Half a month later, the bronze team has also successfully evolved to the fourth order, and there are no more moths on the sea beast's side, and it seems that the situation has stabilized.

Bai Mu felt that there was no need to stay any longer, so he asked Qi Ming to resign and wanted to return to the Donghui base.

"Do you want to consider staying, when you evolve to the fifth order, we can control Beiguan City together and guard this sea area together.

Qi Ming recognized Bai Mu very much, he wanted to keep people, and he tried his best to invite them.

"Thank you for the invitation, but I still want to go back to the Donghui base, where I am also needed.

"This time I came to support, but I brought most of the high-level powerhouses in our base, and the longer I stay outside, the more dangerous the base will be.

Bai Mu refused.

Qi Ming had no choice but to shake his head, but it was a pity that a good seedling, if he evolved to the fifth order, he would be on an equal footing with him.

He didn't mind his position at all, but felt that if Beiguan City could be guarded by a strong man, then he wouldn't have to worry so much about unknown disasters in the future.

It's a pity that this man has his own territory to protect.

So, the two reached a consensus and formed an alliance to help in times of trouble and advance and retreat together.

In terms of resources, circulation will also be strengthened, which is undoubtedly a great thing for Bai Mu, and the resources of Noah's caravan can be described as abundant, which is very conducive to the development and construction of Donghui base.

Back to the Donghui base, with the joint efforts of Li Sheng and Lu Zhiqiang, the expansion of the outer wall of the entire base has reached the final stage.

The reorganization and construction of the entire base are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

"During my absence, how is the base?" Bai

Mu asked when he found Lu Zhiqiang.

"Rest assured, boss, everything is going well, except for a few small corpse tides, but for an attack of this scale, we can still withstand it.

"But I heard that all members of the bronze team have evolved to the fourth order, and our strength has increased greatly, so even if there is a large corpse tide now, there is no need to worry."

Lu Zhiqiang smiled and was sincerely happy.

Bai Mu threw him a fourth-order evolutionary crystal nucleus.

"Well done, it's rewarding, you have to keep up with the pace of evolution, you can't hold back.

Unexpectedly, the boss threw it away, and it was a precious fourth-order evolution crystal nucleus, Lu Zhiqiang's eyes lit up, and he thanked him excitedly.

With nothing to do, Bai Mu and the two realms shuttled back and forth willfully, of course, every time he returned to Blue Star, he would stuff the storage space with abandoned vehicles.

His storage space has now been upgraded to 48 cubic meters, which can carry more cars.

Returning to the last days will also bring a lot of supplies and all kinds of seeds.

Now that the Donghui base has been expanded, there is more land, and only by cultivating crops can we live a stable life of self-sufficiency, otherwise it is not a way to rely on him to fund it alone.

In the past, the Donghui base was under the control of the Tang family, and there were also crops, but the land was limited and the harvest was very small, and it was all provided to the rich.

In order for the base to develop steadily, the people must also have enough to eat.

After a few months, it was finally time for a bumper harvest.

The current Donghui base is no longer what it used to be, and the grain can be self-sufficient, and the price has been reduced a lot.

Everyone can also eat enough, the streets and alleys are basically no longer homeless people begging, and everyone's faces are also full of happiness.

Bai Mu is very satisfied with his current life.

The acquisition station on the side of Blue Star is developing steadily, and as a hands-off shopkeeper, he has millions of dollars in income every month.

He would occasionally bring back some valuable things and sell them to Lin Xuanang.

Now his assets are also considerable, and he is a proper rich generation.

Being a rich man in Blue Star and a master in the last days is very nourishing.

In the last days, although he was the one in charge behind the scenes, he still nominally governed with Zhuo Jianguo, but Zhuo Jianguo also knew that his strength was far lower than that of this cheap apprentice through the battle of Beiguancheng, so he gradually did not want to get involved.

So in fact, Bai Mu is in power alone.

But he wasn't idle, he developed his abilities when he had nothing to do, and although it was developed more slowly, the effect was still there.

Within a few months, his abilities had reached the true peak of the Fourth Order, to the point where they could no longer be exploited.

When he first evolved to the peak of the fourth order, his mind control power was 96 tons, and at this time, after full development, it had already reached two hundred tons.

He was very glad that he hadn't been in a hurry to take the fifth-order evolution crystal nucleus at the beginning, but he didn't expect that there was still so much room for the potential of the ability.

But now is the right time.

Bai Mu was ready to advance to the fifth order.

Judging from past experience, it was not easy to evolve every time he jumped to the fourth order, and the last time he evolved to the fourth order, he fell asleep for ten days.

So this time to evolve the fifth order, he is still ready to return to Blue Star, where there are no unknown risks.

However, what surprised him was that after eating a lot of food and taking the fifth-order evolution crystal nucleus, he lay on his big bed, closed his eyes and waited quietly, but he did not lose consciousness.

On the contrary, it is very uncomfortable, not like the kind of transformation discomfort below the fourth order, and the feeling is indescribable.

Mobilize your ability to grab a bottle of water to drink, but find that your ability is invalid, and the water on the table does not move.

"What's going on?"

Bai Mu became a little nervous.

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