The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 467 The situation suddenly changes, Drew recommends himself (first update)

"Double team, don't give him the ball!"

"Go around, go around!"

Since Baojian came on the scene, the Death Team has completely lost its former glory.

Even though he was tired of defending, the inside was still completely destroyed by Bao Jian!


As the basket trembled violently, Baojian still pushed away the two players despite being double-teamed, and then completed a dunk under the basket.

After Baojian came on the court, the Trashcan team instantly took on a new look and became a completely different team.

With Bruno as the starting point and Baojian as the ending point, the Trash Can Team's division of labor on the field is very clear.

And the poor Death Team, after being completely tortured by Bao Jian, turned into the "Dead Man" Team

Daniel, who had been so prosperous just a moment ago, now looked uglier.

Just like a breast being played with, it can be kneaded into any shape at will, without the ability to resist.


Team Trash didn't give Team Death any chance. They knocked down their opponent with an uppercut and then pushed him to the ground and beat him wildly.

After the self-defense sword came on the court, the Trash Can team actually beat the Death Team 7-0.

After winning, the members of the Trash Can Team raised their hands in excitement and accepted the worship of the audience on the sidelines.

Bruno stepped forward and patted Baojian's broad back and said, "Well done, Baojian."

"Really? I think my fight is pretty good."

Bao Jian showed a simple and honest smile, completely different from the beast under the basket just now.

A member of the Trash Can Team excitedly took a thick stack of bills from the DJ's hand, held it up high and said, "Let's go to Taco tonight for a big meal!"


Bao Jian grinned and laughed.

After 4 consecutive victories, the players of the Death Team, who were defeated by the Trash Can Team and fell short, all had extremely unhappy looks on their faces.

Daniel spat, took out a thick stack of money from his pocket, and shouted to Bruno: "Let's play again, double the bet, do you want to do it?"

The Trash Can Team, which was already planning to leave the field, stopped.

Turkey advised Bruno: "We have made enough today, there is no need to fight with them again."

Bruno shook his head and said: "You see, they are not our opponents at all. Since they are giving us money, why should we refuse?"

Turning around, Bruno took the banknote from his companion's hand, walked up to Daniel, and threw it directly into the top hat.

Daniel immediately put the money in and said viciously: "You are dead!"

Neymar next to STO is excited.

"Team Death is so stupid. They dare to compete when they are so far inferior in strength. It seems that they have lost their minds in anger. This is obviously a gift of money. How can they let go of such a chance to win?"

With that said, Neymar took out a few more banknotes from the inner pocket of his pants, and together with the part of the money he just won, bet on the Trash Can Team.

Although judging from the situation of the game just now, the trash can team with Baojian must have the upper hand, but Shentong feels that things will not be that simple.

There is no sure win in this world.

If so, then this "sure win" will definitely turn into a loser.

The second game begins.

With the tacit cooperation of Bruno and Baojian, the Trash Can Team quickly took a 3-0 lead.

Everything seems to be going in the direction Neymar expected.



After Baojian succeeded in a strong attack under the basket, Baojian's left foot "just happened" to step on Daniel's lower foot as he was falling from the basket.

Bao Jian immediately fell to the ground, covering his left foot with both hands, and large beads of sweat continued to fall from his face.

"Damn it, you did it on purpose!"

Bruno stepped forward and pushed Daniel directly, but the guys from the Death Team were not ashamed at all, and several people even stepped forward to surround Bruno.

"Get it figured out, Bruno, he stepped on my toes. It's already good that I didn't pursue his problem."

Daniel instead acted like the victim.

Shentong's brows wrinkled.

Judging from his playing experience, Daniel's foot-stepping action just now was definitely intentional.

Thinking of double betting on this game, Shentong's heart immediately brightened.

The Death Team is well prepared.

The turkey squatted next to Baojian, looking quite small.

"Baojian, how are you?"

"I can't do it. It seems like I have a sprain."

The turkey leaned forward to take a look and exclaimed: "Ah, it's already swollen!"

Bao Jian bared his teeth and said, "Hey, it seems I can't continue."

Daniel and Bruno, separated by the referee and DJ, were still chattering.

Baojian was helped up by his teammates and limped to the sidelines. People immediately made room for him.

Bruno came over at this time, squatted down and checked Baojian's injury, his face was ashen.

Baojian: "Bruno, I'm sorry, it's already difficult for me to stand."

Bruno: "No need to say sorry, that's the bastard's problem."

"Bruno, if Baojian can't play, it will be difficult for us to fight. We won't let the turkey be on top again, right?"


Bruno clenched his fists.

He actually used such despicable means.

"Hey - trash, if you give up, I can consider leaving you some money for dinner. I'm sure I don't have any tacos, but I can buy some expired food from the convenience store."

The guys from the Reapers were almost celebrating their victory in advance.

Without Baojian, there is no suspense for them to beat this team.

Just when Team Trash is in a dilemma.

"Ahem. How about you let me try?"

Everyone turned their attention to the guy who volunteered.

Turns out to be an old man with gray hair and beard?

Bruno stood up and said to Shentong: "Hey, old man, you"

Before Bruno finished speaking, Shentong stepped forward and said in Bruno's ear: "I have money, if you let me play, if you win, you will take all the money. If you lose, I will keep all the money."

Bruno's eyes widened and he looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

"Just fulfill an old man's wish. I just want to go on stage and experience it. You will definitely not suffer."

Turkey glanced at Shentong and said to Bruno: "Bruno, are you planning to let him play to make up the numbers?"

Bruno replied: "I should be better than you. Besides, this guy promised to help us find out."

"reveal all the details?"

"Okay, let's go. Anyway, the outcome of this game has nothing to do with us."

"What a tragedy, what a tragedy, now I have lost all my money," Neymar cried, feeling very regretful in his heart.

However, STO said to Neymar when he came on the court: "Neymar, don't worry, I will be responsible for helping you win back your money."

Neymar: "."

An audience member came closer and asked, "Which mental hospital did this old man come from?"

The glimmer of hope Neymar had just ignited was shattered in an instant.

In this world, we cannot believe in miracles.

"Old man, what's your name?"


"Okay, Drew, you can help us guide the ball from the outside in a moment, or... forget it, whatever, remember what you said." Bruno said.

STO made an "OK" gesture.

The cameramen, who had been hiding among the crowd, officially started their work today.

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