"Pay attention to safety, Brother Yun, come back early.

Han Jinyi reluctantly said goodbye, pulling the corner of Yun Shaochuan's clothes and twisting coquettishly.

At the door of the villa at this time, Han Jinyi and the others stood in a row, with reluctance in their expressions.

Opposite them were Yun Shaochuan and Yang Cheng, who were about to leave temporarily.

After they obtained the three granaries of the Lei family, Yun Shaochuan brought one back on the way, and searched for one more halfway, when collecting the second granary, Yun Shaochuan's ability space was already in a hurry, there were too many things stuffed before, and now there is a lot of food, and there is no place to put it.

Even if Yun Shaochuan tried to throw some large objects that were useless for the time being, he still couldn't fit them, so he could only barely collect half of the materials in the second granary, not to mention Yang Cheng's storage ring, which was originally a gift from a mysterious businessman, and there were only a dozen cubic meters, which could only fit the tip of the iceberg.

Yun Shaochuan pondered about this matter for a long time, in the face of this huge material temptation, if he could only watch it and not take it away, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing himself, and it was impossible to come here to get it all the time.

These granaries are usually guarded, and there are also special personnel to test, if it is found that the internal temperature is overheated, which will affect the storage of grain, then rescue measures will be immediately started.

Now it's gone, and the grain has been here for so long, and some of it has gone bad, let alone put it down like this.

Under Yun Shaochuan's hard thinking, he finally decided to give it a try, go out and hunt monsters to obtain crystal nuclei!

Let yourself be promoted to the third order, and see if the ability space will expand with it, after you are promoted to the second order, there are a lot more skills, but the ability space has not changed in the slightest.

But Yun Shaochuan had a hunch that when he reached the third order, the ability space would undergo a huge change.

Third Order is a watershed for the Awakened, and most of the Awakened before the Third Order are no match for ordinary people with firearms, except for a small number of perverted and powerful existences.

After Tier 3, the Awakened will reach a new level of ability, the total number of abilities will be greatly increased, and the power of the ability will be greatly increased, at which point they will no longer be afraid of firearms.

For example, an ordinary ice ability, before the third order, the ice shield and other things created were not enough to block the bullets fired by a rifle, and the bullets would most likely penetrate the ice shield and damage the ability itself.

After the third order, the ice shield created by any ice ability can block the bullet of the rifle, and there are enough abilities to create another ice weapon to counterkill the opponent.

Of course, this is just one example.

For example, the Fire Ability can incinerate and melt the bullet as it flies, the Wood Ability can create a tough shield made of plants to fend off the bullet out of thin air, and the Leg Booster can dodge the bullet ........ with great speed

Moreover, in order to be able to withstand such a powerful ability, the body of the awakened will also evolve with it, and the physical strength of the third-order awakened will skyrocket to a new level.

The relationship between the ability and the body at this time and after that is a bit like feedback, where the body provides a container for the ability, and the ability quietly nourishes the body.

After the first Blood Moon, the vast majority of monsters have already reached the first order, and the current first order is the most common level.

There must have been quite a few of them who had reached the second order, and it all depended on how well the monster absorbed it on the night of the Blood Moon.

Now Yun Shaochuan decided to go to the city center to hunt monsters and obtain crystal nuclei.

From the beginning of the apocalypse to the present, the city center has always been the place with the most monsters, not only zombies, lickers and the like, once the quantity reaches a certain level, then the quality will change accordingly.

The monsters in the current city center have been mutated again and again, and no one knows their specific situation now, and it would not be surprising if there were one or two third-order monsters in them.

That's why Yun Shaochuan brought Yang Cheng with him, the purpose was to let him use spiritual detection to investigate all the way, if he encountered a monster that was too powerful, he wouldn't fight if he could, after all, outside, these two people were like being marked as an isolated buff, and no one would be able to cover it once it overturned.

This is also the reason why he doesn't bring everyone, in case he encounters someone who can't be beaten, the more people there are, the more people can't run away, and if he brings out all the people who can fight, then being stolen is the most headache.

If you really can't rely on the quantity to upgrade, anyway, the crystal nucleus fusion device I bought from the mysterious merchant can fuse the low-level crystal nucleus into a high-level, although the specific proportion and success rate are not clear, but as long as the amount is large, it will definitely be able to manage it.

"I know, I know, you've said it seventeen times, I'm not a child anymore, I'll pay attention to safety.

I'll come back when I get to the third order, you all pay attention to safety, Han Han, you will be the head of the family when I am not there, take care of this family, especially Chen Zhiyong, a stinky boy, don't let him cause trouble for me.

Yun Shaochuan smiled helplessly, this girl really treats herself as a child, and has always asked her to pay attention to safety.

Saying that, Yun Shaochuan's eyes involuntarily moved to Chen Zhiyong, it's okay if he doesn't look at it, this time, the fire in his heart came up.

This stinky boy, saying that he was here to see him and Yang Cheng, is now hiding behind and squatting on the ground, poking his ants there with a branch that he picked up somewhere!

I smirked while poking back, those two rows of white teeth, I really owe it!

"Chen Zhiyong, stand up for me!"

Yun Shaochuan clenched his back molars, he even expected that after he went out, this guy would be lawless, without his own restraints, this kid who is not afraid of the sky is simply terrifying.

When Chen Zhiyong heard this shout with a little anger, he immediately bounced up, his eyes rolled drippingly, and said, "What... What's wrong?"

"I warn you, don't make trouble for me in the past few days since I left home, listen to Han Jinyi's words carefully, if I let me know what happened to you in the past few days when I was away, I won't wipe your ass, but I can give you a taste of heavenly thunder."

Yun Shaochuan clasped his hands on his chest, revealing an expression that he thought was fierce.

"Oh.... Oh, I know, how can I cause trouble, don't worry, you go early and come back early, brother.

Chen Zhiyong lowered his head, raised his eyes and glanced at Yun Shaochuan, and then slipped behind to continue playing with ants.

Yun Shaochuan sighed helplessly, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go, be careful yourself, if anyone is worried about our home, just kill it, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Then he took Yang Cheng and walked towards the city center without looking back.


"Old Yang Cheng, telepathically sent to Han Jinyi and told her that she must pay attention to Xu Jiang, if there is anything abnormal in him, kill him immediately, and let him not threaten them.

On the car that had not yet started, Yun Shaochuan said to Yang Cheng that these words could only be passed on in this way.

Chen Zhiyong is not what worries him the most, although Xu Jiang has always been nothing unusual, but after all, he used to be involved in the underworld, and he didn't want to do anything bad.

Yang Cheng nodded, and passed Yun Shaochuan's words to Han Jinyi, who returned to the villa.

Then he asked: "Brother Yun, why are we taking Xu Jiang in if we have nothing to do? Every day, many people eat, he is not very powerful, I feel useless, and I have to worry about whether he will backstab, isn't it thankless?"

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