The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 280 Snake Man

West casually took a pair of tweezers on the dissecting table and picked up an eyeball. "Poor Nick, I hope he feels at ease in Avalon," he said, and then threw the eyeball into the trash can.

"Let me guess." Xing Ze said, looking at the blood splattered on the floor and the white wall beside him, "These should all belong to that Nick."

West glanced at the side wall and said, "You really gave me some good gifts. Well, I think you guys would like to know what this is all about."

As he spoke, West used tweezers to pick up some white gelatin from the corpses, "To put it simply, these four corpses were all regarded as hosts, and someone placed the larvae of some kind of creature in their bodies... "

West paused, looked into their eyes, and then said: "So you may still not understand. For example, it's like a parasitic wasp."

The eldest lady understood immediately, "You are saying that these corpses have eggs laid in their bodies, and those monsters just came from the corpses."

"That's it."

Xing Ze can get the general idea without West's example. After all, in the world he came from, there were endless horror movies about parasitic humans, the most classic of which is Alien.

But sometimes, reality is often more exciting and bizarre than novels and movies. Judging from the current situation, what the aliens can do, these lizard people can also do it, and do it better.

After the alien hatches, it will take at least a period of growth. Judging from the time of the turmoil, these lizardmen have the ability to kill a wizard as soon as they emerge from the "mother's womb".

Although this wizard is just a healer and his combat abilities are similar to those of an ordinary Muggle, he is still an adult.

Just think about it, in nature, no, not even in the world of magical creatures, there are no creatures that can be so lethal right from birth. This is completely contrary to common sense.

"But this is contrary to common sense." West said, but there was excitement in his tone. "The wildebeest calves will run after they are born. This is the instinct engraved in their genes. And these monsters, Well, actually I prefer to call them snake people.

"They can fight after they are born, and what is even more surprising is that their growth rate is simply unparalleled. I have seen the corpses of the three snake men. When they burst out of the corpses, they were nothing more than Only as big as my arm.

"While we were waiting for our reaction, they had grown to the size of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child. Look now, the white one is almost as tall as you."

Xing Ze shrugged and said, "In other words, these things have no infancy."

"Yes, it's amazing, isn't it?" West raised the tweezers on his hand, "Look at this again. These were originally supposed to be organs, but now they have been broken down by digestive enzymes."

The eldest lady took a few steps forward, stuck her head out to look inside the corpse, and even reached out to touch the chest area of ​​the corpse.

Sometimes, Xing Ze had to admit that this rich lady was not at all squeamish and pampered. He had already noticed this when he went to the Forbidden Forest to investigate the death of the unicorn.

However, Xing Ze felt relieved when he thought that this was a young lady who didn't act according to common sense. Perhaps when other girls were sitting around the garden drinking afternoon tea and talking about handsome boys from various families, this girl was very likely to be there. Dissecting a frog, or studying some forbidden Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Part of the ribs are also missing." Ellie said doubtfully, "Can these digestive enzymes break down bones?"

West put down the tweezers and reminded: "Please be careful, Miss Shafiq, we haven't yet determined how powerful these digestive enzymes are. But, as you can see, it also works on bones. ”

"Like a spider." Xing Ze interjected.

"More like a snake," West said, "but far more powerful than the digestive enzymes we currently know. As we all know, food is digested under the combined action of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, but we haven't found it in corpses. Acid was found inside. I guess this is to protect the embryo from growing smoothly."

Xing Ze took a scalpel and picked up a piece of film from inside the body, "This is it?"

"Afterbirth," West replied, "It should be used to protect the embryo from being corroded by digestive enzymes and toxins."

Ellie looked at the mucus on the rubber gloves, frowned and asked: "Toxin? Is it the poison of snake grass?"

"Oh, no, it's not. Initially, we also thought that these people died from the poison of snakegrass, but after autopsy, it was found that it was not the case.

"Although the smell is very similar to snake grass, this is a brand new toxin, and we have no clue about this toxin. The only thing that can be determined at present is that these toxins are similar to snake venom.

"Don't worry too much, miss. We have already processed the corpses and eliminated the activity of the toxins. These toxins should be used to protect these corpses from being destroyed by other animals."

The eldest lady breathed a sigh of relief. She continued, "It seems that you have dissected the corpse of a strange... snake-man."

"Yes. During the autopsy, I found the embryo in the corpse. Fortunately, it was not fully mature. Speaking of this, these embryos should have been only the size of eggs at first and entered the human body through the esophagus. I found it in the esophagus of the corpse. A tear was found on it, probably caused when the embryo was introduced.

"In short, the embryo reaches the stomach, uses the stomach as a hatchery, and then injects digestive enzymes. Judging from the efficiency of the enzymes, it only takes about 20 hours to completely dissolve the entire internal organs." West's fingers circled the corpse's belly, "All dissolved, and the dissolved gelatin is the source of nutrition for the embryo after it matures. According to inference, the embryo will mature in about 24 hours and pierce the afterbirth to absorb nutrients. "Remember the two thinner snakemen? They came from two women. It's probably that the nutrition inside the corpse is not enough to support their rapid growth. They will die soon." Xing Ze thought of the snakeman who attacked Ellie. It was definitely not Fred's thunderbolt bullet or his kick that caused its death. Now the doubt is resolved. "What does this mean, Mr. West?" Ellie was a little confused. "One possibility." West said seriously, "These snakemen are ripened. Normally, their incubation period will not be so short, and the nutrition they need cannot be provided by a corpse. Therefore, I have to warn you that this unknown creature has advanced biotechnology, at least several centuries ahead of us, and perhaps even more. "

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