Paper Moon

I quickly went back and saw that Wu Zhuangyuan was still fighting selflessly, counting in his mouth:

“Three hundred and eleven enemies!”

“Three hundred and thirteen enemies!”

Chen Qing was slightly startled.

What’s wrong?

Are you counting now?

At this moment, Wu Zhuangyuan’s long hair was already shrouded in a faint glow.

It seems to be an extension of Changsha, and the strike range has more than doubled.

The mountain of corpses piled at its feet was already over five meters high.

At this moment, Wu Zhuangyuan also attracted the attention of both parties.

Chen Qing’s eyes narrowed.

Wu Zhuangyuan’s defense power is average, and with the diversity of ghost species, if there are a few attacks similar to “Cloud Piercer”, he may be killed here.

I want to take back Wu Zhuangyuan, but I feel unwilling to do so.

After all, this should be some kind of epiphany, something that can be encountered but not sought.

“Xiao Qian, I’ll go back to the Demon Suppression Tower, and you go cover him.”

But… Qianmian Niang didn’t move.

She always did what Chen Qing said quickly, but not this time.

“What’s wrong?”

Qianmianniang’s voice was a little dissatisfied: “I…only the master can wear me.”

Hey? !

Are you still getting angry?

But then I thought about it, this is my personal secretary – a real personal secretary.

Even if it is just covered with armor, it seems that there is still a little bit of discomfort in my heart.

Chen Qing thought for a while: “Is it okay to wear a brocade cassock?”

Qianmian Niang suddenly laughed: “It should be no problem!”

She went over and put the cassock on Wu Zhuangyuan, and Chen Qing almost got a stick for it.

Fortunately, I still know the top martial artist.

At this time, Wu Zhuangyuan looked a little strange…

He was originally dressed as a general in armor, but now he was wearing a cassock, which looked nondescript.

But this does not hinder his bravery.

“Four hundred and eleven enemies!”

“Four hundred and fourteen enemies!”

Xiao Wusheng was also fighting hard. He was very strong, but he was not strong enough to defeat the whole audience, so the fight was a bit difficult.

“Master, look over there!”

A huge spider appeared on the hillside.

The lower body is like a spider, but the upper body looks like a naked woman.

The woman had a beautiful face, but her mouth was dark and dripping with black liquid, and she looked disgusting.

This thing… is invisible!

If Chen Qing hadn’t been smeared with Zhong Kui’s blood, he wouldn’t have been able to see it.

“Spider spirit?”

“Yes! Master, be careful of its web.”

“I know.”

The clothes Chen Kuan brought to Chen Man were made of spider silk, so Chen Qing would not be careless.

Surprisingly, the same spider spirits appeared one after another.

At the same time, the second and third Yishan also appeared on the battlefield.

At this moment, very unexpectedly, countless chubby, laughing, fat babies appeared among the monkeys.

In front of every monkey, a fat doll appeared!

As soon as these fat dolls appeared, they laughed happily, jumping and laughing:

“Fat doll~Fat doll~Fat doll~”

The whole battlefield froze!

The next moment, 90% of the monkeys began to jump involuntarily, and kept chanting: “Fat baby! Fat baby! Fat baby!” The

battlefield that was spattered with flesh and blood a moment ago seemed to have become an amusement park at this moment.

The big trend ghosts were all laughing wildly and easily harvested the lives of the monkeys.

This is the evil spirit level of the child ghost – Fat Baby!

At this time, a long voice sounded, suppressing the voices of the entire audience:

“No ignorance, no anger, no desire, no pursuit; no abandonment, no doing, no self. A pure heart is like water, and pure water is the heart; no breeze stirs, no waves. …”

This sound was like a clear spring flowing through everyone’s body.

Wherever the sound passed, the fat doll disappeared without a trace.

The monkeys woke up immediately, and the sound of fighting sounded again.

“Eight hundred and fourteen enemies!”

“Eight hundred and eighteen enemies!”

Wu Zhuangyuan’s stick skills became even more sophisticated.

In other words, he no longer needs skills at this time!

