Liuyun Yanyue’s two abilities made Ao Xin’s heart flutter.

To improve the resistance to evil spirits, the corpse demons mentioned by Princess Pingyang are the zombies in their eyes, and the evil spirits are zombie viruses.

How did the ancients know about viruses?

I thought this power was demonic energy.

The biggest disadvantage of humans fighting zombies is that they cannot be injured.

Injury means infection, which suppresses human combat power too severely.

If there is no fear of zombie virus infection, then human combat power will increase by at least 30%!

But now, there are only a few capable people who can ignore the zombie virus.

For example, Jiang Shuyue’s own moonlight has the ability to purify viruses.

For example, the little devil in the form of a tardigrade that he killed on the Bund of the Magic City had extremely strong resistance to the zombie virus.

Even he himself can improve his virus resistance to a certain extent by relying on his powerful domineering power, the strengthened body functions given by bloodline factors, and the super physique brought by Qinglong.

But it’s also limited.

Once he is injured, he should immediately use Yuehua Pills to purify the wound.

However, Jiang Shuyue’s strength is limited and it is impossible to purify all levels of zombie viruses.

Therefore, this function of this weapon is extremely precious.

Because this is a permanent improvement to yourself!

Even if you don’t use this weapon, this improvement still exists!

Not to mention, he can also slowly increase his defense power and strengthen his elemental output ability when using this sword.

Even he was moved after hearing it.

But he didn’t plan to use it himself, but wanted to leave it to his sister.

First of all, although Ao Chen is a fantasy beast species, she does not have the physical bonus derived from the fantasy beast species. Although as compensation, her speed bonus is three times that of other fantasy beast species!

This bonus still exists after getting Thunder.

It also makes her elementalize faster.

But her defense is too weak, and after the elemental advantage is no longer available, the ability to improve virus resistance and defense can greatly improve her survivability.

Secondly, although he can control the three elements of wind, thunder and fire, the main function of these elements is to assist attacks. Whether it is him or Kaido, the attack mode is mainly melee.

It’s just an elemental enhancement attack.

Only the natural system will focus on elemental attacks.

Therefore, Liuyun Yanyue’s enhanced elemental attack attributes were a bit of a waste for himself.

Thirdly, the Thunder Ancestral Whip in his hand seems to have other secrets, which may not be worse than Liuyun Yanyue.

Even Princess Pingyang, who has experienced the apocalypse and visited the heroes of the late Han Dynasty, would add “legendary” when she saw the Lei Zu whip in her hand.

Perhaps, he has not yet unlocked the true function of this weapon.

Princess Pingyang’s body became more and more unreal, and she sighed:

“The power of your generation is really miraculous. You have not yet cultivated the Holy Embryo, but you can control the power of heaven and earth.”

“The Holy Embryo I achieved with the Zhaoyang Mind Technique also needs to reach the Yangshen realm before I can use the power of the flames. I hope you can really get rid of the corpse demon and prevent this tragedy from reincarnation.”

Seeing that her body was about to dissipate, Ao Xin quickly asked her question:

“Princess, may I ask what the secret is of this weapon? Also, what exactly is the Great Nirvana?”

The princess said:

“The so-called annihilation is actually a seal. The sealing of this time and space delays the arrival of the power of the corpse demon, and opens the space of annihilation at the right time. We leave the power we have painstakingly studied to future generations, and we hope that future generations can solve the problem of the corpse demon. Suffer.”

“I will be reincarnated after death, and return to before the zombie demon came, and evolve another kind of history.”

“The history of the late Han Dynasty that we see in history books is a history without corpse demons that evolved after the heroes of the late Han Dynasty caused the Great Nirvana and returned to before Zhang Jiao’s death.”

“The history of our Tang Dynasty that you have seen is also a normal history that evolved after we caused the Great Annihilation and returned to the Daye Period.”

“If you are unable to slay the corpse demon, you can also use the Great Nirvana to seal your period of time and space before being exterminated by the corpse demon, and reincarnate until the zombie demon comes, delaying the emergence of the corpse demon and leaving it to future generations to solve. ”

“I met Guan’s daughter in the past, and you met me today. Perhaps it was fate.”

At this moment, her body had turned into particles of dust, only being held together by a mysterious force.

She looked down at her body and said with a wry smile: “Nirvana, everyone, take care. Even though I die, I can still leave my name in your history.”

Her body began to turn into dust from the bottom, which was a dark red dust that was the same as this world.

It fell to the ground and merged with the dark red soil on the ground.

With only her head left, she left her last words:

“General Yuchi once obtained the true biography of Lei Zu, and the divinity of Lei Zu’s whip was entrusted in his ghost-suppressing whip. You go to Chang’an,

If you can find his ghost-suppressing whip, you can activate it completely…”

Before she could finish her words, the head completely dissipated.

On the throne, the bright light armor was still left.

Also, the Liuyun Yanyue knife inserted in front of the throne, and the drop of essence and blood suspended in front of Liuyun Yanyue.

The dark red dust slowly fell, and Ao Xin looked at the throne in front of him blankly. This monster that was so powerful that no one could defeat him in his previous life had just disappeared.

He stepped forward to pick up the Mingguang Armor on the throne and summoned the flame cloud. Ao Chen curiously touched the sword.

Ao Xin had told her a long time ago that he came here just to get this knife for her.

The blade is bright and sharp, and the blade is slender and domineering.

The faint flowing clouds on the handle of the knife add a mysterious atmosphere to the knife.

However, when she tried to pull the knife out from the ground, she found that the big knife didn’t move at all!


She was surprised: “Is it the same as Xiaobai’s three-pointed knife? It requires special people to do it?”

She then looked at the blood essence suspended in front of the broadsword. Although they were in the sky, she heard the princess’s words clearly.

“Do you need this drop of blood?”

But she didn’t touch the drop of blood directly.

Instead, he asked Ao Xin:

“Brother, if you absorb this drop of blood, will you be snatched away by Princess Pingyang or something?”

The little girl has also read some online articles and knows these weird settings.

Ao Xin was inspecting the Mingguang Armor, and he was stunned when he heard his sister’s words.

Although he has never heard of anyone having his body taken away, even if he started cultivating his soul during the second divine gift, he has never heard of anyone being able to take his body.

Even in the secret realm, I have never heard of anyone being taken away.

Of course, just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean you don’t have it.

But when he looked up, he saw dark red dust covering the world everywhere.

In the Great Nirvana, the princess should really be gone.

“Probably not. Although we have to be cautious, we don’t need to be too suspicious. Wouldn’t it be a pity to give up this kind of benefit? Let’s use this drop of blood.”

With his consent, Ao Chen just touched the suspended drop of blood essence with his hand.

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