The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 470 Twelve-person All-Star Training Camp (Second update)

After returning from Brazil, STO participated in the shooting of advertisements for several brands.

Then he returned home to Cleveland.

In the morning, run in your yard, swim in the pool, and make breakfast.

During the day, practice shooting, running and jumping on your own basketball court, and then watch movies in the video room or play games in the entertainment room.

In the evening, I go for a walk on the street, pull weeds everywhere, and occasionally go to the bar for a drink.

However, due to his status, he has never brought a girl home.

To be honest, Shentong was a little scared to live alone in such a big house.

It's just that Shentong once invited Lao Shen and Sister Hua to live here, but the parents were unwilling to move from the familiar Arizona.

Shen Qing is still studying and living in the school dormitory.

James came to spend a few nights.

As for Avril Lavigne, she is as popular now as when F4 first debuted.

Every record and every song is a hit.

So much so that the two haven't seen each other for a long time.

Sometimes Shentong wonders, are he and Avril still boyfriend and girlfriend now?

But the occasional phone calls between the two immediately brought them closer.

It is said that the breakfast prepared by Shentong himself is not as rich as Sister Hua's. It can be said to be quite simple and monotonous.

It's called Double Gut Trick or Treat.

In fact, it’s just two fried sausages and two fried eggs.

As for how to do double-intestinal trick-or-treating, you can refer to Hupu’s post: What is double-intestinal trick-or-treating? ? ?

Although this kind of life is a bit monotonous and boring, it is also a rare leisure vacation for Shentong to spend his free time.

Such days probably lasted for more than a week.

One morning, while Shentong was frying eggs, the phone suddenly rang.

"Hey Shin, what have you been busy with lately?"

"Gilbert, long time no see. I haven't been busy lately. I'm just resting at home."

"Richard, Loren and I, we plan to resume training tomorrow. Do you want to come together?"


"Let's not go back to the gym at the University of Arizona to practice this time."

Arenas' words reminded Shuntong that when he returned to Arizona recently, he caused a sensation on campus.

Just with the names of Shentong, Arenas, and Jefferson, once they go back, they will definitely not be able to train properly.

Loren Woods: I feel offended

"Where to go? It seems like you already have a place."

"I think it's better to go to your place. Since there are more rooms there, we don't mind it, so we can just live there and train together."

"bring it on!"

Shentong agreed without hesitation. In fact, he was so idle here that his balls ached.

Although there are no beautiful women living together, at least a group of people can still practice ball and play sword fighting together.

Just as I hung up the phone, the phone rang again.

"Hey Shin, what have you been busy with lately?"

Same opening.

"Hey, blow and suck, I'm not busy with anything, I'm just resting at home."

"The new season is about to start, and I'm ready to resume training. Do you want to join me?"

McGrady took the initiative to invite me to train together?

"I also have Kobe here. We have made an appointment, but training with two people is too boring. If you want, the three of us can be together."

"I have a better suggestion."

Before he could flip the omelette over, Shentong's phone rang for the third time.

What's going on today?

Either there is no call, or there is a rush to come?

Shentong picked up the phone.

"Hey Shin, what have you been busy with lately?"

The third time

However, Shentong still replied very politely: "Hey, Vince, why did you call me?"

"Look what you said, we are the best dunkers in the league, so I naturally think of you when it comes to basketball-related matters."

"What's going on?"

"Our team's record last year was too bad. This year I have to prepare well for the new season, so I wanted to ask you if you want to train together."


I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, I, Shentong, would one day become the fragrant stick of men.

After answering three calls, Shentong finally returned to the stove and quickly turned over the eggs.

Holy shit.

All burnt.

So dark

In fact, this is not over yet.

James didn't know where he got the news that Arenas was going to Shentong's house for training.

"Shen, if you want to start training, you can't leave me behind. In the new season, I will definitely go further."

"Okay, come on."

One more is not too much, one less is not too much.

Moreover, in the new season, STO really needs James' help.

Although he won the league's scoring title for the first time last season, the team fell to the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals.

If you want to go further, in addition to your own good performance, the performance of the team's second-in-command James is also crucial.

"By the way, Shen, I'm with Dwayne now. He wants to ask you if he can also participate in training. You know, this guy has practiced with Michael a few times, and Michael told him, I can ask you for advice when I have the opportunity.”

"Okay, let him come too."

Two more is not too much, two less is not too much.

"Actually, Chris Bosh is here."


Three more is not too much.

Shentong's villa is very large and usually lives alone, making it seem very deserted.

But this day was very lively!

Kobe, McGrady, Carter, Arenas, Jefferson, Woods, James, Wade, Bosh.

Three groups of people and nine big men made Shentong's villa full of yang.

"Is this an all-star lineup?"

"Ten people? Just enough to divide into two teams for a competitive match."

"Shen, where do I live?"

In this way, connected to Shentong, a total of ten players gathered at Shentong's villa.

On the first day, they couldn't wait to start the competition.

Woods was the most excited.

In the league, he doesn't have so many opportunities to compete with these high-level players.

Even though he was bullied by Bosh, Woods was full of energy and excited from beginning to end.

Look at these guys, it's not that Woods is not good, it's that the other nine are just too strong.

When I went to bed at night, the rooms in Shentong's house were full of people.

Except for Shentong himself who can enjoy the treatment of a single room, everyone else has to sleep in a double bed. Some people who are unwilling to share a bed even make a floor in the large living room of Shentong's house.

The days of playing ball as soon as you get up, bragging about it after playing, continuing to play after bragging, and then falling asleep when you are so tired at night make STO nostalgic.

Except for playing ball, the other process is almost the same as the college entrance examination.

Barkley said during the playoffs last season that "the era of the four shooting guards is over", which obviously stimulated many people.

Three days later, Iverson suddenly appeared at the door of Shentong's villa.

Iverson, who has always been more maverick, said a little coyly: "Hey, everyone, can I join?"

Another day later, Anthony, who came after hearing the news, also joined the training camp organized by STO Passive.

Here, everyone is sweating profusely.

Woods has even gained such confidence that in the new season, he definitely has the strength to become a team's starting center!

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