A shadow that was three times as long as it was condensed on the long branch, and everything it passed, whether it was a monkey or a ghost, was swept away!

It’s like opening up unparalleled!

At this moment, many people were targeting Wu Zhuangyuan, especially Feikong Yaksha, who had already shot more than ten arrows at him, but with the double protection of armor and cassock, Wu Zhuangyuan was almost invincible at this moment.

“It’s hard to imagine that this guy is only an evil spirit!”

Chen Qing wanted to release the executioner, but there was no second defensive cassock. The executioner was afraid that he would become the target of public criticism after taking action two or three times, so he could only give up temporarily.

“Go! Go!”

The sound of the earth shaking sounded again.

The black bear spirit was hunted here again.

At this time, the black bear spirit was lame on one foot when he started walking again, but his speed was still very fast.

Sun Wukong also appeared behind.

And what made Chen Qing’s eyes jump!

The invisible spider spirit raised its butt and aimed at Sun Wukong who was standing on the somersault cloud!




Three white nets suddenly spurted out and quickly flew towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong has piercing eyes, so he can naturally see. Just when he was about to make a move, a moon suddenly appeared in the sky.

In an instant, the battlefield darkened.

The moon’s face was full of wrinkles, as if it were made of paper.

Under the moonlight, all the monkeys suddenly turned into paper monkeys, with stiff movements and weak strength.

Even Sun Wukong was stunned.

The next moment, three spider webs covered Sun Wukong’s body. The moment they covered him, they tightened and became tighter and tighter.

Sun Wukong struggled hard, but the spider web was extremely tough and elastic. With Sun Wukong’s movements, it stretched and shrank, and it was impossible to break it for a while.

That long voice sounded again:

“My heart is ignorant, God rewards hard work; my righteousness is awe-inspiring, ghosts and ghosts are frightened; my love is overflowing, heaven and earth return to my heart; my ambition is high, and the wind rises…”

Wherever the voice passed , the paper monkey returned to normal and started fighting again.


Suddenly, a human voice sounded.

In the distance, eighteen silver-armored warriors rushed down from the hillside, lined up in a cone, and rushed directly into the battlefield.

The auras of the eighteen silver-armored warriors merged into one, and they seemed to become one person during their movements.

Wherever it passes, no matter what it is, it will collapse at the first touch!

Thousands of soldier ghosts followed behind, rushing towards the general ghost.

“This is the Eighteenth Cavalry of Yanyun!”

Chen Qing’s eyes widened when he saw it!

It was ordinary at first, but after gathering eighteen of them, it turned out to be so powerful!

Yan Yun’s Eighteen Riders rushed straight into the group of ghosts and started a one-sided massacre!

As for Wu Zhuangyuan, something like fire and anger suddenly ignited in his body, and his whole body seemed to have swelled in size.

He jumped up suddenly and jumped into the center of the battlefield!


A shock wave quickly spread out, knocking all the ghosts and monkeys away.

With a sweep of the long sword, a five or six-year-old phantom appeared. All ghosts and monkeys that came into contact with this phantom collapsed at the first touch!

It’s a collapse!

They all collapsed like yellow sand!

“One thousand one hundred and forty-four enemies!”

“One thousand one hundred and ninety enemies!”

Such an indiscriminate act has already been noticed by both parties, and countless monkeys and powerful ghosts rushed towards him. .

Wu Zhuangyuan’s momentum is increasing crazily!

At this point…


A heavy arrow suddenly exploded in Wu Zhuangyuan’s chest.

With double body protection, there is no problem.

But Chen Qing was shocked.

I quickly looked around and saw a ladder behind me. On the ladder, there was a Cloud-Piercing Arrow bending its bow and setting an arrow, trying to fire a second arrow.

With a thought, Master Qingtian appeared.

Throw a stick out,


The head of the cloud-piercing arrow fell down in response.

Chen Qing looked at everything around him warily.

Strive to protect the top spot in martial arts!

He understood that Wu Zhuangyuan was in an abnormal state now, and he was probably trying to master some magical power!


that can be announced now:

Paper Man→Thousand Paper Cranes→Big Sun Paper Bird→Paper Moon→?

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