The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 307 Traitor

The eldest lady put all her doubts aside for the time being. She took out her wand and secretly cast a large-scale deflection spell on the policemen, which could reduce their chance of being shot.

Things had reached this point, and there wasn't much she could do. Although this dispute could be resolved with the wave of a magic wand, that would be too eye-catching.

The fact that she was able to drive out the police car despite the hail of bullets was a miracle in the eyes of others. Any police officers who came to support did not think that there would be anyone alive in the car.

But after seeing Ellie getting out of the car unscathed, their faces were full of surprise. If it weren't for the gunshots that continued to echo in their ears, many of them would have shouted God's blessing and prayed.

Fortunately, they had no time to continue to be surprised. Superintendent Ribbon's loud shouts and orders made this group of well-trained policemen quickly join the battle.

Ribbon and Harris hid behind their own police cars. These police cars had been modified and their reinforced doors could withstand shots from some small-caliber firearms.

They placed police cars across the road to form a barrier, but the opponent's firepower was too strong for them to fight back. Fortunately, Ruiben had previously applied for special police support from the chief, but those special police officers had been placed at the end of the queue to prevent Action exposed.

It didn't take long for the special police to join the battle. With fire support, the mob on the opposite side was quickly defeated.

The next step was to clean up the scene. Ribbon left this matter to Harris and walked towards Ellie.

"What happened? Miss Nix." He glanced at Worm and Tom sitting in the car.

"He was attacked." Ellie replied. "It's hard to say clearly, but the attacker should be related to Frank's disappearance."

The superintendent looked gloomily at the chaotic street behind him and muttered: "What the hell, how am I going to write a report?"

Lanny was losing his patience. He didn't understand why the police here wouldn't let him make a call. Even if he was a suspect, he would have a chance to call his lawyer, not to mention that he wasn't.

The three of them took stock when they decided to follow the police. Lanny quickly made up a lie. He claimed that he was attacked by three gangsters for no reason, and the supermarket cashier could testify to this.

His companion, Xing Ze, rushed into the supermarket to help, but was forced back by the gangster's gun. After firing the shots, the gangsters fled in a hurry. Lanny insisted that the two guns found at the scene belonged to the gangsters.

"I have read the transcript, Mr. Laney. But I would like to ask you to go to the scene again."

"Scene?" Lanny frowned, "Officer, I don't think it's necessary. I told you everything I know."

Seeing Lanny's impatient tone, Cobain comforted him: "Of course, of course. You have to know, sir, Telford is a quiet town, and there are only a few thefts every month. But now, Three gun-wielding thugs were killing people with impunity.

"For God's sake, we can't allow this to happen. So every detail is critical to us. The cashier said one of the guns on site is yours, sir. Of course, the poor guy Maybe I was scared and lost my sight, but..."

Lanny understood what the other party meant. Guns were indeed a problem, but this problem could be solved by relying on his connections. All he had to do was give him a call.

Hell, it was just a phone call away. He cursed hard in his mind, but remained calm as he said, "Can I make a call first, officer?"

"Oh, let's call after we've been to the scene."

Lanny didn't expect this answer. He didn't give the other party a good look anymore, "What? You know I have the right to make phone calls, right?"

"I understand, I understand, sir. But I still insist on going to the scene first."

Lanny noticed something was wrong. He looked around and then at the police officer in front of him, "After you've been to the scene, you made a phone call?"

"Yes, sir, I promise."

Lanny nodded, "Okay, let's go. Oh, the guy who came in with me is an Oriental named Xing Ze. Is he also with me?"

"Yeah, that's right. And the girl, I think her name is Serena. Like I said before, we need any details."

Lanny didn't ask any more questions. He followed Cobain out of the interrogation room and all the way to the parking lot, where the young police officer who had taken notes for him was leading Xing Ze and Serena.

"The number of police cars is limited, so I'm afraid you'll have to squeeze in."

Lanny nodded and asked casually: "Officer Coburn, you said before that you have notified my friends in the hotel?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"No, it's okay, I was just wondering why they haven't come yet."

"Oh, then I don't know. I told them that it was best for them to come alone."

Lanni sat in the back seat, and not long after, Xing Ze and Serena also sat in.

The young police officer was sitting in the passenger seat. He handed Cobain a cigarette and said, "The director has sent people to the station and the intersection to see if they can catch those three bastards."

Coburn took the cigarette and put it to his ear, then started the car, "There is little hope. If they wanted to run away, they would have run away already."

A few minutes later, Lenny, who was sitting in the back seat, called out, "Hey, isn't this the way to the supermarket? Where are you taking us?"

"Don't get excited, guys." Cobain laughed cheerfully.

Lanny wanted to open the door and get out of the car, but found that the door was locked. He moved forward and reached for the iron fence that separated the front and rear, but a pistol appeared in front of him.

The young police officer changed his friendly face and warned in a cold voice: "Be quiet, I promise you will be fine."

Lanny retracted unwillingly, feeling as cold as winter from the young man's body.

There are traitors among the police. He was vaguely aware of it, but he didn't expect them to bring them out so openly.

Are you going to kill them? No, if you plan to kill them. These two people would not lead them out of the main entrance of the police station.

Lanny's brain was working rapidly, and he was thinking about how to get out of the current situation. Serena, who was sitting next to him, was so frightened that she couldn't hope for anything. As for Xing Ze, he didn't have much panic, and could even be said to be calm.

While Lanny was still thinking, Xing Ze broke the calm in the car, "Two, I guess there are still our companions from the hotel where we are going, right?"

No one replied. The car fell into dead silence again.

Is it torture? The possibility flashed through Lanny's mind, but he quickly upgraded it to confirmation.

There is no other possibility. He thought in his mind that he didn't want to kill people, but he wanted to get something from them.

But...but what exactly?

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