The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 218 Preparing to March

"The Church. Ah, how interesting. I didn't know you were involved with them," Scrimgeour sneered.

"They know more about dreams than we do, and we can definitely rely on their power."

"Yeah, just remember that these people liked to burn us on crosses."

Bones raised his eyebrows, "Times have changed, Scrimgeour. If you still hold on to the past, you will be eliminated by this world. So, I think it is better to be more realistic."

"Well, I'm not here to discuss this with you." The director of the Auror Office looked behind Bones. "Since you don't plan to organize a rescue, don't hinder us."

"Look what you said." The Deputy Director smiled even more, "I respect Barty Crouch as much as you do."

"Your words really make me feel more at ease." Scrimgeour said goodbye to the deputy director, and then walked quickly towards Kingsley.

"Tell me you've got your bearings, Kingsley."

The Auror captain nodded and handed the anti-pollution crystal to Scrimgeour. "We have confirmed the location and have sent it to our people. But the route, the route is still uncertain."

"Can't wait any longer, let's get them ready and let's go."

"Deputy Director," Kingsley paused, "isn't she going to come with us?"

"Bones won't help Scrimgeour." John answered Sheik's question while putting away the crystal, "I guess you're not that naive?"

"I'm just worried that Scrimgeour's Aurors won't get here."

"Then we have to leave it to fate. You just said that the Sabbat Order has intervened? What's going on?"

At this time, Reko hurriedly ran towards the two of them, "Thank Merlin, John, I finally found you."

For a former Auror who had participated in many operations, after seeing Reko's panicked look, he knew that something serious must have happened, "What's wrong, Reko."

"The gate, there are all those things on the other side of the gate, dream monsters!" The poet's voice changed its tone in shock.

Sheikh seemed to have expected it. There was not much surprise on his face, and he just walked quickly towards the front building of the school.

John and Reko followed closely behind, and the three of them came to the front building. Many people had gathered here, and everyone looked nervously at the situation outside the school.

"How's it going, Mark?" Sheikh asked a bearded man.

"As expected, these things came out of the drain." The bearded man replied, and pulled back a young man who had his head too far out. "Be careful, don't be seen."

There is a spacious fountain square between the front building of the school and the main gate of the school. It is the place used by the school for morning gatherings. Outside the gate, some strange creatures are constantly crawling out of the drain.

There are spiders with human faces, many-legged insects as long as flagpoles, wild dogs with red hair, and some humanoid monsters, such as ghouls, unknown creatures that are half human and half tentacles.

The Sheikh looked at the people crouching under the windows of the front building and asked: "How are they doing?"

Mark touched his beard and said, "Three of them went crazy on the spot and have been taken away by the injected serum. The rest are still in good spirits. But don't hold out too much hope. If there is a fight later, they will still go crazy. Quite a few.”

"Have you informed Carol?"

"Send someone."

"That's good." Sheikh originally wanted to say something to these people, but after seeing the determined expressions on their faces, he gave up the plan. Turning to John, he said, "This is what I said would happen if they intervened."

"For Merlin's sake, where did these...these things come from? Have they always been underground in the town?"

"It's a failed experiment." John affirmed. "Long-term experiments will always lead to failed works. I guess these monsters should be the final trump card of the Sabbat Order."

"Yes, failed experiments transferred from all over the country," Sheikh confirmed John's words.

This reminded John of the underground testing site in Nottingham. In addition to the testing materials that they secretly transferred that day, there must also be something like this.

"What's your plan?" Reko saw that monsters were no longer coming out of that damn sewer. He now felt that those counterfeit sewers were not so bad.

"Are you relying on these people to defend this place?" the poet asked in a lowered voice.

Sheikh picked up a magazine from the ground and threw it to Reko, "These are not ordinary bullets. They are bullets that have been specially processed by the church and are specially used to deal with dream objects."

"Church?" Reko looked confused.

"If I only relied on wizards." Sheikh laughed, "then I would be finished long ago."

"That's it." John understood. "No wonder you disappeared for so long. It turned out that you took refuge in the church."

"You two, everyone needs to keep up with the times. The church knows far more about dreams than we do. These bullets are the best proof. These things make it possible for mortals to fight against dream objects."

"It also makes it easier for the Muggles to deal with us." The poet curled his lips and put the magazine back into place. "But these alone can't stop those monsters. There are too many of them."

"The poet is right. Damn it, Sheikh. If you cooperate with the church, why doesn't that bishop come here with you? Now I miss him a little bit." John said.

"Are you talking about Nathanael? I don't know. Very few people can figure out his ways. That guy often doesn't play his cards according to common sense. But don't worry, our mission won't be too long. We just need to guard for a while. That’s it, I’ve sent out the signal and help will be here soon.”

Wait for a while? I think it's to test the effects of weapons and bullets. The church must be very willing to test the power of these new weapons, and there just happen to be countless lambs here.

What a wishful thinking. John smiled coldly, he would not expose this. Now, they need even more guinea pigs like this.

"Mark, ask people to get ready. Follow our plan." Sheikh ordered, and then said to the combatants: "Don't worry, brothers and sisters, hold on, someone will come to rescue us soon."

On the other side, Bishop Andrea saw the white cross exploding in the sky, which was the church's unique signal bomb. He turned to signal to the monk next to him, and the monk immediately began to mobilize.

Bishop Andrew made the sign of the cross on his chest and prayed in a low voice: "Lord, please forgive my sins."

Bones also saw the signal flare and looked in the direction of the church camp with some surprise, where mobilization had already begun.

She roughly estimated how long Scrimgeour's team had been in, and then called her deputy and asked him to also notify his subordinates to prepare for the attack.

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