directly to the reserved box on the first floor, where classmate Lu Xiaoya was already waiting for him.

When there are no classes in the afternoon, they usually go to the Ningyuan cafeteria at 5:30, and then after the two of them have a meal together, they take a walk on campus. Ning Zie likes to listen to Lu Xiaoya tell what interesting things happened in school today. This feeling is as if Xiaoya has lived the wonderful and rich college life of two people all by herself...

At least it made Ning Zi feel that his life experience was much richer.

No way, he missed the best four years of college. Now he has nominally graduated with a doctorate, but he has barely lived a normal college life for a few days.

The walk takes about an hour. At seven o'clock, Ning Zi usually has to go to the office to work for a few hours. Lu Xiaoya goes to class or participates in the activities of the school's martial arts association. When he gets home in the evening, he usually takes a shower around ten o'clock. Go to bed and prepare for the next day.

After a semester of running in, the two of them have become accustomed to this way of getting along, which is simple, harmonious and warm.

When we met at this time, while waiting for the food, Lu Xiaoya started to chatter as usual.

"Hey, days go by so fast, and it's almost New Year's Day. Then there's the final exam. I haven't felt very good about this semester yet, and it's about to be over. By the way, today Chen Xi sneaked up to ask me if I had any final exams. The inside information about the exam was directly scolded by me.

It sounds like I relied on inside information to pass every exam... Tsk, I obviously relied on having a good husband, right? "

Lu Xiaoya babbled confidently.

Ning Zi nodded calmly.

In fact, this was true after further investigation. Anyway, he didn't need to say anything. Principal Chen couldn't let Lu Xiaoya fail the class. Even if Ning Zi felt that it didn't matter whether he passed the exam or not, some people had to do things first, and there was nothing he could do about it.

In fact, Ning Zi and Lu Xiaoya really don't care about these trivial matters now.

Anyway, Ning Zi did not plan to let Lu Xiaoya do research work, and Lu Xiaoya did not plan to be a substitute teacher in the future, so the quality of her grades was not that important. Anyway, it would not cause any losses and would not mislead others. .

Lu Xiaoya is currently mainly responsible for happiness and sharing, while Ning Zi is responsible for supporting the family and making contributions, which is almost perfect. Not to mention that Lu Xiaoya's grades were not bad. At least in her major, she was ranked in the top ten, not to mention being at the top of the class.

"Also, today a boy from the competitive academy next door came to confess to Huang Siqi, who is in our class. Huang Siqi, do you remember me? I used to share a dormitory with that tall girl with a good figure. That scene... 99 pink roses, a big handful, just outside the stadium. When our gymnastics class was over, he suddenly rushed out to give flowers, and a group of his classmates were there to cheer, and the effect was huge..."

"Oh, does Huang Siqi agree?"

"I must have agreed. The boy is quite handsome, and he can give away 99 pink roses at once. The financial conditions must be good. Hey, it's just too exaggerated. I feel embarrassed watching it. It's 2018. I still get goosebumps when I see this trick..."

"Oh? Then how do you think we should express our love?"

"It must be cooler!"

After saying that, Lu Xiaoya pinched her throat, pretended to be a man's voice, and said in a rough voice: "Woman, I'm attracted to you. I'll give you a chance to follow me. Don't be disrespectful to me."

Ning Zi smiled. He remembered the message Lu Xiaoya sent to him on WeChat when he was still labeled as a sister he wanted to rape: "How about you just obey my sister?"

Although the woman withdrew within two seconds, she left a very deep impression on him.

So Ning Zi commented very pertinently: "Well, I think your confession is more personal. Giving roses is really too vulgar. It's a pity that you are a girl. If you are a boy, then the girl will definitely choose you."

"Hehe, let me tell you. In fact, sending flowers is worse than sending a stick. I also added a sentence, if I change my mind in the future, you can beat me with this stick. Isn't this more practical than sending flowers?"

Ning Zi blinked and then decided to skip the topic: "By the way, let me tell you something. There are two days of lectures this week. On Friday I will go to the newly built new building at the large research base of the University of Physical Education. The physics laboratory will be closed for a while longer. It may last until the high-end astronomy forum held during the winter vacation opens, and we may not be able to meet for a month.

" want to retreat again?" Lu Xiaoya asked in shock.

Last time, Ning Zi went into seclusion at the chip research and development center. After coming out, she made a chip. Then the two of them inexplicably stayed together at night, and then they got married inexplicably.

Now that Ning Zi suddenly proposed to retreat, Lu Xiaoya was indeed caught off guard.

