The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 349 Potion

"Give me the address. Where are you going to send the things in the carriage?" Xing Ze asked the man with the mustache.

"The seafood market in Brichester, you idiot. Otherwise, where do you think the frozen fish should be sent?" the strong man replied while sucking in the air-conditioning.

Xing Ze turned to look at him. Under the cold eyes, the strong man shrank back and did not dare to look directly at Xing Ze anymore.

"Listen, smart people. I don't care about the fish, I care about what's underneath the fish. So again I ask, where are you going to send that stuff?"

Mustache covered his injured ear with his hand and said: "Brechester, No. 290, Lance Avenue. Can you call a doctor for me? For God's sake, I'm bleeding."

"What are those potions? What are they used for?"

"Please... please, I will tell you everything. Please call me a doctor." Mustache begged.

When he heard what he said, the strong man shouted again: "Shut up, you idiot, have you forgotten the teachings of the gods? Don't forget that we are doing a sacred thing. You are betraying the gods. ”

"Okay, now I can confirm that you did come from Emberhead Village."

"Haha. So what?" The strong man sneered, " will suffer the most vicious curse in the world."

Xing Ze smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, friend. I'm already deeply trapped in a curse, and it doesn't hurt to add another one."

Then, he asked the man with a mustache in a louder voice: "Just tell me the truth and you will get what you want, I promise."

"I don't know, sir, really. We don't know what these things are for. We're just delivering them."

Xing Ze turned his attention to the strong man and asked, "Does your god allow lying?"

The strong man did not dare to answer, but stared at Xing Ze with angry eyes.

After asking a few more key questions, Xing Ze asked his boss to notify nearby hospitals and the police. He left a note and asked the store owner to hand it over to the arriving police.

That note was written to Cobain so that he could help suppress what happened here and avoid unnecessary entanglement for Xing Ze.

After finishing these things, he called the Liverpool Police Station. He originally wanted to explain the progress here to Ellie, but he got a reply that she was out on an important mission and the information about the mission could not be disclosed.

Xing Ze did not ask to transfer the call to Superintendent Ruiburn. In his opinion, Ellie was a smart woman, and the detectives in the Liverpool Police Department were not free earners.

In comparison, the situation on his side may be more dangerous. According to the information obtained, the truck did not leave from Emberhead Village, but from Liverpool. These three men are all members of Mr. Doll's gang, the old record gang.

They were originally ordered to take things to Emberhead Village, but after seeing a large number of police cars, they decisively changed their route. However, the truck only had enough fuel to drive to Emberhead Village, so they stopped at this gas station and waited for further instructions from above.

If nothing else goes wrong, this batch of potions will be transferred to Brichester. They have also encountered this situation before. However, starting this month, the address of the Liverpool delivery point has changed, from the University of Bristol to 290 Reims Avenue.

Xing Ze gave up the idea of ​​going to the Unsolved Mysteries Society at the University of Bristol first, and instead planned to go to Lance Avenue to check out the situation. He left a phone voice message for Ally, and also specified in the letter to Cobain He asked him to take the van to Liverpool Police Station.

At that time, Burke can send the potion to St. Mungo's to analyze what these things are used for. Although the old man would definitely complain a few words, he could only complain a few words for the sake of "Snake's Teeth".

Things are getting more complicated. This investigation has long gone off track. The snake men in the sewers, the old record gang, the time travelers, and various forces are competing in it, but the treasure from the Slytherin family is still missing, like a ghost hidden in the fog.

Xing Ze returned to the truck and took away a box of medicine. He had to continue on to Brichester, and for some reason he felt like he didn't have much time. As for those three bastards, after Xing Ze showed his police ID, the store owner patted his chest and promised to keep an eye on them.

Worm took Ellie into a high-end nightclub. Although it looked bright and beautiful on the outside, after a night of carnival, the smell in the room was hard to describe.

The cleaners were cleaning up the garbage on the floor. Behind the bar, a man with tattoos on his arms was counting last night's income. Worm approached with his characteristic silly smile.

"Hey Florence, how's business?"

The man raised his head and looked over, his stubby eyebrows knitted together, and replied angrily: "Wam, haha, did you just come out of the police station?"

"Come on, Florence, stop teasing me. I'm here to do you a favor."

"No." The man refused, his tone firm as if he was rejecting a salesman.

Worm spread his hands and said, "I haven't even said what it is."

"It can't be a good thing," Florence said, glancing at Ellie.

The eldest lady changed her outfit. She was really good at disguise. Now she looked like a drug addict living on the street. Her hair was messy and curly, with dark circles under her eyes, cheap lipstick, and her nose sniffled from time to time. Paired with cheap short-sleeves and ripped jeans, she looks like a street girl addicted to drugs.

When she walked out of the police station toilet dressed like this, everyone couldn't believe it. It wasn't until she spoke that the policemen came to their senses.

On the way here, Wurm also asked her who she learned to disguise from, or whether there were movie actors in the wizarding world, but the answer she received was that this changeable wizard had been to the prison, where she met many different people. With few people, I learned a lot.

In short, Florence didn't put too much energy on Ellie. He had seen too many girls like this in his daily life. In his opinion, there is nothing special about Ellie except that she is young and beautiful. These girls are like this. Drugs and viruses will soon make them old.

"Damn it, Firth. I've helped you get a lot of good stuff over the years. Is this how you treat your friends?"

"Are you kidding? Friend? Worm, you know very well that people in our business have no friends, only interests."

"Then for the sake of profit, do me this favor."

"Let's talk about the benefits first." Florence closed the thick account book, reached out and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case.

"Hey, give me one." Ellie, who had been silent all this time, said. She stretched out her dirty hands - before coming in, she grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and rubbed it - without any politeness. mean.

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