The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 213 Rescue mission to the front line (7)

Cen Wen took out his hover bike and flew in the air at the highest speed.

This backward planet, without air traffic control, flew directly in a straight line, flew all the way until the afternoon, gradually lowered the altitude, and stopped at a place 20 kilometers away from the destination.

It's hard to get close any further, and I saw something that looked like a ground-to-air gun barrel in mid-air.

If it was true, it would be great if she rushed over rashly on a bicycle and was shot down with a single shot.

After landing, the little rattan baby pulled the plant network and immediately discovered the new situation.

【Master, there are no plants at the gate of that place, not even a single grass grows. 】

[Hey, pretty smart. We leaned forward, leaned to the closest place, and then observed whether there were plants inside. 】

After communicating with the plants, Guaibao took Cen Wen to a safe place.

Through the binoculars, Cen Wen could clearly see that outside the camp surrounded by electricity grids was a large piece of bare dirt land without a tree or grass.

It is to savagely clear the ground and build a blank area that is easy to observe and guard against infiltration, without carrying out other infrastructure.

Useful against most people.

Cen Wen is not among the "majority".

[There are plants inside, trees, flowers and grass. 】

[Okay, find a place to rest, you go for a stroll inside, and sneak in after dark. 】

Guaibao immediately took Cen Wen away, and then went to roam on its own, slipped into the camp area that was comparable to a small city, and marked the night snacks and important facilities that it was interested in.

When it was dark, it was nearly midnight, Guaibao took Cen Wen to the place where he had stayed briefly during the day, and asked her to take a few photos and send them to the rear.

Needless to say, the lens of the military wristband is really easy to use. After the wristband is focused, you can zoom in and zoom in on the picture again and again, and you can clearly capture the power grid fence and the people standing guard.

Naturally, these photos made everyone in the rear sober up, but they didn't dare to contact her, and waited anxiously for the next article.

After posting the photos, Cen Wen sneaked into the camp.

The first stop, go straight to the dungeon of Guanren.

The light in the dungeon is dim, and through the special metal gate, you can see at least eight or nine people in each compartment. There is no bed, and they can only sleep on the cold ground. There is a squatting pit in the corner.

For supernatural beings, they have enough strength to pull the toilet up from the ground and throw it out, so squatting in a pit is the safest place for this kind of closed people.

During the day, when Guaibao came in for a walk, Cen Wen saw several familiar people through the empathy between the pets.

Come in at this time, there are more familiar people, everyone has injuries, and what they saw with their own eyes is more intuitive, and those who stayed in the dungeon during the day were more seriously injured.

Besides them, there were other compartments in the dungeon, full of people.

The little rattan swayed the fragrance, knocking out all the irrelevant people.

Unavoidably, the large-scale group healing technique would alarm the guards, and Cen Wen performed individual healing techniques to bring the vitality back to the passing line one by one.

The people who were suffering from pain all over their bodies felt it immediately after being healed.

Not daring to guess if someone came to rescue them, they shut their mouths tightly and opened their eyes wide at the same time, trying to see clearly who the people outside were.

But they have been arrested for at least half a month. They wear neck rings that suppress abilities, and they are forced to work as slaves every day. They are beaten and starved, injured and too weak. Human figures, others can't see clearly.

They were treated one by one, and the number of people was counted. Miraculously, all of them were there, but traces of suspected slave labor were left on their bodies.

In backward places, manpower is cheaper than robots, so when dealing with traitors or enemies, or even captives caught in a war between two forces, if they are kept in their hands, they will rarely be killed directly.

Killing is too wasteful, why don't you keep it for work? One more day of living can create a day's value, and when you're exhausted, you can feed it to the beasts. The bones left by the beasts are burned to ashes and become fertilizer.

The people in the other compartments are such slaves and laborers.

Cen Wen lit up the military bracelet again, took a short video of counting people and sent it to the rear.

Guaibao fell to the height of half a person, and took out the medical nutrient solution directly from the space.

After Cen Wen took pictures of one compartment, he moved to the next compartment, and it waved three or five flexible roots, rolling up a tube of nutrient solution for each person.

They can't give too much, their abilities are suppressed, relying on the physical fitness of the ability users to survive until now, the amount of one tube is enough, allowing them to get up and continue working tomorrow, and at the same time, the supervisor will not find out that something is wrong.

[I'm in the dungeon, everyone is there. The scout at the beginning was also there. He was the most seriously injured. If he didn't rescue him, he might have to have his leg amputated. 】

[Of course, with me here, he will definitely not be allowed to amputate. 】

[They were used as laborers? 】

Because Cen Wen sent back a text message saying that he could be contacted, Lian Li quickly replied.

[Slaves, look at their injuries, laborers are treated well. 】

[Slaves are fine, at least everyone is there. 】

[I gave each of them a tube of medical nutrient solution, for the time being. Want a military bracelet? 】

【Are you safe in the dungeon? 】

[It's okay, knock the guards out, and wake them up when I leave. 】

Cen Wen opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

[Can you guarantee that they won't yell when they wake up? 】

[Oh, it would be nice to let them lose their memory. I also have the drugs used by psychiatrists to hypnotize people. They are extracted from natural plants and leave no trace after use. 】

When everyone in the company's conference room saw this sentence on the big screen, their hearts jumped.

This is more miraculous than some drugs on the list of controlled drugs and banned drugs.

Silently thank God, Cen Wen is on their side.

Do you know how dangerous it is for a wood-type power user to not follow the right path?

[Just a quick question, you didn't leak out this medicine, did you? 】

【you guess. 】

[I don't really want to guess...]

[Then pretend you don't know. 】

The company commander looked at the few lines of words, and when he was struggling, he turned his eyes and found that the students of the Longshan Military Academy all had calm expressions.

Out of curiosity, upon questioning, the students told about the fact that Cen Wen had spawned plants on the spot to prepare an antidote for the poisonous xenoplanted blue peacock in the exhibition competition.

So if she had any more miraculous and better medicine, the students would not be surprised. They fully believed that Cen Wen really had the kind of medicine that would leave no trace of memory that she said.

The company commander ordered decisively to let his soldiers forget the few paragraphs they just read.

Cen Wen is on a dangerous mission for the country. At the moment of the mission, any method is right. You can't command the hero to fight hard in the front while thinking about how to stab the knife in the rear.

Their thoughts just now, if they were a little more crooked, they would be on the verge of being stabbed.

[Okay, I'm fine, you adapt to the situation. 】

【good. 】

Then, the company commander gave the names of a few people and asked Cen Wen to give them military bracelets.

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