The End of Technology

Chapter 196 Please come and listen to the confession of a madman

Ning Zi sat quietly and looked at Tim Cook. If the CEO of the world's largest company were to evaluate him, the look in his eyes would make him uncomfortable.

It's a pity that Tim Cook doesn't speak Chinese well. If he could, he would probably use the word "unruly" to describe Ning's eyes at this time in his future memoirs, instead of being empty and arrogant.

Even though he thought of this sentence in his mind, he had to admit that the young man in front of him did have this capital.

In fact, if he could achieve Ningji's current achievements in his twenties, no, even in his thirties, Tim Cook would probably not take him seriously now. Absolute confidence or power can give people a majestic momentum, just like the young man in front of him.

Even though the words he just said were very strong, he was unable to refute them and couldn't even find a reason to refuse.

"If that's the case, I think maybe there is a basis for continued cooperation between Apple and the University." After a long time, Tim Cook nodded and responded.

"That's not right." Ning Zi shook her head.

"What's wrong?" Tim Cook asked confused.

"Your attitude is wrong." Ning Zi said.

Obviously Tim Cook's statement did not conform to the young man's thoughts, but Ning Zi was not annoyed, but said gently: "Mr. Cook, I think you still don't know what I mean. What I mean I'm afraid that you may misjudge. It doesn't mean that I'm afraid that there will be some challenges that I don't want to see. In fact, I even hope that some things will happen, so that I will have more reasons to do some crazier things.

This is also the reason why I must show this material in this forum against all the opinions. I hope some of you will make mistakes, preferably big mistakes, so that although it may be a few years later to build our space base, it will actually have benefits and make the near future purer.

I have experienced hard times and some unfair things, so I often look at the world with an angry attitude. The only thing that can calm me down is that maybe I can save more time on business and have more time to do more meaningful things. Maybe I can actually see the true appearance of this world in my lifetime.

This mentality saves not us, but you. So I am willing to give Apple, or you, a chance. I can care less about small actions, but only small actions. If Apple doesn't want to do this, I won't force it. Whether resources are allocated through business or through other means, it doesn't matter to me, it really doesn't matter.

I am actually different from most Chinese people. On the contrary, my thinking mode is very similar to yours in many cases, which is the kind of thinking without any moral obsessiveness and without any bottom line. Not only was I able to handle a bag of milk powder and say it was arsenic, but I also felt at ease with it.

So I actually like it when others don’t make sense, because I also like the feeling of standing on the moral high ground and condemning someone when I kill them. I have always firmly believed that this is a world where whoever is stronger is right. Even if this era is cloaked in the guise of civilization, the core has never changed. I used to have to fight hard to defend what I thought, but it doesn't seem to be necessary anymore.

I even have a team of people around me to protect me 24 hours a day, and it’s free of charge. Of course I'm not threatening anything, I'm just stating a fact. Do you know why I want to get married? Because this gives me something to tie down and restrain me from some crazy ideas. "


After saying that, Ning Zi let out a long breath, as if this statement made him feel much more relaxed.

"What crazy idea?" Tim Cook asked.

"Blow up the world! Bang..." Ning Zi replied seriously, making a similar movement with her hands to Ning Yulin's dinner, but the feeling was completely different. If the former only makes people feel cute, then when Ning Zi makes the same action, people only feel horrible.

Tim Cook looked at Ning Zi speechlessly with a complicated expression.

He really couldn't figure out why Ning Zi was so resentful. He didn't even know where the resentment came from.

He couldn't understand that for a young man who had just made great achievements and was going smoothly in many fields, shouldn't he always see the beauty of the world?

What worries Tim Cook even more is that he really believes what Ning Zi said.

Because Ning Zi has been crazy many times before.

Whether he declares war on the underlying security of the entire Internet at the World Congress of Mathematicians, or directly kills virtual cryptocurrencies when he returns to China, this series of operations shows that Ning Zi can indeed ignore any consequences.

How can such a person have such power?

A simple scientist is not scary, and a simple madman is not scary. A madman with rigorous logical thinking, supreme personal ability, and power is the most terrifying.

The attitude shown by Ning Zi now makes Tim Cook really scared.

"You are too confident, Ning. You have just researched the materials. It will take time to transform them into any specific results."

"Tim, how do you know when this material was made? Are you sure that it has just come out? Or do you really think that we can produce such a large piece just after the results are produced? How can you be sure that our Isn't the secret production base assembling a century-old anti-gravity spacecraft?" Ning Zi retorted casually.

After a moment of silence, Tim Cook nodded and said in a calm and humble tone: "Ning, I understand. I think Apple can be a good lubricant."

