The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 292 The Great Detective and the Fake Detective

Lanny finally found Ellie in the police station. He had no choice but to buy sufficient information from a rogue police officer in the police station.

But what he doesn't know is that most of the information held by the black policeman is false. This seemingly true and false information will shift his target to Ellie, thereby reducing the risk of Xing Ze being exposed.

However, due to time constraints, there are loopholes in these forged materials and intentionally leaked information, which do not allow for careful scrutiny. However, Xing Ze is not worried about this. These investigators currently have very limited information on the case, so they basically accept all comers.

To be honest, this is actually the basic method for solving crimes. In the 1990s, there were no high-performance computers and there was not much surveillance on the streets. If you wanted to solve the case, you could only rely on experience, messy clues and broken legs. The police officers.

Among them, clues are the most critical. Police officers who go door-to-door taking notes will provide a large number of clues, most of which are useless, and many may even be misleading, so the experience of the police detective is particularly important at this time.

Lanny understood these truths, so when he clearly noticed something was wrong with this information, he was not too angry. After all, as a detective, it is his daily routine to find anomalies from true and false clues.

He recognized the special agent named Nix at a glance. Even though she was dressed quite plainly, her beautiful and unique beauty could not be concealed.

Lanny has always believed that in the world of Harry Potter, Hermione's appearance is quite impressive, but compared with this young lady, she is still slightly inferior.

He followed quickly, trying to find a suitable moment to talk to the lady. But the other party stopped before he could take action.

"Isn't it unwise to follow a lone lady near a police station, sir?"

Lanny was stunned. There was no one around. It was obvious that the lady was talking to him. His tracking level was not high, but it was impossible for him to be exposed so quickly.

It seems that this special agent from Scotland Yard has some skills. After thinking for a few seconds, Lanny said: "Don't worry, ma'am, I'm not a pervert. To be precise, I'm a detective."

"Detective?" Ellie turned around with a faint smile on her face.

"Yes, Detective, if it is convenient for you. Miss Nix, I would like to speak with you."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to agree to your request. This... unknown gentleman, not to mention how you know my name, if you want to talk to me, you should invite me openly and not be discovered in the tail row. after."

"Tailgate? Oh, madam, you must have misunderstood. I just haven't had time to invite you yet."

Ellie crossed her arms and replied coldly: "If that's the case, sir, I think you can go to the police station to make an appointment. If I haven't forgotten, I will give you a call."

Apparently undeterred, Lanny continued: "It's just time for a cup of coffee, ma'am. How about I buy you a cup of coffee? Oh, you can call me Lanny, here's my ID."

After saying that, Lanny handed over his business card along with his driver's license from this world.

Ellie stretched out her hand to take it, looked at it symbolically, and then returned it to the other party, "Okay, but it only takes a cup of coffee, Mr. Detective."

"Of course." Lanny replied with a smile.

A coffee shop near the police station.

The two sat down at a window seat. Lanny immediately got to the point and asked, "Forgive me for the limited time, Miss Nix. I'm looking for you about the case of the four corpses."

"Before we talk about this topic, I want to ask you, how do you know me? The information about that case has not been fully released to the outside media. Except for some personnel in the police station, no other information about my identity is known. "

There was no embarrassment on Lanny's face, and he replied calmly: "Dear Madam, have you forgotten what I do?"

"This is not something worth boasting about, Mr. Lanni. I can arrest you for stealing other people's information." Ellie narrowed her eyes and said.

"I have no choice. You have done a good job in keeping secrets, and my time does not allow me to stay here for a long time to investigate. So I can only use some dishonorable methods. Since you have not notified the police to arrest me, , This shows that we still have room for cooperation.”

"If you want information about the case, unfortunately I can't disclose it."

"No, no, I'm not here for this. If we talk about this, a cup of coffee is definitely not enough time. I just want to ask, have you found everyone on Frank's team? Of course, except Frank."

"Why am I telling you this?"

"I might be able to help you."

"Help? A detective who knows nothing?" Ellie took the coffee from the waiter, "I'm very suspicious."

"I understand your suspicion, ma'am. Are you aware of the 'Red Hand' case?"


"Frank and I solved that case together."

"You?" Ellie had uncertainty on her face, "But I didn't see your name on the report, not even in the newspaper."

"I'm not a fame-seeking person."

"That's really noble. So how do I prove what you say?"

Lanny took out a stack of information from his back, "All the information on the 'Red Hand' case is in it. It contains Frank and I's investigation process, profiles of the suspects, recordings, transcripts, etc."

"Of course, if you don't have that much time, Miss Nix, you can ask the detective who took over the case at that time. Franklin and Yellante from the Criminal Investigation Division should still remember me."

Ellie reached out and took the information, "I have to remind you again, sir, it is also a crime to hide investigation information privately."

"It's just for research." Lanny smiled, "Besides, didn't I take the initiative to hand it in now?"

"Are you taking such pains just to inquire about such a thing?"

"It would be great if I could gain your trust. Quentin Coldwater, he's a member of Frank's team, but I don't see that name in the report."

Ellie replied calmly: "Of course you can't see it. In order to prevent the progress of the investigation from being leaked, we produced two different documents."

Lanny soon figured it out. The investigation of homicide cases is often a game with the murderer. For their own benefit, some unscrupulous media or rogue police officers often announce the latest investigation progress to the public, thereby giving the murderer more time to react and respond.

This kind of thing happens all the time, especially when it comes to serial murders. The police finally lock the target. When the arrest is about to begin, various media begin to rush to report on it. In the end, the arrest operation becomes more difficult and even more difficult. with the suspect destroying evidence.

So many times, the police throw smoke bombs to the media and even use the media to mislead the murderer. If you think about it this way, it is not surprising that there are two investigation reports.

While Lanni was still thinking, Ellie said: "Cooperation requires sincerity. If you tell me who provided you with this information, I will consider this cooperation."

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