Chapter 32

The road ahead was blocked by a platoon of SWAT police.

Use roadblock truck to block the road.

A row of riot police, armed with shotguns, stood ready behind the roadblock.

Well-equipped, the black barrel exudes chill.

The queue was neat and tidy, with no trace of confusion or hasty formation.

It doesn't look like a temporary dispatch at all, but more premeditated.

Or maybe he knew they would show up and deliberately squatted here, waiting.

There are cliffs on both sides of the car, making it impossible to pass.

We can only walk through the nearby wilderness and take a detour to Jiujin Mountain.

Unless you risk your life, drive to the mountain.

Li Ang was stunned, narrowed his eyes, and his mind changed rapidly.

It has been planned here for a long time. Who is the person behind the scenes?

Is it O'Neal, Dominic, or someone else?

You can't get any closer, and you can't stop.

Otherwise, you will fall into their trap and be slaughtered by them.

After preparing to pay attention, Li Ang lightly applied the gas and then turned the steering wheel.

The silver thug's tires scraped against the ground, making a sharp sound.

Green smoke billowed out, and the silver mob suddenly drifted ninety degrees.

During the drifting process, Li Ang looked at the American man teasingly.

Give them the middle finger.

The American man who blocked the road was so angry that he gritted his teeth and his eyes were filled with fire.

This is the first time I encountered such an arrogant target.

You have guns pointed at them, how dare you provoke them?

I wanted to pull the trigger and give him a shot.

It's a pity that they have a mission and are just holding guns to intimidate.

I can only let Li Ang be humiliated, and I can't even shoot him even if I'm angry.

"Hahaha."Li Ang laughed wildly.

Then he stepped on the accelerator and left from the Gobi and desert.

He didn't know why these special police came and even used roadblocks.

But he would definitely not shoot them.

Because it was just It 's just drag racing, it's not like sending special police with shotguns.

The appearance of these people is either because some vicious terrorists are passing by, or someone deliberately set up roadblocks to force them to leave the highway.


What kind of situation is it?

Li Ang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and became cautious. He was afraid that the purpose behind this game was not simple, just as he thought.

The special police didn't chase him.

Or they didn't come specifically to intercept the late-night racing party.

"interesting."Li Ang became more and more vigilant, with a slightly cold expression.

After leaving the road and coming to the wilderness, the road became bumpy.

The silver thug's shock absorbers were not upgraded, and the shock absorption effect was not good.

In addition, the chassis of the sports car was already low, and there were many potholes here. It was not an easy place to walk.

Li Ang turned on his high-beam headlights and tried his best to choose a good section to run.

"This section of road has been carefully selected." He squinted his eyes and saw the clues.

It's not like Li Ang has never run in the wilderness.

Although it is difficult to walk, it is basically smooth.

This section of the road is different.

There are not many flat roads at all.

Some places look like It was dug out deliberately, and the concave surface is smooth, not smooth after being rolled over for a long time.

"It seems to be directed at me."Li Ang's mind turned quickly.

Someone wanted him to take this road so that he could be dealt with without anyone noticing.

It's dark and windy at night, and it's hard to see. If the car's headlights weren't on and the navigation wasn't on, it would be easy to get there. I got lost in this place.

Now I can't get back to the road. The roads on both sides are blocked by mountains.

I can only get back to the road by going around this mountain.

"Hello, master, how are you doing there? I followed Dominic on the wilderness roads."Letty's voice came over the intercom.

"By coincidence, I also walked into the wilderness. Li Ang smiled intriguingly.

Letty was stunned,"How could it be that with the strength of the master, he still had to take a trail in the wilderness?""

"Someone set up a roadblock in front of the car and I had to go around"

"Who do you think it could be?"Li Ang pondered

"Could it be O'Neal?

Letty thought it was probably him,"He wanted this championship and used despicable means?""

O'Neal's motive is the most obvious. He also organized this game.

Of course, it could also be Dominic. He also went to the wilderness and Gobi sand.

Maybe he wanted to go there to snipe Li Ang.

"Let’s focus on the game first. There is a light in front of me, so there may be something wrong and I’ll die."Li Ang hung up the phone decisively.

There was a bright light in front of him, and it was not just a point.

There were at least twenty headlights, that is, ten cars!

Oncoming, this posture was about to collide with him.

"Enable night vision filter mode."The Silver Thug system made a sound.

Then the visual effect of the glass changed color and turned into night vision mode.

Different from the night vision mode currently used, the Silver Thug's night vision is softer.

Even the stones on the ground can be seen clearly.

As long as they are not flat, they will be drawn with bright lines to let Li Ang notice them. There are ten people in each car, and some people are still lying outside the window. He raised his hand and held a pistol in his hand!

"bang bang bang……"

The gunfire was loud, but the wind was too strong and the accuracy was not good.

The bullets were deflected!

But Li Ang heard the gunman!

"Damn it, you want to kill me?"Li Ang was angry!!

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