The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 294 Telford

When the bus arrived in Telford, it was around noon and the weather was quite hot.

As soon as Kelly got out of the car, she was busy applying some new sunscreen on herself. Lanny lit up his pipe. His left arm was injured during a mission and it would become sore after sitting in the car for a long time, so he had to use some special herbs to relieve it.

"What on earth are you smoking? I've never smelled anything like this." Kent fanned the smoke away with his hand.

"Exclusive formula. I'm going to see if there's any shuttle bus to Brichester."

Kent nodded and motioned for him to go.

"I hate this kind of country place," Kelly complained, looking at the street outside the station, where there was a dingy butcher shop, a grocery store with a faded awning, and a shabby tobacco shop.

The locals sitting at the door of the store stared at the foreigners with distrustful expressions, looking at their clothes and luggage, as if these people would bring unknown things.

"I don't like the way the locals look at me either."

"Stop standing at the door, Miss Kelly, come in and sit for a while. People in small places are very wary, which is normal. If you have met the indigenous people in the rain forest, you will understand that this is nothing."

Kelly stuffed the sunscreen into her backpack, gave a middle finger to a few middle-aged men across the street who looked at her with leering eyes, and then followed Kent into the station hall.

The two of them found an inconspicuous place to sit down in the hall and waited quietly for Lanny to bring back the news. There were not many passengers in the station, most of them were layovers.

Not long after, Lenny came back and blew out the smoke from his mouth: "Looks like we have to spend the night here?"

"What?" Kelly spread her hands in surprise, "Is there only one shuttle bus a day?"

"You're right. The information Quentin found was from five years ago. The shuttle bus here was changed three years ago. There is only one bus going to Brichester every day." Lanny said.

"Damn it. I don't want to stay in this damn place all night. Have you seen the way people outside look at us?"

Kent waved his hand and said: "Calm down, Miss Kelly. Lanny, is there a bus to Iron Bridge? Where can we take a boat to Brichester?"

"Heavy rain. The heavy rains in the past few days have caused the river water to rise. Most ships are prohibited from leaving the port. I'm afraid there are no ships that can take us anywhere."

"For God's sake. Let Mike drive us there. It's not far anyway, just a two-hour drive." Kelly still insisted on going to Brichester.

"I'll go talk to Mike." Lanny said.

"No. Find a place and let's have something to eat first. Let Mike and the others come too." Kent said, "There's no need to be in such a hurry. We still have to explain the current situation to them."

After hearing this, Kelly wisely said nothing more.

About ten minutes later, they sat down in a dirty snack bar. Mike went to the front desk to order food, and the others chose two nearby places to sit.

The oil-stained electric fan on the ceiling was turning slowly and slowly, and a piece of jazz music from the era came from the radio mixed with the sound of electricity.

"This place reminds me of my childhood." Kent frowned. Like Kelly, he also disliked such backward and old places.

He would rather go to a forest, prairie or other natural place than this. This place is really boring.

He couldn't stand the sticky table, the flies everywhere, the mice hiding in the dark, and the xenophobic looks.

Mike returned to his seat with a few bottles of beer, "They only have beer here."

To add to that, there are no decent bars. Kent complained in his heart, but still had that calm expression on his face.

"Everyone, I want to announce something." Kent coughed slightly, and then told Mike and the others about the decision made on the bus.

Mike didn't object, and neither did Serena. But Xing Ze smiled and asked: "I don't object to this, but can you ensure that our right to know is the same as yours?"

"Of course." Kent vowed, "You are just at the rear, not isolated from the world. No matter what we know, we will tell you."

But the opportunity to participate was lost. Xing Ze thought to himself and nodded, "If that's the case, I have no objection."

Kent continued: "This is also for your own good. You must know that this mission is quite serious, and we must be foolproof. Okay, now, I have to announce some bad news."

After all the people around him turned their attention to him, Kent said, "There is no shuttle bus to Brichester."

"How could it be? The information clearly says..." Serena, who had been silent all this time, took out her notes and rummaged through them.

"Don't bother, Serena. Those information are not the latest. They are different from now." Kelly said to her roommate.

"It's okay, we have a van." Mike opened a bottle of beer. "It only takes two hours to go to Brichester from here."

"Do you know the way?" Lanny asked.

Mike took a sip of beer, lowered his head and thought for a moment before replying: "We have a map, ask the people here. At the station, some drivers at the station must know the way."

"Or we can stay here for one night and wait until tomorrow morning to take the shuttle bus. Just like today, the van will follow." Xing Ze suggested.

"I won't stay here, Mr. Quentin," Kelly objected. "There's no decent hotel in this place."

"In fact, there's one right down the street. There's one at the end of the street."

"Are you sure the hotel can accommodate people?"

"I even went in to check it out. But it looks pretty good."

"Okay, okay." Kent interjected, "We'll set off after eating and taking a rest. There's nothing to argue about. Mike, you go to the station and ask for directions.

"The rest of you will go and inquire to see if there is anyone here who knows the way to Brichester."

After finishing their meal in the small restaurant, everyone dispersed and began to inquire about the route to Brichester in Telford.

The two women were assigned to drive to the town's post office to inquire about information and to see if there was any accommodation where they might need to stay.

As for the men, they investigated in pairs for safety reasons. Mike and Xing Ze went to the station to try their luck, while Kent and Lanny went to the freight center there.

The sultry weather made Mike break out in sweat not long after walking. He unscrewed the mineral water in his hand and drank half the bottle in one breath.

"Damn it, why is it so hot?"

"We still have to walk for a while." Xing Ze recalled the location of the station while paying careful attention to his surroundings.

After the bus pulled in, he asked Mike to drive around to familiarize himself with the terrain. Since being attacked by the snakemen, he has become more alert than ever.

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