The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 47 Best friends are poisonous

Give me whatever I want. If I want to go to a house, I will be given a ladder. If I want to jump into a well, I will be given a rope.

These two siblings have always been disliked since they were little.

His grandson Li Dawei dropped out of school when he was in junior high school and played games at home all day long. He kept having girlfriends one after another, and none lasted more than three months.

Granddaughter Li Xiang is even more weird. When Xiaosheng first handed in a blank paper, he said he didn't want to read it and stopped reading.

When Xie Ning was in junior high school, Li Xiang found a bald wealthy businessman.

When Xie Ning was in high school, Li Xiang became a princess in a KTV.

Xie Ning went to college, and Li Xiang also wanted to go to college out of the blue. The purpose was that there were many young talents in the university and it would be easy to attract good ones.

Uncle Li and Aunt Li brought two fat hens to Xie Ning's grandpa's house and begged grandpa to find someone through connections. He must put Li Xiang into college, preferably in the same school as Xie Ning...

At that time, the old Song family was in such a state of turmoil that they closed their doors and refused to accept guests for three months.

Naturally, the matter could not be accomplished, and people began to bear a grudge against the old Song family.

Grandpa Xie Ning was just a small director when he was young. He had some power, but he was not powerful.

What's more, the old man retired ten years early.

If grandpa had the ability to get Li Xiang, who has a primary school diploma, into the campus of Dongda University, then he would not be just a small director...

Besides, why? It’s not like grandpa was stupid. He risked his reputation as a latecomer to help a neighbor who didn’t know what he was doing.

So the two families broke up completely.

Li Xiang always calls himself Xie Ning's best friend when he is outside, and he has been a close neighbor and best friend since he was a child.

After the breakup, she told everyone she met that her best friends were poisonous and refused to do any small favors, just because she couldn't see her Li Xianghao.

If it weren't for the fear that the smell of blood would attract nearby zombies, Xie Ning wouldn't even bother to set foot on the Li family's property.

Song Youzhi acted quickly and had already begun to bury the two old bodies on the spot and smooth out the blood stains.

Li Xiang turned around and shouted at the top of his voice, "Brother, brother!"

Li Dawei ran out of the house shirtless, "Think about what happened?"

"Brother, Uncle Song's niece killed our grandma, you have to ask them for an explanation."

Xie Ning couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Li Xiang, I remember telling you many times, right? This is my uncle, not my uncle. I am my uncle's niece, not my niece."

When Li Xiang heard this, he immediately turned pale and shouted, "Xie Ning, what do you mean? You are just great because you went to college, and you look down on the poor culture of the folks in your hometown."

Song Youzhi nodded while shoveling the soil, "You are right to say that."

"Ningning, I don't know how many times I've told you this, but I still can't remember it. I think you're pretty good at counting money."

"Uncle Song, what are you talking about?" Li Dawei frowned, "Uncle Song, are our two families going to embark on the road of no return as enemies?"

Song Youzhi rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky, "I told you to watch less bloody TV series and read more serious books, but you just didn't listen."

Speaking of these two children, they were still okay when they were young.

Alas, in the end, she was doted on by Uncle Li and Aunt Li, and she was raised more and more crookedly.

"Xie Ning killed my grandma, just tell me what to do!"

Xie Ning raised her eyes and looked at Li Dawei, "I understand, are you just waiting for a fight here?"

"You knew for a long time that the two old corpses had turned into corpses. When the Rescuers Association came to register, you deliberately released them to bite people."

Li Dawei's eyes flashed, "I don't understand what you said."

"Well, let's do that. In the past, our grandparents did all the cooking and washing."

"Now that you have killed our grandma, you will be responsible for our brothers and sisters' daily life and food from now on."

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