But no matter how he did it......

Everyone feels their hearts pounding!!

If such a person... There are ten, a hundred, a thousand


, humanity can win, and

the sea of worms can be destroyed!

But they know it deeply....

There is only one

! That is the first person on the hero list

! This young man named Ye Kai!


Ye Kai killed in the dark.

In the sea of worms....

It's like a flat boat

!Dancing with the waves!

Let's dance

!Let's dance


The fire-embedded sword finally reached its limit, and when it destroyed a swarm of ants, the sword body turned to smithereens.

Naturally, this scene was also seen by others

! Their hearts 'chuckled'

! There were no weapons!

How should this fight?


and ...

From the hilt of the sword, a five-meter-long flame erupted, quickly forming a giant sword and burning in a tumbling motion.


Commander Blade snapped.

"This is the release of the external force?!" all the

high-level officials also stood up in amazement.

"What the hell is this called the release of the external force system!" "The

people in the command room...

They all read a sentence in a daze! They

are in a groove!

The external force system can still be used like this?



did they see?

In the midst of the black pest, a young man, carrying a flaming sword, swung wildly, killing all directions

! Shocking

! It was so shocking! It was so shocking

! It was so heart-wrenching, and he wanted to rush up and fight with him!


They knew that they didn't have that strength

! In an instant, they would be swallowed up by the sea of worms

!"Quick, send him a message quickly, so that he doesn't fall in love with the war!!"

Commander Blade suddenly realized something, and hurriedly said to Wu Xianghong.


, yes, yes!" Wu Shanghong had already been stunned, and immediately came back to her senses and conveyed her voice.


Ye Kai, who killed the red-eyed man, automatically popped off the communication instrument on his wrist.

Quickly a number of virtual figures were formed.

"Mr. Ye Kai, quickly, evacuate there, no matter how strong you are, sooner or later you will be consumed to death.

Wu Xianghong said anxiously.

Now the survivors and the Awakened warriors have been evacuated for a long distance.

There are no more human beings around!

Only corpses!

" Comrade Ye Kai, according to the intelligence of the Eastern Great Wall... There will be a powerful life source in the sea of insects, it is this thing that commands the insect swarm, as long as it is repelled, the sea of insects will disperse, and the danger index will plummet, otherwise it will attack all the way to our military region, and there are many survivor camps outside!"

Commander Blade said in a deep voice: "We have prepared the bomber, but it is a thousand enemy casualties and eight hundred self-losses...... If you have to, you will do

it!" "Now, it's up to you alone!" he

said with solemnity and seriousness.

Facing the figure in the sea of worms, he saluted a military salute! Facing

the sea of worms alone...

What kind of scene is this?

I can't help but feel immensely admired!"

Ye Kai nodded.

Kill, kill, kill, dragon

energy, it's almost full!


The commander in the sea of worms...

Of course he knew!

Ye Kai deliberately stayed here.

The boss is hiding in the back of the depths of the Sea of Worms.

I'll be able to meet it soon!!

"I hope it's a fifth-order

!!" whispered, muttering to himself!As

long as it's a fifth-order demon beast...

Then all is well!Kill


it!Tear the sky, and you can build it!

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