The frequency of retreats once every six months is a bit exaggerated in the eyes of girls.

It's just like practicing.

"Well, I have made some discoveries recently, and I would like to do some simple verification in the laboratory before the high-end astronomy forum opens."

"Well, have you told Boss Chen? You don't know that when you went to the chip laboratory for retreat in the summer, Boss Chen wished he could come to me three times a day. At that time, we were just friends. Now that you have gone, you want to Ignore him, God knows what he can do in one day." Lu Xiaoya said in an extremely exaggerated way.

There was a touch of reluctance in his tone.

After all, it’s the time for newlyweds to get married and enjoy their food, and Lu Xiaoya likes to be lively. Ning Jie has been in retreat for nearly a month. She thinks that she can only eat alone for a month, and there is no one when she goes home every night. When I'm with you, I feel bored.

"I will tell Principal Chen when I leave. By the way, I will tell my cousin tomorrow that after Yulin's final exam, she and Yulin will come to live for a while, so that you will not be bored at home alone. "

"Um...can I ask Sister Qiuxian to come and live with me for a while before they come?"

"Zhai Qiuxian? Oh, of course. Let her live here. If you still feel lonely, you can ask your parents to come over and stay with you for a while." Ning Zi nodded and replied.

"It's okay. Sister Qiuxian, Ning Xiao, and Yulin are enough to accompany me." Lu Xiaoya said with a happy smile.

For Lu Xiaoya, Ning Zi is going to retreat, just because she can't see each other for a while.

But after Ning Zi and Chen Yonggang confessed the matter and the news spread, everyone's views were different.

Using March's analysis, there is an expectation effect in human nature.

For example, Ning Zi spent about half a month in retreat for the first time, and then found a brand-new chip structure and manufacturing method, which boosted China's overall confidence in semiconductor development. The Internet has made this story magical, so when he retreats for the second time, it will arouse people's expectations even more.

Even if what is produced is surprising, most people will supplement the scientific research story behind the new theory or new material in their minds.

This is the benefit of seclusion. As long as the number of retreats is enough, in the future, as long as he proposes to retreat, people will take the initiative to expect it psychologically. No matter how incredible the things he brings out are, people will not make a fuss. Directly make the unreasonable reasonable.

"Ning Jie's achievements in know!"

Of course, in addition to this, even if it is only the second retreat, many people are looking forward to it.

After receiving the news, many people called directly to ask Ning Zhi what kind of experiments he would conduct in this retreat and what results he was going to get.

However, these were all dealt with by Ning Zi.

According to the plan in March, this retreat has two important purposes. The first is to make a certain degree of correction to the basis of quantum physics through experimental data. In order to prove this theory, the incidental product is to produce several grams of anti-gravity in the laboratory. Material.

These are the most basic things for mankind to bid farewell to the earth and begin to enter the space field.

A little bit out of touch with the level of technological development of this era, if you talk about it before you succeed, it will make the outside world wonder whether Ning Zi's brain has lost its power; but after success, if you really show it to the world, then Even a Nobel Prize in Physics is not worthy of this level of scientific discovery.

Originally, this was still something that should be built step by step at least five years later, but Ning Zi's series of discoveries made artificial intelligences like March start to show "anxiety". Of course, using "anxious" to describe March may not be accurate, or it can be said that the mathematical model of multiple conditions shows that the time has come to throw out these new things for everyone to accept.

After all, the plan formulated in March was never static, but was constantly revised as external conditions changed.

Ning Zi had no objection to this.

For a scientist, being able to explore the truth of the universe, and even take your lover on an interstellar journey to experience the beauty and magic of the universe is the most romantic thing in the world. For example, go to Orion to see the meteor shower, or go to Andromeda to see the nebulae, or go to the center of the Milky Way to see the black hole...

So March wants to speed up the progress, but he also wants to do the same.

In this way, after two consecutive days of lectures, Ning Zi set off directly with March in her arms.

Although many people are puzzled by the fact that Ning Zi hugs the local cat at home every time she retreats, they can only attribute this to Ning Zi's quirks.

After all, who can control him?

At the same time, Silicon Valley could only be described as gloomy and bleak.

Yes, when a group of Silicon Valley leaders rushed to visit China, the situation they faced when they came back was obviously not good...

Whether it is the chip industry chain or the upstream and downstream industries that are strongly related to chips, they all seem to be facing a dilemma that they have to face at this time, and profits have begun to decline seriously.

Especially for Nvidia.

From being unwilling to compromise, to being incomplete in compromising, to now, the entire financial situation suddenly fell into a strange circle...

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