The Evil God Emperor is In the City

Chapter 75: spread throughout the monastic world

There are only a handful of major events that have happened in the monastic world that has tended to be peaceful in the past two decades.

The first is that Xianshi Yan kidnapped Su Bieyun and was surrounded and killed by the seven elders of Huanchen, resulting in three deaths and one injury.

The second is that Han Xiao's master, Yan Zhaoqiu, killed Zhang Fu, the candidate for the sect master of Zhengyi Famen.

Ge Mu's killing of Wang Zhuo this time can be regarded as one of them. After the news spread, his name immediately spread throughout the entire monastic world.

News spreads fast.

Because of the network!

In fact, the cultivators are not rigid and resist all technological products. In fact, they also understand how to keep pace with the times. They have also specially set up a website for various cultivators and cultivators to discuss spirituality, Taoism, and news.

Two hours after Ge Mu left, Bai Leng informed the Huanchen Sect of the incident, and sent it to the website in detail.

Immediately there was an uproar.

Various factions are discussing who Ge Mu is, even Wang Mengfu's great-grandson dares to kill him? What's going on?

True martial arts.

After Han Xiao returned from Fushanyun, he occupied a senior brother's cave to practice, and he did not leave the customs for more than 20 days.

Still meditating today.

The restriction in front of the cave suddenly produced a wave like a water pattern, and then the sloppy senior brother Zhuge Fanyun rushed in with a noodle sticking to his chin.

"Junior sister, something happened, big news."

"Me! Fuck! Your sister!"

For a hot-tempered girl like Han Xiao, retreating and meditating was always a difficult task, but she finally calmed down, and she didn't make much progress, so she must be upset when she was suddenly disturbed.

Swish stood up.

Gritting his teeth, he glared at his senior brother Zhuge Fan Yun and said, "You missed a beat today."

"Junior sister! Junior sister! Calm down!"

"I think it's the worst thing for a cultivator to get angry. If Taishan collapses in front of him, he will not change his face, and it's not good for his skin to be angry."

"Junior sister, I'm waiting for the cultivator..."

Han Xiao is not a person who speaks great truths. He immediately grabbed Zhuge Fanyun's shoulders, bent his knees and slammed his knees.

Afterwards, there was a violent beating, not to mention the brilliant technique of the True Martial Daoist sect, the means of smashing fights on the streets.

With this method, Miss Han did not know how many brothers and sisters she abused.

Seven or eight minutes passed.

Han Xiao was tired and stopped to gasp. Zhuge Fanyun covered his blue eyes and said with a humble expression: "I haven't beaten my junior sister for almost a month. I thought this meal was really enjoyable."



Han Xiao rolled his eyes at Zhuge Fanyun: "Let's talk about something now?"

"Our master got a tablet, it's really fun to play with."

"I sent it."

The younger disciples of the True Martial Dao Sect are not allowed to play with mobile phones and computers in the sect because they are not disturbed by external things, but the Daoist cultivators of the generation such as Yan Zhaoqiu are already extremely clear, and this is not the case.

Han Xiao said again, "You went to play Master Tablet?"

"He knows how to surf the Internet and doesn't know how to set a password. I have secretly played it several times, but today he let me watch it. There is a big news, saying that the great-grandson of Huanchen Sect's elder Wang Mengfu was killed."

Zhuge Fanyun touched his chin, "Senior Wang Mengfu is very good. Our master thinks he is not his opponent."

"Oh, this is really big news, who would dare to kill his great-grandson so much?"

"you guess."

"The evil cultivator of Qisha Ghost Gate? The evil cultivator of Qisha Ghost Gate was active in Wuyue some time ago."

Zhuge Fanyun shook his head and said, "I'm not a person from the Seven Devils, but a loose cultivator. He is less than twenty years old. Do you think this person is very courageous?"

"Killing Wang Mengfu's great-grandson in Wuyue's land was a little bold. What's his name?"

"Ge Mu!"

lying trough-

Han Xiao was suddenly startled, this startled Zhuge Fan Yun, thinking he was going to beat him again, and hurriedly covered his head.

"My buddy, how did he kill Wang Mengfu's great-grandson? Don't hold back and tell me what's going on."

"Four characters are bad! The reason said on the Internet is that Wang Mengfu's great-grandson fell in love with Ge Mu's fiancee and wanted to force Ge Mu to give up the engagement. His attitude was a bit arrogant and domineering, so Ge ​​Mu killed him."

Zhuge Fanyun looked at Han Xiao again, "I think you should never look for a good-looking daughter-in-law, because it's easy to get into trouble, and a girl like a junior sister who has an ordinary appearance, a bad temper, and a bad figure is very good. Safety and peace of mind, are you right, Junior Sister?"

As far as Zhuge Fanyun's mouth is concerned, he actually suffers without complaining.

But Han Xiao didn't have the heart to bother with him at this time, and scolded "you motherfucker", then said: "Let's go and find a master."


"I have to use that tablet to contact Ge Mu and ask him to come to our Huanchen Sect to hide. Besides, Ge Mu's qualifications are very good. If he can join our True Martial Dao Sect at this time, it might not be a good thing. "

Zhuge Fanyun nodded and said: "Okay, but Junior Sister, don't scold my mother in the future, I think it's bad."

"Are you an orphan?"

"Even orphans are always born to their mothers."

"Okay, Got it, you bastard."

"It's almost there."

After that, the two quickly rushed to Yan Zhaoqiu's cave.

Yan Zhaoqiu was a hundred years old. He was the youngest person in the cultivating world to reach the Golden Core Realm at that time. His appearance was only middle-aged. .

"Fan Yun, you are not good at cultivating, why did you bring your junior sister here?" Yan Zhaoqiu was still reading the information on the Internet.

"Because of Ge Mu."

"This kid is very kind, and he is quite appreciated by the teacher."

Han Xiao leaned over to Yan Zhaoqiu's side, still with a carefree look: "Master, Ge Mu is actually my buddy, this time he has made such a big disaster, how about letting him come to our Zhenwu Dao Zong to hide? "

Yan Zhaoqiu wiped his beard and smiled: "This is considered a disaster? It's just what a man should do. I think he did nothing wrong."

"Right or wrong doesn't matter now, what matters is that he's in a very dangerous situation right now."

"Xiaoxiao, you don't have to worry too much, it's not your friend's fault, and even Wang Mengfu will not take it lightly and take action against his friend in person."

Zhuge Fanyun interjected: "Master, if Junior Sister Xiaoxiao was killed while I was alive, and was a junior who was much lower than you, would you shamelessly shoot him in person?"

Yan Zhaoqiu slapped the table and said, "If I dare to kill my disciple, what should I do with my face? I'll definitely go down the mountain and kill him."

"That's right, what if senior Wang Mengfu becomes embarrassed too?"

"He's… older…"

Han Xiao looked at his master and senior brother with a black face, pouted, grabbed the tablet and sent a message to Ge Mu.

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