"Bang" the opponent's car body floated, and the entire car swept forward.

No matter how fast Xie Ning was, she couldn't change the fate of the two cars colliding. She could only press down Song Kexin's head on the passenger seat immediately.

"Bang bang." The car window was shattered.

The airbag deployed.

Several pieces of glass also flew in, and both of them lowered their heads to dodge.

A low roar came from the SUV opposite, and a bloody hand fell heavily outside the car window and shook, like a life warning, weighing heavily on their hearts.

Xie Ning pulled off Song Kexin's seat belt, punched open the passenger door, and pushed the confused Song Kexin out, "Go to your aunt, run quickly!"

"Yes, are the zombies coming?" Song Kexin was agitated and turned around to save the rice, flour, grain, oil and other items in the back seat.

Xie Ning slapped her greedy Er Kang hand away and said angrily, "Run quickly."

How long have you been thinking about supplies, this naughty kid?

Song Kexin almost burst into tears. It would be such a loss to leave these supplies and run away.

However, time waits for no one, and several roars seemed to come from all directions.

Song Kexin stumbled out of the car, and at a glance she saw several swaying zombies coming around from behind the SUV.

With a short scream, Song Kexin hugged her backpack and ran desperately to her aunt's minivan.

Xie Ning turned her head, put her hands on the back seat, and instantly took in all the messy rice, flour, grains, oils and pure water on the back seat.

She picked up the big black travel bag and kicked open the driver's door. Immediately, a rotting corpse that staggered to the door was knocked half a meter away.

Hanging the big travel bag on her body, Xie Ning took out the long knife from the space and aimed it at the oncoming corpse.

While stretching his legs to push him away, Xie Ning climbed up onto the roof of the car neatly, took three steps in succession and then jumped forward, jumping onto the two SUVs opposite.

The corpses gathered around the commercial vehicle and jumped into the air, turning around slowly.

Xie Ning squatted on the SUV and breathed a sigh of relief.

After awakening supernatural powers, physical fitness generally improves.

Although he is still just a useless space superpower, his physical fitness has definitely improved a lot compared to ordinary people.

At least in this early stage, escaping should be no problem.

"Ho ho ho ho." There were roars coming from inside the SUV.

The bloody hand was struggling desperately outside the car window, slapping the car body angrily and roaring.

Xie Ning turned over on the roof of the car, killed the rotting corpses behind him with one knife, and jumped to the ground in a hurry.

She saw the owner of the SUV, who was tied up in the driver's seat by his seat belt, rolling his gray eyes and roaring at her.

Xie Ning looked at him with no expression, stabbed the opponent's back of the head with a long knife, and quickly solved the problem.

Opening the trunk, Xie Ning found that this guy was planning to run away, and the trunk was full of supplies.

Two boxes of mineral water, two boxes of sports drinks, in addition to a lot of tobacco and alcohol, two bags of rice, and two bottles of soybean oil.

Brother, thank you for your enthusiastic help.

We will inherit your last wish and continue to live a good life.

Xie Ning muttered silently and put away all the supplies in the trunk.

There were low growls in her ears, and she knew she couldn't delay any longer, so she turned around and ran towards the pickup truck.

Song Kexin and Song Youai were almost impatient. Just as they were about to go down and take a look, they saw Xie Ning rushing into the passenger seat and squeezing together with Song Kexin, "Mom, drive!"

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