The First Evolution

Another author passed away, still my acquaintance......

The end of the first evolution! At the age of nineteen, another author passed away, and he is still my acquaintance.... There are also some online writers who have passed away, such as Thief Dao San Chi, I like his book very much, but I have never seen him. So it was just shock to hear the bad news.

However, this time, the death of Jianyou Taixu made me shocked and saddened.

Taixu and I have known each other for five or six years. I also like his famous work: Swordsmanship. We also sang songs together in Hunan, washed our feet and massaged them.

At that time, he made a deep impression on me when he typed words on the bus. Later, when he went to NetEase, we had less contact.

At the beginning of the year, I saw his circle of friends, but I didn't expect the bad news to come suddenly. The key is that he is only 32 years old, and he died like this after leaving a one-year-old child...

When I was typing last week, I started to have some heart palpitations, tiredness, and palpitation. It eased after a while, but it got worse in the past two days.

Originally, I didn't care, but after the Taixu incident came out, my wife asked me to go for a check-up. I also felt that it was necessary for me to have a check-up, so I did the check-up together, so I asked for a day off tomorrow.

I hope the sack is fine, I hope I can write until I am 80 years old and then seal the pen......


Love your little rolls.

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