Song Ning checked for a moment and raised her eyebrows slightly, "Let's go, they are heading west of the port."

Xiao Gu should have started fighting with Chen Zhaowei and the others, and the zombie bird was summoned back by Chen Zhaowei.

"What?" Song Kexin looked weird, "Did you fly halfway and then fly back?"

"Yes." Song Ning saw clearly that there were no more zombie birds coming, so she asked everyone to clear out the wave in front of them first.

Since most of the zombie birds have returned to the western port, the number of zombie birds here is naturally getting smaller and smaller.

In just ten minutes, Team Spark wiped out all the zombie birds on Li Dawei's side.

Uncle Ge Liang panted and wiped his sweat, "Grandma, the weather is so bad that it makes it hard for people to breathe in the heat."

Song Youai quickly waved to Ge Yan and asked her to bring out two empty buckets and put some ice cubes in for everyone.

Ge Yan carried the ice bucket back to the team and divided the ice cubes among the team members.

Everyone has a piece of ice in their hands, some hold it in a plastic bag, and some put it directly into the outer layer of their backpack and put it on their backs.

The cool air was refreshing, and it seemed to make me feel better.

Captain Song took out two buses and placed them on the open space aside, waving, "Get on the bus first! We'll discuss it on the way."

Anyway, everyone is connected to the same spiritual network, so it is convenient to talk about it.

Everyone filed into the car and drove towards the western port.

Song Ning asked the little spider to scan five thousand meters away, and then informed everyone in the spiritual network, "There is already a fight over there. In addition to Chen Zhaowei's strong spiritual ability, he also has the ability to fly."

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Song Youai hurriedly asked, "Is Xiao Gu okay over there? How are they?"

"It's okay." It's just that the little bastard Chen Zhaowei is too good at hiding. Seeing that the situation is not right, he immediately uses his mental power to hide himself and then runs into the sky.

It's just that his flying ability seems a little tasteless.

"His flying power can't run too far. I saw him fly twice, but he couldn't exceed a hundred meters."

"This little bastard, no matter what, we have to let him die here this time." Li Dawei cursed, "How can this man run? He came all the way from Gu to Qingshi! Haha."

Make it easy for them to find it!

Everyone nodded, hating Chen Zhaowei for being the same enemy.

The key point is that this person is so capable, a great traitor to mankind, a scumbag who has no bottom line in his behavior and actions, and can put his own compatriots on live broadcast shows for the entertainment of people in the X world.

Song Ning didn't listen to how they scolded Chen Zhaowei. She was secretly communicating with Little Spider: "Can you lock and close the No. 2 and No. 3 dimensional warehouse? No. 1 will leave it alone."

"Condensing the main body, do you want to lure the enemy in and catch them all?"

Song Ning said "Yeah", not shying away from the killing intent in her eyes, "Since they want to come, let them come."

"Do you think it's feasible to transfer all the items in the No. 1 dimensional warehouse to other dimensional warehouses?"

"It should be possible." Little Spider said complacently, "Condensing Main Body, I can also help you move all the remaining dimensional warehouses and dimensional spaces from the X Realm Master system into our ark, and take full control of them."

"Didn't Xiao Gu hint before that we have more than three or two Arks here? I can help install all the remaining Arks with dimensional spaces and dimensional warehouses."

Captain Song's heart was beating violently, but on the outside he still looked calm.

"Friend, it is related to the people's livelihood in the world. If you are not completely sure about this kind of thing, you can't talk casually." It can't be said that it gives people hope and makes people despair, right? She, Song Ning, disdains to do such a thing.

"Don't worry, Condensation Main Body! If I can say it, I can definitely do it."

"Okay!" Song Ning nodded lightly, "Then let Xiao Gu inform Mr. Hua and the others."

"Can you control Dimensional Warehouse Nos. 2 and 3 first, and temporarily close the passage?"

"It's feasible!" Little Spider paused, "No need to close warehouse No. 1?"

"It doesn't matter." A cold light flashed through Song Ning's eyes, "Let us know, 90% of the superpowers from country C will be assigned to Ark No. 1."

The little spider made a fuss and sent the message to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen was leading a fierce fight on the other end, but the zombie birds here were overwhelming, which was a bit too much.

Even so, the team of superpowers he brought was quite large, so he was able to completely suppress the situation.

Temporarily handing over the command to Lu Wei, Gu Chen walked aside to check the information.

This news was so urgent and important that Comrade Xiao Gu opened the communication video without saying a word and reported it to the official.

In the conference room, the official staff who were having a headache arranging the lists of the second and third batches were almost in high spirits after receiving this good news.

Originally they were hesitating about how to arrange it. This group of ordinary people, the old, weak, women and children had to go first, and the group of outstanding talents also had to be fully equipped to go together. Their left and right hands were all flesh, so they had to choose where to go.

Now that I heard that Gu Chen could arrange all the other Arks into the first dimension warehouse and the second dimension warehouse, he couldn't help but feel excited.

This means that everyone on their side can get on the Ark, and there may even be room available!

But Ark One is likely to be scrapped in battle.

Scrap it, scrap it!

These high-level officials know better than anyone how many arks they hold in their hands.

Therefore, why are these great enemies of the X world willing to sacrifice the dimensional warehouse and dimensional space with both hands? ?

Secretary-General Chen stood up excitedly, "Xiao Gu, are you serious?"

Although Mr. Hua's face was calm, his mood was quite ups and downs.

He clasped his hands on the desk and said in a deep voice, "Since you are so confident, we will fully cooperate."

"Immediately draw up a list of all the sixth-level and above superpowers in Country C and arrange them to be admitted to Ark No. 1."

"In addition, you must pay attention to safety. You must remember that you are the most precious treasure of our Kyushu. If the situation goes bad, we allow you to handle it as appropriate and retreat immediately. No matter what, save your life first."

"Issue a military order and appoint Comrade Gu Chen as the supreme commander of this operation. Everything must be obeyed and obeyed."

Instructions were given secretly.

Captain Song also quickly came to the western port with his support team.

From a distance, everyone saw a large group of zombie birds pressing in the air, chirping non-stop.

Song Ning pulled the team out of the car without saying a word. The Spark Team rushed forward with the fire-type supernatural guns. A group of people surrounded them and fired various supernatural powers into the air.

Pieces of zombie birds fell down, and before they even hit the ground, they were hacked to death in mid-air by numerous power users.

After several consecutive battles, everyone has already developed a certain degree of tacit understanding, and basically knows how to fight without talking nonsense. (End of chapter)

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