The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 232 Second Grade Students Hunting Competition (11)

Rats and rabbits are easy to understand. They are all animals with amazing destructive power.

"Look at their looks. They are uglier than vultures. Their red eyes are really scary."

"Okay, take your time when you set up camp, and hurry up now, the smell of blood is too strong."

The team members wanted to chat for a while, but were interrupted coldly by Cen Wen, who set off first to open the way, and the team members quickly lined up and followed closely behind.

After running all afternoon, I didn't meet the prey on the album again, but encountered a scene where a large exotic beast preyed on me.

In the order of first come, first come, Cen Wen and the others came first, and the prey escaped.

After chasing and fleeing, the speed was too fast, and the little rattan gave a warning in time, allowing Cen Wen to seize the opportunity for a few seconds, calling the whole team to speed up and flee for their lives in the earphones.

She led the team around a corner, and instead of meeting her head-on, she let the unlucky prey, who was in a panic, charge towards the tail of the team from the side.

Bu Qi, the team leader at the back of the palace, is a gold-type supernatural power user. With supernatural powers, he pushed the prey and forcibly changed its direction. Only then did the team members at the end of the team escape without any risk.

With a flick of its tail, the huge but extremely agile beast also turned its direction, biting its prey tightly, and threw itself behind a bush and disappeared.

Some of the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed and rejoiced that they had escaped, while others scolded them for being cowardly and fleeing like mice, why should they go to fight the beast.

With a bunch of rookies, Cen Wen of course hides whenever he can, safety first.

After this shock, the rest of the road was very calm, and I found an open place with a water source as today's camp.

Everyone sat around the bonfire, opened the prey album and talked freely. After these three days of travel, especially this afternoon's horror, everyone was no longer blank about this hunting game, and had their own ideas.

Cen Wen did not participate in the discussion. She had a bonfire all to herself and set up a pot to fry wild edible fungi. In order not to show her face, she lifted the mask over her nose and only exposed her mouth to eat.

It was so fragrant that the people who were discussing heatedly at the side couldn't sit still because of the smell, so they transferred to her to eat and drink one after another, and they were surprised by a small number of brightly colored and beautifully shaped fungi she brought out.

After tasting it in person, it is really fragrant.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were so hungry, especially the fungus lovers, that they were almost drooling. Bai Zhuao wanted to taste how delicious those fungi didn't even have scientific names.

Since eating wild mushrooms in front of the live broadcast camera, Cen Wen is not afraid of being questioned by the audience. She walks ahead and leads the way. Not only is she good at this, but she also collects it while walking.

She is in charge of sampling, and Guaibao is in charge of harvesting.

It is the tacit cooperation between their main pets that there is a steady stream of raw materials for Cen Wen's experimental research and production.

Cen Wen also showed them the neurotoxin that was almost used on them before, an extract of a poisonous mushroom, a little bit with a cotton swab, enough to make three or five people die in excruciating pain.

"No... If we had fallen into the hallucination of the black merlu at that time, you really wanted to use this poison for us?"

"Otherwise? You just say that this kind of severe pain is of no use?"

"Then what do we do when we are poisoned?"

"Of course I called the ambulance team to abstain. I just extracted it last night. There is no antidote now. I can only see what medical methods the ambulance team has to hang your lives."

"No, no, no need to add workload to you and the ambulance team."

At that moment, all the team members agreed with each other that if they encounter a black merlu in the future, they must shoot in advance. It doesn't matter how bad the fight is. In short, they can't give Boss Cen the chance to poison them in exchange for sobriety.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at it with question marks.

【What experiment did Boss Cen do last night to be so sure that the toxin will cause severe pain? 】

[No one in the team asked this question, did I miss some episode? 】

[No, those upstairs didn't miss it, they really didn't discuss the testing process of the toxin. 】

[In short, Boss Wu Brain Xin Cen is right. 】

[That's right, if Boss Cen hadn't changed directions and changed routes in the previous hunting of the beast, the entire team would have collided with the beast head-on. 】

[Hahahaha, they really ran the fastest in their lives. 】

[A team of 20 people, 19 rookies, of course they can hide as long as they can. Their task is not to hunt such a large beast, but to practice killing and come back safely. 】

[Upstairs is right, the highest task of the team therapist is to ensure the safety of the whole team. 】



The whole team ate and drank, and the topic often ran around. Fortunately, the topic was not biased. Taking the opportunity, Cen Wen put forward his thoughts on the route for the first time.

"There are three check-in points in the whole process. We will go to the first one first, and the prey will follow the fate. If we encounter it, we will fight. If we don't encounter it, we will concentrate on our way. Wait until the check-in point to see the situation of other teams and then adjust the subsequent strategy."

"The rules of the game say that the prey can change hands, but it cannot be snatched. According to the experience of the predecessors, this is to allow the prey to be traded."

"How much prey do you think my insecticide and neurotoxin can exchange for?"

"More than that, these edible fungi are also worth a lot."

"We're still halfway to the first check-in point. If we don't hunt and just travel, we can run 100 kilometers a day for three or four days."

"If you are hunting, it is best to make a quick decision. Don't waste time entangled with prey and delay the trip."

"Yes, reaching the finish line on time is the most important thing, and the hunting result is the second."

"Don't look at the total of more than 2,000 of us, but look at the types and quantities in the catalog. Is it really something that a group of rookies can do?"

Everyone expressed their opinions in one go, and after a few minutes of discussion, Cen Wen made a final summary.

"Then we have reached an agreement, and hurry up?"


"Okay, let's rest early."

Early the next morning, the whole team set off on the road.

Since hunting at will, the little rattan doesn't have to go to a distance to drive the designated animals over, saving its energy consumption.

It takes energy to maintain the coercion of Emperor Zhi on a large scale, and if you can save it, you can save it.

After running for a day, I shot several litters of mutated rabbits in the atlas.

Cen Wen, the all-round assistant, did a great job. Under the guidance of the little rattan, he found the rabbit nest, sprinkled the local grass seeds, found all the entrances and exits, left two, and let the soil team seal the rest.

Then take out low-toxic plants, give them to the fire team members to ignite and stuff them into a hole, and they will be responsible for controlling the fire to ensure that they can be burned quickly without causing a fire.

The members of the civil and engineering departments are responsible for guarding the soil layer above the rabbit hole so that the rabbits eager to escape will not make a new hole, and the others will guard the other hole to intercept the rabbit.

The mutated rabbits are big in size, fast in speed, full of strength, and are fleeing for their lives. They rush out one by one at the same speed as cannonballs. They don't work well with guns, so they can only use supernatural powers or simply chop with a knife.

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