"Look, Tim, I've always thought you were a very smart person, so I like dealing with you. It's always been like this. I don't have to wear a hypocritical mask here. In fact, many times we are the same kind of person. I really I really appreciate the method you use to allocate resources, gain trust, slowly make the other party lose the ability to choose, and let the whole world work for you. I like it, I really like it!"

Ning Zi nodded and said with a smile.

Apparently he was very satisfied with the deal.

"By the way, if everything goes well, our secret production base will be able to produce an aircraft that can float in the atmosphere for a long time in about a year. At that time, I will invite you again to participate in the maiden flight."

"I am very honored."

"You're welcome, you deserve it. Okay, the general cooperation is no problem. Now we can talk about other small cooperation. Do you know why I chose to bring out the silicon-carbon heterogeneous chip technology to recruit partners? "

"To gain time?"

"It can be understood this way, but it is not complete. In fact, when developing this three-dimensional chip, I did not think about using it for CPU/GPU. At least I will fully recommend that China not do research in this area. I hope that these things will be done by Intel, Companies like IBM, AMD, Samsung, etc. will do it. We just have to keep buying after they do it.

They come to design these general-purpose large-scale digital integrated circuits, and Huaxia will mainly use this technology to design some specialized products. As long as we can quickly improve the technology, we will develop some gadgets that can better utilize these chips in the future. For example, drone products the size of bees or even mosquitoes. With the blessing of this chip technology, it is completely possible.

Of course this area will completely block them. This is also the reason why our 3D chip is openly looking for cooperative manufacturers but has not sent an invitation to Apple. We are partners, there is no need to invest resources in this aspect, they are enough. The competitive logic of the future has changed, and the so-called ecology is not safe.

At the current evolution speed of Faster, with sufficient background data support, upgrading to the third version will probably be enough to allow smartphone users around the world to tailor various functional software products and even games for themselves. Because the art database is also included in the software learning list.

This also means that Apple’s CPU plus system architecture ecosystem will be challenged in the future. A closed system will make the threshold for independent development higher. But whether it is Android or other open mobile phone systems, it will be able to achieve an experience that is not inferior to that of Apple systems through self-optimization. In the future, all Android software can be streamlined to the extreme, and even more complete than Apple without any advertising.

Even all kinds of video software that require membership will have no room for survival. Because next we will cooperate with Cisco and all companies involved in 3D chip development to create a cross-border unified large-scale pan-entertainment Internet genuine resource platform for use by all customers around the world. Of course, Apple can also join this platform and share the profits.

Whether it is high-quality audio-visual entertainment resources or various picture resources, European leagues, American NBA, World News concerts, etc., you can easily get them here. Customizable software and nearly perfect resources can attract users from all over the world.

In addition, I will also find ways to make companies including Google, Twitter, and Facebook open their interfaces to the public, allowing customers to generate personalized clients through faster, and connect to their servers to read those contents without Need the packages they provide.

So, Mr. Cook, under this situation, how long can the Apple ecosystem that you have been sticking to survive? "

Tim Cook was shocked for the second time.

No matter how big a storm he had seen, Ning Zi's crazy idea for the future Internet still left him completely confused.

Not only will Apple’s ecosystem become helpless, but the ecosystem that all technology companies around the world have spent years and decades building will be reduced to zero. In the future, everyone will beg for food in the same ecosystem.

All the advantages we once had have become a mirror.

So, after a long silence, Tim Cook asked: "You think too simply."

"No, no, no, Mr. Cook, I have a complete idea. In fact, whether you use faster or not, this plan will be implemented. Because even if the first version is only for ordinary customers when it is launched, we can still collect enough data Come and upgrade. Letting it be operated by Cisco can only make the time earlier.

At least so far, every step of my plan has been successful in the end, and I believe it will be the same in the future. Because from a business logic point of view, they currently have no choice but to cooperate with me in order to make money, otherwise they will only be hit by dimensionality reduction. Of course, interference from another level may affect my plan, so this is another reason for me to release anti-gravity materials.

Let external interference not and dare not act rashly. This will be followed by clearer warnings, even warnings at all costs. I have many cards in my hand, and there will always be one that makes them realize that confrontation is not worthwhile. By the way, have you heard of the name Nissen Mountbatten? "

Tim Cook frowned and thought for a moment, then pulled the name out of his memory bank.

It's not easy, because he was really a nobody before, and even if he heard about it, he would easily forget it.

But his latest appearance left some impression on Tim Cook, because he happened to hear Sundar talking about this man who sold the three latest three-dimensional chips to the World Semiconductor Alliance.

