The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 203 Mendez Family

"Night Dire," John muttered quietly.

Sheikh looked at John in surprise, "I didn't expect you to recognize that thing and be so calm."

"I saw one in church about an hour ago."

"I don't know whether to say you're lucky or not lucky." Sheikh continued walking to the other end of the alley.

"How do you say this?"

"Those things are very resistant to magic. Ordinary wizards have no way to do anything when they see them, and there is not much hope of escaping. You are unfortunate to have encountered them, but fortunately, you are still alive."

John took out the wine bottle and took a sip, "Are you kidding me? That thing is dead."

These words stopped Sheikh who was walking in front. He turned around and asked, "Did you kill him? Alone?"

"No, it's my other two companions."

"Let me guess, that Oriental is one of the two?"

John did not answer, but asked: "It seems that you know us very well?"

"You are investigating me, and I am also investigating you. That Easterner, ah, he is more famous than you think.

"At least in Knockturn Alley, Stink Street and all kinds of underground forces, he is in the limelight."

"Because of the waxy face?"

"It's not just him, there's also the big daddy of Sweet Home." Sheikh showed an ugly smile, "That guy used the entire Auror office to build Sweet Home. I think you should have heard about it."

"I'm not much surprised by this. It fits the guy's style of doing things."

"But it's different in the eyes of other underground forces. They regard him as a disaster star and warn their people not to provoke that madman unless it is absolutely necessary. Who knows, he will appear again with a bunch of Aurors. "

Hearing this, John was a little dumbfounded, "I really didn't expect that he first became famous in the underworld."

"I didn't believe those rumors at first, but now it seems that the Easterner does have some abilities. If you don't mind, could you tell me who the other person is?"

"Ali Shafiq," John replied, knowing that even if he didn't tell, the Sheikh would find out. The conversation just now seemed to be discussing Xing Ze, but it was more about showing Sheikh's strength.

John was curious about what happened in the past five years to make this once rich kid become what he is now.

"Tell me about your experience, Sheikh. You must know that you are also a celebrity in the British wizarding world. In order to find you, the Mendez family used a lot of connections and people."

Sheikh let out a long breath, took out his wand and waved it towards the back door.

"Of course." He gestured for John to go in. "Of course they want to find me. After all, I know too much."

John walked in the door and saw that it was a high-end liquor store. "Are they referring to the Mendes family?"

"No, it's not." Sheikh closed the back door, "This way, we'll go through the wine cellar."

After walking down the wine cellar, he continued: "It's the Sabbat, at least that's what they call themselves."

John took a bottle of wine from the shelf in the wine cellar and said, "Not bad, how about giving me a bottle?"

"The store owner isn't here anyway."

"I'm starting to like you." John hid the wine in the pocket where he had cast the infinite stretching spell. "So, you were once a member of the Sabbat Order?"

"You can think so." Sheikh nodded, "My ancestor, Edward, used a forbidden spell to summon the Screamer the day before the fall of Old Ravenska.

"You have probably heard this rumor. But in the end the wizards were defeated and the old Ravenska village fell. But the real reason was that the Screamers killed almost the entire Mendez family. The defenders lost most of their command. By.

"The remaining tribesmen escaped from the old house, but the monster is still hiding there. After the victory of the war, in order to be able to rule Ravenska again and regain its former glory.

"My family used many methods, one of which was to seek help from the Sabbat Order. No, at that time, my ancestors did not know that those people belonged to the Order.

"They brought money, materials and technology to help rebuild Ravenska. Yes, they are the Blue Mountain Group who are engraved on the tower."

Sheikh said this and summoned a ball of light with his wand, as the passage ahead began to get darker and darker.

John was doubtful about his words, "Are you saying that the entire Blue Mountain Group is the Sabbat Order?"

"Of course it's impossible, John." Sheikh said sullenly, "But they are everywhere. Any organization or any family may have their presence. Just like the black man, the god they worship, has many incarnations.

"Let's get back to the point. The reconstruction has been difficult, and there are rumors that the Mendez mansion is haunted. The spirit of Edward Mendez has been wandering the mansion.

"But that was just a trick of the Screamer. It transformed into the appearance of my ancestors and greedily hunted and killed those workers. Of course the surviving tribesmen understood what was going on.

"So they asked the Sabbat Order for help again, and this time, they demanded a price. In this way, my family fell into an endless abyss. For so many years, everyone thought that the owner of the new Ravenska was Mende Si family.

"But anyone who knows a little bit of history knows that the other families who control the town's industry are the owners. However, the people who really control Ravenska Village are the Sabbat Order.

"Of course, like those stupid ordinary people, I always thought that those big families were enemies. After knowing the truth of the matter, I realized that I had been wrong all along."

Sheikh's hoarse voice became a little weak, "I have always been on good terms with them. I naively thought that as long as I could become the mayor, I could drive out the cult with the help of those families.

"Unfortunately, you have also seen the result. The scars on my face are exactly what that terrifying existence left. If it weren't for my loyal followers, I would probably have been a corpse that night."

Hearing this, John almost sorted out the whole thing, "I have dealt with the dream thing. I can't imagine how you escaped from it."

"That's because it's weak." Sheikh stopped. "We have to go up." He levitated the light ball at the top of the wand, and then began to climb the stairs.

After walking out of the underground passage, John found himself in the backyard of a house. He carefully observed the surroundings and found nothing wrong before asking: "Is it weak?"

"Yes, that thing is very weak. It doesn't get enough food and is always hungry. In this way, the Sabbat Order can better control it."

John remembered that Xing Ze had been investigating the disappearance case in Ravenska Village, so he guessed: "The disappearance of the residents of the town?"

"Those missing people have become its food. But recently, it seems to have been injured, probably related to the failure of the Sabbat Order's ritual." Killing intent flashed across Sheikh's face, "This is an excellent Chances are, maybe we can kill that monster today."

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