The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 209 Rescue mission to the front line (3)

Feeling that the deadly threat was gone, the soldiers on the playground put away their shields one after another, either their legs were weak or they were sweating.

"His grandfather's, is this an online school student?!"

"Where did you find the online school students?"

"Just this evil spirit, she doesn't know how many lives are in her hands."

"Oh my god, where did this guy come from? Is there any place in our country where the war is so fierce?"

"Maybe it's from another country?"

"There is no war in other countries."

"A remote and small country? There are so many interstellar countries, maybe somewhere in a corner, there is a war where people's brains are smashed into dog's brains."

"Speaking of which, if she is the main rescuer alone, I am convinced."


"So many people went in, I don't know how she brought them back by herself, and I don't know if those people are still alive."

"We must be responsible for responding. It depends on what news she can spread after she goes deep. I hope there will be good news."

After being frightened once, the whole team finally calmed down, and those who could cooperate tried their best to cooperate and give all the information.

Cen Wen held a two-day meeting with his team members. Apart from keeping a lot of information in his wristband, he also remembered it in his mind, including the photos of each of the missing fighters.

At dawn two days later, before dawn, she was dressed in jungle camouflage and the space buckle was stuffed with practical tools, and she set off alone.

After leaving the company, we entered the border area with the enemy on foot for two hours.

This border planet is said to be the border of the country, but the national army only occupies about one-third of the territory, and the rest is either wilderness or occupied by star thieves, smugglers, smugglers, drug dealers, human traffickers, and foreign forces. Territories from all sides are intertwined, smoky and smoky all day long, and violent cases occur frequently.

The little rattan baby fell to the ground, and restored the body to the same height as Cen Wen, with the roots as legs, and walked along with her.

The plant network was built in a blink of an eye, and all the trivial information was gathered to Emperor Zhi, and the secret posts of alien plants, alien beasts, and enemies were clear.

She took the path that several previous teams had taken, but there is no news about whether the missing soldiers are dead or alive, and where they are. It may be that the distance is too far, and the plant network is not strong enough.

Cen Wen asked Guaibao to change his mind, the time when the last rescue team disappeared, and during that time period, did anyone else see the incident.

If you want to ask what happened on a certain day many days ago, you can only count on heterophytes, not ordinary plants.

This question really led to a suspicious clue.

There was a big mutated tree, and I saw two-legged beasts fighting not far from it, and then a flying thing came down from the sky, picked up all the two-legged beasts and left.

Dashu couldn't describe the process clearly, but fortunately, there was no problem in identifying the location.

Guaibao took Cen Wen to teleport under the big tree first, and then followed the direction pointed by the big tree, using the teleport to jump three to five kilometers at a time.

After each movement, it will stop for a few minutes to rebuild the plant network to collect information in order to correct the direction.

In the barren mountains and ridges without human activities, there are many exotic plants and animals. Relying on their guidance, after more than five hours, they touched a stronghold.

Cen Wen took out a military bracelet from the space buckle and put it on.

Military wristbands, physically confidential, with a silly and thick appearance, but the leather is durable, and she ordered several boxes.

After all, she has a great feat of killing a mech with an electromagnetic toy. Based on this experience, she should be more careful. What if someone tries to do it to her? With all the electronic equipment in her body dead, she can't send messages?

How can it be!

The extra supplies she took are all in the space of the small rattan, and the space buckle is for the things you need at hand. If it breaks, you don't feel bad, and there are spare parts.

In addition, when you meet your missing family members, you can also use them for them.

Turn on the bracelet, contact the team leader, and check in at the location.

The students who took turns guarding the light brain in the company camp were refreshed when they heard the notification sound, turned on the light screen to receive the message, found the corresponding position on the military map according to the location, and then opened the military wristbands equipped with them, and let the students outside to let the wind rest The classmates called back to do things.

The students who came back also brought the intelligence agents from the company, and everyone studied and analyzed together.

At this time, the optical brain is receiving live photos and videos.

The infrastructure of this planet is backward, and there is a need to fight crime, so the Internet is very poor. Larger photos and longer small videos can be sent, but it is slow, extremely slow.

This has also led to powerful private forces secretly launching private communication satellites to ensure their own communication needs and renting out the excess bandwidth.

The army has military communication satellites to guarantee the use of the network, but the bandwidth allocated to the frontline companies is not much, and Cen Wen has to abide by a few rules outside. Photos are sent every ten times, and each small video is controlled within ten minutes. Otherwise, the company will upload it by itself. Without the internet, it was difficult to send and receive her messages.

An intelligence officer stared at the location displayed on the optical brain and gave the straight-line distance to the company, and then glanced at the current time, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Can she fly? In five or six hours, she was five hundred kilometers away from the company."

"It's not surprising, she carries a suspension bicycle with her, the one with a top speed of 100 kilometers per hour." The students explained.

"Her space button is so big?"

"Boss Cen is not short of money, she can beat and breastfeed, so it was hard for her to get her to leave Li Nanxing."

"Being able to fight is to realize that the evil spirit is not fake. What does it mean to be able to breastfeed?"

"She is a first-level therapist, and she will take the second-level examination in April next year."

"I'll go! Is it true?"

"Can this still lie to you? Her best rescue performance was in August this year, when she rescued four tourists with crush syndrome. They were crushed for several hours because of landslides. The local area is poor and there is no third-level therapist. She took care of the entire scene by herself, and all of them were rescued without leaving any disabilities or sequelae."

"Also, you all know about the annual competition for therapists, right? She is not allowed to participate in the entire network, and the association is also told not to take advantage of her to lure her popularity and traffic."

"That's right, the whole internet laughed to death in those two days. If there is no match schedule that she can participate in, it's better to be a spectator at home."

Photos and small videos are slowly being passed on. While waiting, everyone chatted, so that the soldiers who guarded their homes but had no news got to know this Boss Cen from the side.

"She is so powerful, how can she go to an online school?"

"She's too old, so she can't go to the military academy. The online school is also for the therapist exam. Isn't there a written exam for the first to third grades?"

"Also, her amazing thing is that she can level up quickly. She only got level three (full) in October, and she was level two (last) in October last year."

"What do you mean? Upgrade to a level in a year?!"

"Hehe, we are all watching to see if she will be promoted next October."

"...This is a normal person?!"

"Of course it is."

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