
What does it mean?

The housekeeper looked at him, discerned his expression, and slowly, his eyes widened: "Miss Ye has already found out?!"

"No." Wen Yilang shook his head and slowly looked out the window, his voice astringent, "Worse."

He slept with her.

He slept with her as "Bai Yi".

The originally uncomplicated situation suddenly became extremely complicated because of this incident.

It's like a ball of wool that can't be unraveled or straightened out, stuffed in my heart, rolling around, making people upset and unable to find an outlet.

From his expression, the butler realized the seriousness of the situation. But he never imagined that Mr. Ye and Miss Ye would...

So, he tentatively asked: "Then, what is the situation?"

What is it like?

Is there any chance of recovery?

As Wen Yilang's housekeeper, he has a very professional ethics and plans for Wen Yilang wholeheartedly, solves problems for him, and even wants to see him happy.

"Nothing." Shaking his head, Wen Yilang didn't look at him, "Go out."

When it comes to privacy, he can't tell the housekeeper.

Seeing his firm attitude, the butler stopped asking, "Yes, sir."

Turn around and back off.

Wen Yilang stood in front of the window irritably.

From here, you can see the clean and tidy garden.

The cobblestoned path was washed clean. Pieces of neat lawns were built neatly.

This villa is no longer dilapidated, outdated, and gloomy from the beginning. The courtyard was cleaned up by the housekeeper and servants, and the exterior wall of the villa was repainted according to the design draft, and now it is a fresh and pleasant light blue.

The housekeeper chose this color because Shaoyin mentioned it. He has regarded her as the future Mrs. Wen, and of course he has to arrange it according to her preferences.

But when Wen Yilang thought of that woman, he was upset for a while, with a headache, his mind was in a mess, and he had no clue.

How could he possibly care about her?

That cunning, vile, hypocritical, pretentious woman, how could he possibly fall in love with her?

He didn't want to accept it, but he couldn't lie to himself. What was in his heart, he could disguise in front of the housekeeper and disguise it in front of the woman, but when there was only one person, he couldn't deceive himself.

How to deal with her, how to deal with this relationship, this relationship, this engagement, caused him a deep headache.


The sound of the phone vibrating came.

Wen Yilang mentioned it in his heart, his body froze unconsciously, he turned around slowly, and looked at the coffee table.

Finding that it was "Wen Yilang"'s cell phone ringing, his eyes could not help flooding with disappointment. He pursed his lips and walked over.

Pick up the phone and connect: "Hello."

"Alang, come here." It was Mr. Wen who called.

Wen Yilang lowered his eyes and said, "Got it."

After hanging up the phone, he changed his clothes, picked up his mobile phone, and walked out.

After a pause, he turned back and took the phone belonging to "Bai Yi" before walking out.

"You don't have to prepare my dinner." When he came downstairs, he informed.

At this moment, Wen's old house.

"I'm getting older, so I won't get involved in your young affairs." Old Man Wen looked apologetically at the girl sitting across from him, "Alang did this wrong. Let him give it to him. You apologize, and then... you talk to yourself."

Shaoyin nodded with a calm expression: "Okay."

"I'm not feeling well, go and rest for a while." Old Man Wen leaned on a cane and stood up, "Wait for Arang to come, you two have a good talk."

After taking two steps, he paused, turned his head and said, "He's the **** in this matter. If you want to beat or scold, it's all right."

Shao Yin smiled softly and lowered his eyes: "I don't beat him or scold him."

There was no anger in her voice.

No anger, obsession with wanting to get a statement.

Seeing her calm performance, Mr. Wen couldn't help sighing in his heart when he thought that she had always been like this when she came home.

She neither beats nor swears, so all she wants is one thing - break off the marriage.

Thinking of the **** things that Wen Yilang did, Mr. Wen really couldn't say anything to plead for him. Shaking his head, he said, "You sit first."

walked away slowly.

Soon Shaoyin and two domestic servants were left in the living room.

Shaoyin sat on the sofa, leaned on the backrest, took out her phone, and unlocked it.

The housemaid stood quietly in an inconspicuous place, waiting for orders.

The living room is smoked with precious incense, which is elegant and delicious.

The tea brewed on the coffee table is also the top green tea that is not available in the market, with a fragrant fragrance.

All these make people unwittingly let go of their guard, dissipate their anger, and become calm.

But Shao Yin was calm.

She was very relaxed on the sofa, chatting with the little sisters.

"Mr. Wen admitted it." She sent a message.

Soon, the little sisters' replies appeared.

"X's! Sure enough, that scumbag!"

"He's so shameless!"

"Did he recognize you that day? He didn't change his face! Shameless, when I see him again, I peeled the skin off his face!"

"If you want to pick it up, wait until there are many people and let everyone know his hypocrisy!"

Shaoyin smiled and pressed the button on the phone sensitively: "I'll wait for a round first."


"Where are you?"

Shaoyin replied, "I'm at Wen's house. The old man Wen just called him and asked him to come over."


"Hit him!"

"Sister, don't be soft-hearted, hit the bottom, they have a family doctor, they can't be bad!"

Shaoyin burst into laughter, and immediately edited the message: "Okay, Mah!"

She chose to follow the advice of her little sister and came to ask Mr. Wen directly.

In fact, she had an easier choice, and that was to ask Father Ye.

As the manager of the family business, Father Ye must have something to do with Wen Yilang and know what he looks like. But Shaoyin didn't ask him because she knew the result.

Father Ye is the spokesperson of the family and the pilot of the giant ship. He will only consider the interests of the entire family.

Even if he knew that others had bullied his daughter, what he thought was how to get more benefits from it, instead of choosing to break off the marriage considering his daughter's mood.

Want to know. When Wen Yilang was "disfigured", he didn't break off the marriage with the Wen family. Now he is not disfigured, just a little bit of a dog, and it is even more impossible to break off the marriage.

Therefore, Shaoyin did not go to him, but went directly to Wen's house.

Facing Mr. Wen, she didn't say anything else. Just took out a few photos and said, "This man named 'Bai Yi' is chasing me."

The old man understood at once.

"He doesn't respect me." Shaoyin looked at him and said.

Perhaps, he was trying to test her character. Maybe he was teasing her. But either way, he didn't respect her enough.

She didn't say that Wen Yilang's character was worrying. However, just focusing on this matter, Old Man Wen felt that his children were inauthentic.

As soon as he got old, he didn't want to lose an old face for the rambunctious children. So, I called Wen Yilang, asked him to come over, and the two of them talked on their own.

He doesn't care.

The juniors' affairs, whether they succeed or not, are up to them. If it can be done, everyone will be happy. If it doesn't work, and the Ye family comes to break off the marriage, he won't hold on to it.

Although Mr. Wen left the living room, he did not rest, but ordered to go down. When Wen Yilang came, he informed him.

Wen Yilang arrived in forty minutes.

He was dressed in a white suit and looked handsome and tall. When he walked in from the door, he turned against the light, and his long legs looked unreasonable, like a **** descended from the earth.

"What are you looking for from me?" He entered the door and looked at the figure on the sofa.

After the words fell, I realized that something was wrong—the figure on the sofa was much thinner than Mr. Wen.

Taking a closer look, he couldn't help but stop.

Scalp tingling.

A gust of cool air climbed up from the tail vertebra, and went straight to the sky.

Like a stone, he stood there stiffly, his consciousness gradually disappearing, and only his vision remained.

He watched the woman on the sofa raise her head, and looked at him with clear eyes.

"Bai Yi?" She slowly opened her lips, her voice was cold, and there was a hint of sarcasm, "I still call you, Wen Yilang?"

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