The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 442 The Formula for Finding a Girlfriend

Ma Yuxuan just finished the college entrance examination this year. He has been a top student since he was a child, and he spends almost all his time studying. Playing basketball and surfing the Internet are almost insulated from him, let alone the puppy love he only has now.

This doesn't mean that he loves learning so much, he just has been forced to do things he doesn't like.

After the college entrance examination, he got a pretty good grade and was admitted to his favorite university "Xiakong University"... Finally, he was relieved.

Like a wild horse that has run wild, he is about to run wild.

He has to make up for everything he missed in the previous 12 years, he has to play games for 12 years, he has to make up for 12 years of anime, and even girlfriends, he has to talk to 12 people!

"Wait a minute, wait a moment," he slapped himself, "Calm down, 12 girlfriends seems a bit too much, after all, I haven't figured out how to get a girlfriend, I still have to search online Take a look and see if there is any formula."

After this search, he really found it.

Girlfriend = tall + rich + handsome

A very precise formula, with 4396 likes from netizens.

"This... is a bit difficult," he looked in the mirror, "I don't have any money, how can this formula be satisfied?"

He's just an ordinary top student, not that kind of evildoer. He just graduated from high school and has no means of making money.

"The equation doesn't hold, what should I do? Make it up!" Ma Yuxuan thought of a way with his usual thinking mode.

Since I can't satisfy the left side of the equation, I can simply add something to the right side of the equation so that the equation is established.

He first wrote an equal sign on the paper, and then wrote a big "poor" character on the left side of the equal sign. Then write the word "girlfriend" on the right side of the equal sign.

This equation was obviously not valid, so he added another word before "girlfriend"... Yun.

poor = cloud girlfriend

"Hey! Isn't this established!"

He thinks he's smart. His previous deskmate often changed wives. At that time, he thought his deskmate was very powerful. After asking, he found out that the wife of his deskmate would change every quarter when a new anime was released. Dead nerds who can't find a girlfriend call those cute girls their wives.

"In this case, it seems that it is not impossible to have girlfriends for 12 people!"

Ma Yuxuan began to search for greasy senior sisters on the Internet, ah no, it was cute sisters.

After looking for it, he really found it.

Produce119, finally 12 girls debut, the members are up to you to choose.

"Damn!" He suddenly felt that this was tailor-made for himself?

So he immediately completed the previous episodes of the program, and successfully entered the pit to become a younger brother (DD).

"Cui Mingyue is so beautiful, with such a explosive figure, she is a good candidate for the first wife, Jin Mengzhu has a strong personality, and used to be a policewoman, standard in urban YY novels, the second wife is you, Qin Yuqi is also good-looking, with a lively personality, little girl One devil, three wives... and lastly there is Su Yourong, who is the youngest next year, but taller than her sisters, this contrast, ah, I'm dead..."

The tablemate who came to play at his house saw him like this, and couldn't help complaining: "You are thinking about eating, do you want me to wake you up? It just so happened that I got angry recently."

"Hey! Why can't I think about it?" Ma Yuxuan said, "If I don't put it into action, why don't you allow me to think well?"

"That's not okay," said the tablemate righteously, "because they are all my wives."

"Damn! Yang Kuan, labor and management want to break up with you! Break up!"

"What is the position of a breakup?"

"Hey~ You're disgusting, faggot, stay away!"

"You're the gay guy, bah," Yang Kuan said after the two tablemates had a flirtation with each other, "The live broadcast of the final stage will start soon, turn on the computer quickly."

"Yeah! I almost forgot!"

When Ma Yuxuan opened the webpage of the live broadcast, it happened to be the opening of the show. The two boys immediately found a seat and sat down, tearing open the bag of potato chips and staring at the screen intently.

At the beginning, all the remaining contestants danced to the theme song of the show. Recently, PD119 has become popular, and the most popular song in the whole show is naturally the theme song. Because of its catchy melody and simple dance moves, even many uncles and aunts can say it once or twice, and the spread can be said to be very high.

At the beginning, Ma Yuxuan was attracted by the theme song with hundreds of people dancing together. Although there were not as many people this time, it was still very touching to see them dance the theme song again.

In particular, when you watch stage performances after getting familiar with girls, you can often see more things than before.

"Oh! Cui Mingyue! I love you!"

"Qin Yuqi! Wait until I marry you!"

The two boys yelled directly in the room.

After the theme song, host Zhang Jiashuai came out to announce the final stage voting rules. After hearing this, the two of them immediately turned on the mobile APP to vote for their favorite girls.

Then, Zhang Jiashuai said: "This time in the finals, we also have a special guest on stage. Although she has not appeared in front of the camera, she has actually accompanied the entire show through the whole process. There are songs written by her in the stage performances... Speaking of which, I believe everyone already knows who I am talking about, right?"

"Damn!" Yang Kuan suddenly exclaimed.

"Wow! Why are you yelling so loudly all of a sudden?" Ma Yuxuan didn't know much about it because he just got in touch with it, and asked, "Who is he talking about?"

"You fake fan, can't you tell?" Yang Kuan exclaimed, "Yeast! Yeast!"

"I also have probiotics, what yeast?"

"Yeast in Qingyi! "Blue and White Porcelain", "Fairy Tale Town", "Difficult to Read"... are all her songs!" Yang Kuan looked in disbelief, "Is this show so ridiculous? How dare you give Yeast Are you here?"

Although Ma Yuxuan doesn't know who Yeast is, he still knows those songs. A large part of the reason he likes this show is because of these good songs. However, he didn't like to look at the lyrics and composers of the songs before, so he never knew that these songs were all written by the same person.

Now when I heard the introduction from my deskmate, I immediately thought, "Fuck, is this person so awesome?"

After a quick search, it turned out that Tsing Yi Yeast is actually a 3D virtual singer.

"How did this virtual singer get on stage?" Ma Yuxuan was puzzled.

"It's very simple, just project directly," Yang Kuan said expectantly, "Yeast has participated in the concert of the band after the rain before, and it appeared on the stage with projection."

"Really?" Ma Yuxuan was also full of curiosity when he heard the words, "Projection? What will it be like?"

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