The era of high martial arts

Chapter 471: Keep moving forward

Liu Yuanbai looked at the projection on the sand table, frowned and pondered for a moment before saying, "Let's move on."

If we take a detour now, we can only go to Jiangcheng in the western Hunan area, and then go south from Jiangcheng to Dongguang. This turnaround would be too troublesome.

Even if we don't take the road to western Hunan and detour through the sea area of ​​​​Xiguang, let alone, that is the territory of the Kraken Clan.

Can people just watch you and drive ten aircrafts past your door for no reason?

It’s better to save some time and worry and go forward the same way.

The information officers in the command room received the order and began to sort out the data and convey the order to continue sailing to the control room.

The order was passed on, but I was still a little uneasy. The satellite city behind was already on alert. If it went like this, a conflict would break out directly.

"You don't have to think about this matter, I have my own arrangements." Liu Yuanbai said calmly, looking very confident.

"It's the marshal!" The information officer gradually let go of his worries. He just did his own thing and collected information, and left the rest to the marshal to worry about.

"Huh," Liu Yuanbai let out a long sigh of relief, blinked his eyes to relieve fatigue, and turned to look at White Snake: "Do you want to go out for a walk?"

Hearing what Liu Yuanbai was telling him, Bai Snake put down his crossed legs: "The air here is too stuffy."

The implication was that she wanted to go out for a walk, and she also knew what Liu Yuanbai meant.

"Okay, you pick an information officer to bring with you." Liu Yuanbai turned his finger and pointed at the information officers sitting in front of the computer.

"Yeah." White Snake took a look and originally wanted to choose the one who talked more just now because his mind was very sharp.

But Liu Yuanbai seemed to need him more than himself, so Bai She chose a man wearing glasses and sat in the corner without even saying anything.

"Is it just him?" Liu Yuanbai's face looked a little weird, and Bai She asked suspiciously: "What? No?"

"That's not true." Liu Yuanbai laughed and said, "You took away my best information person, and you made me a little panicked!"

"Ah?" White Snake was stunned. What is the best? It shouldn't be!

Shouldn’t it be the one who talks more just now who is the best? Why did he become the silent one in the corner...

"He doesn't like to talk, but his thinking is sharper than anyone else. He is one of my most satisfied informants."

Usually when Liu Yuanbai was asked to formulate a battle plan, he would ask the information officer for his opinion.

Hearing what Liu Yuanbai said was so important, Bai Snake immediately waved his hands and shook his head and said to change, which made Liu Yuanbai feel funny: "You chose this person, and now you don't want her, and you don't ask her how she feels. Really..." A helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he turned to ask the information clerk wearing glasses: "What do you think? Do you want to go or stay?"

The informant wearing glasses is named Sun Jingming. His cultivation in the ancient martial arts realm is not weak, and his mental strength is comparable to that of the innate realm.

This actually made Hu Ling'er slightly shocked. No wonder Liu Yuanbai valued him so much. It turned out that his mental power was so strong...

Sun Jingming pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Go."

"That's okay." Liu Yuanbai clapped his hands and smiled at White Snake: "I will leave my beloved general to you."

By the way, pick up a few centurion teams and take them with you on the road.

"No." White Snake immediately rejected Liu Yuanbai's proposal. Liu Yuanbai frowned and asked, "Why?"

Liu Yuanbai's idea was to let White Snake lead the team to arrive at the satellite city in front of the aircraft, clean up the security department in the satellite city, and then let the centurion lead the team for maintenance and management, and then continue in this way until they leave Xiguang.

This can effectively avoid starting a war with people who don't know the truth in advance, so as not to cause greater disputes.

Of course, sneaking into the satellite city in this way and cleaning up the security department's takeover of the satellite city will indeed cause a stir in public opinion if word gets out, but now we can't control that much. When Xiguang and Dongguang start fighting, Secular public opinion naturally knows why this is done.

Regarding White Snake's refusal to let the centurion follow, Liu Yuanbai was a little confused: "You don't want to go in alone, do you?"

There are only a hundred thousand in the Satellite City Guards. No matter how powerful you are, you will fall over.

"I didn't say they don't need it, I just don't want them to follow." White Snake rolled his eyes and said, "I will take Sun Jingming to the satellite city first, take over the security department network in the satellite city, and then let the centurion lead the team into the satellite city to take over. , This can effectively prevent the leakage of information and the exposure of actions, and also prevent the city guard team from being triggered by receiving instructions. "Even if the city guard team comes by then, the Centurion team will also take over the security department of the satellite city, and they will definitely protect it. The city team will not take action again.

Liu Yuanbai thought it was okay, not to mention that White Snake's own cultivation was not bad, and he was relatively safe for Sun Jingming, so he agreed with White Snake's idea.

Now that the plan has been finalized, without further delay and without waiting for anyone, White Snake and Sun Jingming immediately went out to mobilize the team.

A centurion is the leader who manages a hundred soldiers. A hundred soldiers in the ancient martial arts realm are enough to control the security department of the satellite city.

At other times, Liu Yuanbai was behind to explain, while Bai Snake and Sun Jingming went on the road first.

Since this trip involves infiltrating the security department of the satellite city, White Snake cannot use aura to fly to avoid being exposed, so it can only move forward with the help of a hover car.

After setting the destination, the hover car rose up, cut through the clouds and shot into the distance.

In Liu Yuanbai's perception, White Snake and Sun Jingming were suspended, and they quickly disappeared.

"I'm sorry to trouble you about the obstacles ahead..." Liu Yuanbai stood on the deck, letting the howling wind blow by him, and quietly looking at the mountains and forests on the ground in the distance.

The speed of the hover car was very fast. In less than half an hour, it arrived at the second satellite city of Xiguang.

As the information officer at the command headquarters said, the second satellite city was on alert at this time. The radars that were originally stored underground in the mountains, forests and plains were all raised at this time. As long as a target appears within the radar sensing range, it will be carried out as soon as possible. Interception strike.

Fortunately, even if you are on alert, you can still enter the urban area of ​​the satellite city.

The suspension car carried White Snake and Sun Jingming to the top of the tallest building in the satellite city, where Sun Jingming asked for a good signal.

When the hover car stopped, Sun Jingming got out of the car with his touch laptop in his arms, sat cross-legged on the ground and began to connect signals to crack the security department's security line.

When Sun Jingming started to crack the security defense line, White Snake did not sit idle and moved toward the location of the security department with hidden aura.

When he sneaked into the command room in the security department, Sun Jingming's voice came from the invisible earphones worn in his ears: "OK."

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