The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 204 Instructor Gong Comes for Trial Diagnosis (1)

The small toys and discarded wreckage that Jiang Shan had given her were all returned to her. Such things should not be thrown away. The power is so powerful, and the school is not an idiot.

By the way, seeing that she gained weight successfully, I gave her a comprehensive treatment, and the calf muscles visible to the naked eye have become much fuller.

Correspondingly, the weight that had been gained with great difficulty fell off again, the plump cheeks were thinned to the point of dimples, and the kind face once again showed a bit of a fierce look.

Jiang Shan looked at her own face in the mirror and laughed.

"It's hard to grow some meat, and it's gone so soon."

"It's a good deal to exchange a little fat for your health."

"That's right. Next time you go to the hospital, surprise everyone."

Jiang Shan put down the mirror, she was very satisfied with the treatment effect, and now she could clearly feel a little strength in the calf muscles.

Not much, because it is inconvenient for her to eat, and she eats small and frequent meals every day. Excluding basic consumption, she has little fat accumulation, and she cannot be thinned into a human skeleton in order to cure excessive consumption of her legs.

"How much longer is the interval now?"

"About twenty days or so, three times in two months."

"Oh!" Jiang Shan's eyes lit up with excitement immediately, and he raised his hands and gave a thumbs up, "It's really you!"

Cen Wen raised his eyebrows proudly.

As soon as Jiang Shan was happy, she dragged Cen Wen to work, and the two of them sorted out the backlog of various mecha parts in the warehouse together.

Ready-made strong labor is better than robots, so there is no need to use it for nothing.

The next day, Jiang Shan went to the hospital for rehabilitation training. She didn't see her for a few days. Her thin face surprised everyone, but then her calf surprised everyone in the training room, surrounded by patients, patients' families, nurses and doctors.

At the same time, a new patient in an electric wheelchair came to Cen Wen's small shop. He had a thin face, a white cropped head, and a weak body. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he had the appearance of a traditional handsome man. There is a large area of ​​burn scars on half of the scalp, ruining the beautiful face.

The current temperature is enough for local ordinary people to go out with a thick coat, but this man wears three coats, the cuffs of the thick coat reveal two layers of sleeves, and the neckline that has not been pulled to the top reveals a thin chicken heart inside collar sweater.

"Hello, Boss Cen."

"Hello, what's your name?"

"My surname is Gong."

"Mr. Gong is kind. I should have seen you at school."

"Boss Cen has good eyesight. I am the school's physical instructor."

"Oh, a retired officer?" Cen Wen became a little interested. The injuries on the other side's head and face showed that there was a critical moment where his life was hanging by a thread. "What's wrong with Instructor Gong?"

"I want to have a test to see if I have any hope of recovery?"

"Yes, but you must authorize the case."

"It should."

Cen Wen led people into the consultation room and turned on the medical system in the optical brain on the desk. Instructor Gong lowered his head to operate the bracelet, scanned the authorization code on the optical brain screen, and immediately refreshed the case.

Glancing at the name and age, Gong Qiyuan is 55 years old.

Cen Wen lowered his eyes and read the case text carefully. While reading, he opened a new light screen to display the content in split screens. Unknowingly, seven split screens were opened, and there was a tendency to continue.

"You have been injured for more than ten years. You only received active treatment for the first two years, and then it stopped completely. But your injury must be accompanied by severe pain. How did you get over it? Relying on painkillers?"

"Painkillers and a therapist. I'm an instructor so I can have a therapist who will take care of me long-term."

"Relying on painkillers when the therapist can't take care of you? How much can you get per month?"

"Not much, and military school instructors can't abuse painkillers."

"When it hurts, do you carry it?"

"I can only carry it alive."

"This will consume your vitality, and sooner or later you will not be able to bear it."

"Yes, so after hearing about Boss Cen's results, I want to try again." Gong Qiyuan twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled faintly, "I don't want to die after all."

"That's right. Survival is the instinct of all life. I don't like to see patients with no desire to survive in front of me."

"What if someone yells in front of you that he doesn't want to live anymore?"

"Respect the fate of others."

Gong Qiyuan was amused. He thought of his other wounded comrades. When they couldn't bear it, whoever shouted a few times that they didn't want to live and just died. I don't know if they will shout in front of Boss Cen in the future.

Thinking of this, Gong Qiyuan was stunned for a moment, he was still in the stage of reading the case, why did he think of the future?

Cen Wen continued to look at the case, asking questions as he read it, because it was an old case, and it had to be related to Gong Qiyuan's current physical condition, such as how he feels about the heavily injured parts and so on.

After asking clearly from head to toe, the notes he took down were a page long, but he didn't check them for the time being, and made an appointment for Gong Qiyuan to come back after closing time.

Because his full-body examination is very time-consuming, it is best to do it quietly after closing time without being disturbed.

Two hours later, at closing time, Gong Qiyuan showed up on time. According to the agreement, he did not eat or drink for these two hours.

He was lying on the treatment bed, closed his eyes as instructed, and rested his mind. The little vine came out soundlessly, releasing a soothing floral fragrance, which was better than anesthetics. After a minute or two, he was heard snoring.

I have been taking painkillers for many years, and after eating too much, I will become resistant to sleeping pills and anesthetic ingredients. The anesthetic ingredients secreted by the xenograft itself are natural products and good substitutes.

While doing a detailed examination, Cen Wen compared the medical records and notes, and then wrote down new examination notes.

It took more than three hours to complete the whole set, and the shoulders, backs and arms were all numb.

Gong Qiyuan was still sleeping soundly. It was supposed to wake him up, but after thinking about it, he still didn't. He went back to the front desk in the lobby and asked the robot at home to bring a bowl of freshly cooked hot noodle soup. It's not too late to wake up.

Just as he was about to finish eating, there was movement in the consulting room and he woke up.

Cen Wen wiped his mouth, got up and went over.

"Did Instructor Gong sleep comfortably?"

Gong Qiyuan's eyes were foggy, he rubbed the back of his neck, and the robot picked him up and transferred him to the wheelchair, still a little unconscious.

"I am asleep?"

"Slept soundly, snoring the whole time."

"I'm still snoring? It's impossible." Gong Qiyuan was full of disbelief.

Cen Wen pointed to the wall.

"I have a surveillance camera, do you want to find a surveillance camera to show you? Listen to how loud your snoring is?"

"No, no, no need." Gong Qiyuan didn't want to die, so he quickly refused.

"When I gave you a full body examination, I made a new medical examination note and sent you a copy. You go back and take a good look. If you think something is wrong, we will discuss it. If you decide to try it again."

The two added each other as friends, and Cen Wen sent him the notes.

Gong Qiyuan paid the medical examination fee, started the wheelchair and left.

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