Goodbye Chen Man

She’s about to give birth, she’s about to give birth…

Chen Qing stared at God Asura’s mouth, a cool guy was about to come out there!

For a moment, a soldier ghost with a blank look slowly walked out of Asura God’s mouth, passed through the tongue passage formed by his arms, and went down to Jingguan.

Chen Qing stepped forward and looked at him carefully.

The appearance is different, the skin is dark red, and the limbs are wrapped in bone armor.

There should be more than just this difference…

You must know that this is the god Asura!

Although he is not the real and final winner, he is still four wings!

It is the strongest ghost Chen Qing has ever seen!

“Swing the sword!”

The soldier ghost listened to Chen Qing’s words and struck out with his sword!

The law of time activates instantly.

The movements of the soldier ghost instantly slowed down ten times in Chen Qing’s eyes.

The blade was covered with white frost, which was too small a ghost fire.

In addition, there are inch-long black and red lightning bolts on the blade.

It was the thunder and lightning that seriously injured Zhong Kui into a half-meat!

Chen Qing’s eyes widened.

After a while, another five soldier ghosts were called and asked to fight with the new soldier ghosts.

One knife!

The old soldier ghost and the new soldier ghost chopped each other on the shoulders.


The ghost fire burns without a sound, while the red and black thunder, on the contrary, is clean and crisp, crackling and exploding.

The veteran ghost’s shoulder was blown apart by the black and red thunder, and half of his body was shattered, and he fell to the ground.

In the huge gap, the ghost fire is also slowly burning.

Chen Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.


The grandson of God Asura…not to mention Hei Honglei, also inherited the original Netherworld Ghost Fire!

As for the recruit ghost’s wound, the ghost fire was burning slowly, and at the same time, the flesh buds on the wound were crawling crazily, and new flesh was growing rapidly.

One waxes and wanes, and a certain balance is reached.


Chen Qing stared blankly.

He felt like he had found a new source of energy.

This recruit ghost feels like it can illuminate permanently!

There is currently no way to eliminate the ghost fire, the only way is to cut out the flesh to survive.

Chen Qing casually cut off the burning parts of their bodies with two swords.

Without the ghost fire, the powerful self-healing ability allows the recruit ghost to heal instantly.

The veteran ghosts are not so lucky, and they no longer know whether they will live or die.

“Pass on the doctor!”

The doctor didn’t come, but a man came.

Chen Qing was stunned: “Is this?”

“Upgraded.” The prince smiled and said, “Now there are two priests, and one of the doctors has been promoted to become a doctor!”


Chen Qing feels so comfortable!

There is a great feeling of leaving the game online for one month and collecting resources.

“The doctor sitting in the hall is the doctor’s new evil ghost form?”

“Yes, but he focuses on healing and his attack power is very weak.”

“Why do you want him to attack?”

Thinking of the soul cell, Chen Qing said, “I don’t know if Bian Que has any soul cell left. There are only a few people with limited souls, so shorten the time and let them upgrade as hard as they can!”

“No problem!”

At this moment, a soldier ghost came out of the door at the bottom of Jingguan.

Still tested it.

It is far inferior to the soldier ghost that emerged from the skull of God Asura, but compared to the veteran ghost, both physical strength, speed, and the intensity of the ghostly ghost fire have been greatly improved.

In particular, the production speed has more than doubled.

Now the nine gates plus the skull of God Asura make a total of ten gates.

All added up, a soldier ghost can be produced in about two minutes.

Approximately 720 soldier ghosts can be produced in a day.

At present, there are 130,000 ghost soldiers, 6,000 archers, 2,000 Yanyun eighteen cavalry, and 200 cloud-piercing arrows. There are nearly 140 people in Yanyun’s eighteenth level riding at the top of the tenth level. (The total force calculation in

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