The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 224 Second Grade Students Hunting Competition (3)

"Don't put yourself in a low position. It's not good to rely on ideas. There are 20 of us in the team. If we are in danger, I can't take all of you to escape by myself. The best choice at that time is to call the ambulance team to abstain, and then I will be alone. The therapist walks to the finish line alone."

Cen Wen spread his hands.

"What are the rules of the game? The therapist is only doing logistical support, and he can protect himself, but the animals killed are not counted as hunting achievements. So what's the use of me going to the finish line alone, to keep our No. 18 team number?"

The team members bowed their heads to admit their mistakes, and promised to keep their mouths shut and stop talking nonsense that would destroy their morale.

Back home, Cen Wen received a courier package, which was a gift raised by the rich and wealthy. They knew that most of the supplies were provided by the school. This time, they mainly gave clothes, shoes and protective clothing that can cope with various environments, no matter which latitude she is in. There are clothes to wear, and there are several sets of each style, and they are replaced when they are dirty or worn.

The second is cleaning and sanitation products. The undeveloped primitive planet has all kinds of germs and viruses. According to past experience, team members’ abstention from illness is also a major reason for elimination. Various disinfection wipes, disinfection tablets, disposable gloves, medical protective masks, etc. are added. There are more than 20 boxes, not to mention her alone, the whole team is enough.

They originally wanted to prepare supernatural supplements for her, but Cen Wen persuaded them not to spend the money with the reason that the school had a half-price subsidy.

Cen Wen thanked everyone for their support, and collected the things into the plant pet space.

She doesn't worry about not having medicines to treat illnesses. The medicines brought with her on strange planets may not be effective. She can only take good protection. At most, she will take a few injections to improve immunity before departure. If she really gets sick, don't struggle. Honestly abstain from receiving symptomatic treatment from doctors.

This pile of things also reminded Cen Wen. She opened the credits group she built and reminded all the captains and therapists in the group to prepare some cleaning and protective equipment privately before departure.

After posting the news, Cen Wen focused on his business in the afternoon. When he came down to take a look at the bracelet, he found that her previous suggestion had turned into a large group of funds. This kind of thing is inherently cheap, and if you buy a lot, you can negotiate the price and spread it out equally. Just pay a little bit of money.

However, the volume of the personal space button is limited. There is already a lot of luggage, and it is obviously difficult to squeeze out a little room for cleaning supplies. Therefore, the number of 400 people seems to be quite a lot, but it is not that much.

Cen Wen raised his hand to catch the dragon, and chatted privately with his captains, that the team can buy more, and she can accept it.

I received new news that night, things were bought and sent to the teams.

The day of departure was approaching day by day, and Cen Wen's consulting room was so busy that the old patients all came for a treatment before she left, even Jiang Shan was no exception.

She is currently undergoing treatment three times in two months, but Cen Wen has been out of the competition for exactly two months. Fortunately, after her health improves, a neurological treatment in the hospital can generally last for a week.

The departure day finally arrived, and Cen Wen finished his business for the day as usual, closed the business, and posted a two-month leave notice on the signboard.

Had dinner with her at Jiang Shan's house, the two hugged and said goodbye, and Cen Wen rode a small bicycle to the school to assemble, and by the way, put away the supplies that the team members couldn't take.

A team of more than 400 people, including the team teacher, divided two medium-sized aircraft into an unknown space port, where they changed to a spaceship.

The spaceport is really unknown, because after boarding the school's aircraft, everyone took off their personal wristbands and turned off the machine.

I don't know how long it took to fly, and finally the aircraft landed on an unremarkable tarmac, and there were no words around. Everyone just followed the guiding robot, boarded the spaceship in a daze, and assigned cabins.

The only thing Cen Wen is sure about is that this is a military spaceship, and the layout of the cabin is too simple, no need to think about it, it is absolutely military style.

According to the standard capital time, this one-way flight would take more than ten days. Cen Wen scanned the room and saw a familiar box on the small table.

Too familiar, the box of the military bracelet.

Without further ado, he took out the bracelet inside and put it on, lying on the bed and listening to various notification sounds on the radio in the room.

For example, the spaceship is about to take off, and everyone stays in the cabin and does not wander around.

For example, the spacecraft has entered space, the flight is stable, and it can move freely outside the cabin.

When he heard that he was free to move about, Cen Wen immediately got out of bed and went out to find someone.

When she came to the public activity area closest to her cabin, all she could see were the students of her school. After standing in the crowd for a while, the captain of the team couldn't find her, but heard a piece of latest news.

Li Nanxing's teachers and students participating in the hunting competition are all in this spaceship.

Because some students' cabins are near the elevator, and when they see strange teachers and students going up and down, they can figure it out after saying hello and a few words of pleasantries.

Of course, this is not surprising, how could such a large military spaceship only take people from the Longshan Military Academy.

After spending two days in the standard capital, I finally found all the people I was looking for, and after spending half a day discussing everything that should be discussed, Cen Wen sent out a little bit of the materials in the container.

Still the same problem, the volume of the personal space button is too small, and there must be enough space for weapons and ammunition, so no one wants large bottled water. Quite a lot.

In the following time, everyone had a regular schedule. There were many training rooms on the spaceship, all of which were open to them. Cen Wen also went with him. There will be a competition.

The voyage of more than ten days ended in a blink of an eye. The spaceship arrived at its destination and landed on an artificially opened open plain, scattered with high and low buildings.

Obviously, although this planet is an undeveloped primitive planet, it belongs to the military and has garrisons.

Just to put it bluntly, how could it be possible to drop a second grader on a real primitive planet without any intelligence.

Before disembarking from the spacecraft, everyone was injected with two injections to improve immunity.

Cen Wen even asked the team members to wear masks, gloves and goggles, be careful not to make a big mistake, and don't make yourself sick with the first breath of air when you step on a strange planet.

Everyone was not required to carry a breathing mask, which meant that the air could be breathed directly. The people who stepped on the ground carefully moved their legs to feel the gravity of the planet, and then lined up to follow the teacher to the temporary camp assigned to them.

Cen Wen came to a conclusion after taking the first breath of air.

"Everyone, we are in the temperate zone."

"Temperate zone? How can you tell?"

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