"It doesn't matter whether you have heard of it or not. You just need to know that he has started making preparations. There is a high probability that he will represent Texas and become a respected representative of the House of Representatives this year. There will be many people supporting him, including almost all technologies. companies and countless people.

In addition, there are also upgrades to the lightning system. When we can stay above the clouds for a long time, we can do more things. There is a future, much, much more. What I tell you today, you can choose to spread widely when you go back, or you can choose to keep it in your heart.

I don't care about either outcome, because I have made a lot of preparations while waiting for this day to come. I can accept any outcome as long as you can accept it. But please keep one thing in mind, don’t waste my time, it’s best to seize every second. "

Tim Cook looked at Ning Zi and nodded cautiously.

Just like when he saw the anti-gravity material during the day, the Apple CEO understood that Ning Zi was having a showdown. It seemed that he had the power to choose, but adults often don't want everything, but have no choice. .

"So be it, I believe our cooperation this time will still be very pleasant. Transform slowly, Apple's ecological future is meaningless. Instead, leave the hard work to your peers, and they will provide Apple with the most advanced products , reducing Apple’s R\u0026D expenses.

And my promise will not change. In the future, Apple will be the only non-Chinese domestic brand that can be used in outer space. Without our relay satellites sent to deep space, other brands of mobile phones can only be bricks. They can't even contact their relatives in space on earth. This is the real need.

As for the specific details of the global industrial chain construction, I will send you an email. If you want to sign a contract, I will have someone prepare the contract. But I don't think it's necessary. For you and me, mutual trust can be more binding than a contract. "

After saying that, Ning Zi stood up and stretched out his hand to Tim Cook. Tim Cook also stood up. When the two hands were held together, Tim Cook thought mockingly to himself, "It's a pity. , this scene should have been recorded by a photographer..."

Tim Cook walked out of Ning Zi's office, and Ning Zi also stood up and walked to the window of Ning Yuan. From here, he could see the small villa about two hundred meters away. That was his home. Seeing the warm lights in the villa, Ning Zi's originally sharp eyes gradually softened.

"Meow..." The kitten, which had been lying on the window sill, got up and walked to Ning Zi's side.

"Did I act like it just now?" Ning Zi said as if asking herself.

The kitten opened its mouth, but no sound came out.

Not in a completely safe environment, March would always choose the most appropriate method to communicate with Ning Zi, such as directly imprinting its thoughts into Ning Zi's mind.

"Meow, is there a possibility that you are showing your true feelings today? After all, when I choose to appear in your mind, that's when you start to have self-destructive tendencies."

"Is that so? Can you ask why you can't show up earlier?"

"Meow, of course it's because I don't want to cooperate with a hypocritical gentleman anymore. Just like my former master, he has bad ideas, but he always has to be reasonable and hesitant in front of others. I have said long ago that from a human nature, To be reasonable in this world is to take off your pants and fart. If morality is binding, why bang bang bang?"

"Oh, so you just wait until I'm pushed to the extreme before you come to my rescue?"

"Meow, that's not accurate. If you wait too long, I can find a way to create some coincidences. Just like you said, you have to hurry up."

"Then tell the truth, was that coincidence created by you?"

"Meow, no, because there are still two months and six days left before my preset waiting period."

Ning Zi believed what March said, because this kitten was very honest. If you say wait two months and six days, you will definitely not act in three months and five days. Looking back now, the time that Mao Mao set at that time was probably the end of the semester.

He just didn't know what methods this cat would use to make him feel desperate.

This cat is frighteningly frank, but the two sides have no way of threatening each other. Because the cat probably could care less than that.

Now he at least had emotions that could keep him warm, but this cat... God knew if its emotional needs were reliable.

So Ning Zi decided to end the discussion.

"Mr. Cook probably won't be able to sleep today."

"Meow, you should say that many people will not be able to sleep today."

In Beijing, in the TV station building and in the Science and Technology Channel office, Luo Kezhang has edited part of the essence of the material taken today.

In the conference room next to him, senior executives were still waiting for news.

Whether or not this news should be broadcast, and to what extent it should be broadcast, is said to be still being debated by higher-ups.

So he could only prepare it first, so that no matter what the final result was, he could come up with something as soon as possible.

At this time, his mood was still extremely exciting.

He had just taken the time to learn about negative mass materials online. Of course, these were not important, because he had already learned everything he wanted to know from the faces of the world's top scholars. He didn't even understand why Ning Zi would show such advanced materials directly to those people.

It should obviously be kept secret.

Until one day, this material can be transformed into something more concrete, and then it will amaze everyone.

Okay, but these are obviously not things he needs to consider, let alone things he can decide...

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