Little rattan continued to stare, Cen Wen also got up and changed, and sent a message to the team leader.

[I went to the street for food, what do you want to eat? Bring you some? 】

【Aren't you waiting for news in the hotel? 】

[Have you looked at the map? The location of the small shop is just at the intersection, which is a very favorable terrain for escape. I will take a look around to see what to eat. 】

[Then bring us whatever you eat, we can do it, and let us know if you see anything suspicious. 】

【good. 】

Cen Wen swaggered out of the hotel and walked towards the intersection.

At this time, the streets are full of people looking for lunch, Cen Wen looked left and right, looking at himself in bad luck for lunch.

The passers-by were the same as her, and none of them behaved perversely to attract attention.

【Master, the courier walked around the surrounding streets and was waiting for the green light at the intersection ahead. 】

The little rattan reported suddenly, and Cen Wen glanced in the direction it pointed.

A street was too long, and she stood at this intersection and couldn't see the traffic lights at the previous intersection.

[He is just going around in circles, and has no other behaviors of receiving and delivering goods? 】

【No, he didn't stop his car after leaving the shop, he just went around in circles. 】

[Continue to stare. 】

Cen Wen sniffed. She smelled a fragrant smell of pancakes. Following the scent, she walked to a small shop selling all kinds of pancakes. She bought luxury pancakes in family barrels for herself and her team members and packed them up. Then stuff it into the pet planting space.

[The mark is lost! 】

【……What? ! 】

With a sudden jump in his heart, Cen Wen still scanned the QR code to pay with a calm expression, squeezed out from the crowd in line, and looked for a small shop selling drinks in the direction of the intersection.

[He enters the public restroom, and the marker disappears. 】

[Changing clothes, he may have taken off his coat and put it in the space button, so you go over immediately and keep an eye on it yourself. 】

[I arrived, and I was changing clothes. I changed my coat and trousers to another set of the same style, changed my shoes, and even wore an extra hat. 】

[Deliberately dressed like another courier from the same company. 】

【Well, yes, I followed him out, and sure enough I got in the car and continued walking. 】

Cen Wen opened the map on the wristband and found the intersection with traffic lights in front of him. Starting from there, he would pass two two-lane intersections towards his location.

【Where are you now? 】

【Waiting to cross the road, come back around. 】

[This person's route is to turn right at the first small intersection after passing the green light. Is that the public toilet? Are you continuing to look for an intersection, cross the road and come back? 】

[Mmmm, yes. 】

[Okay, it's still early before twelve o'clock, let's see what he plays. 】

Cen Wen turned off the screen, shook his hands, and continued to look for her favorite drink shop along the street.

After a while, she found a milk tea shop, and when she was waiting for the clerk to make tea for her, the express car drove past her, and the little rattan was still greeting her in the car.

The car stopped steadily outside the door of the small storage box store. The courier locked the car and got out, took out a large bulging mail bag from the space button on his waist, walked into the store step by step, and opened the bag , stuff the package into the grid.

Little Rattan still returned to the original position and stared at the top of the cabinet. On the street, Cen Wen was drinking a large glass of fresh lemonade as he walked.

[Good boy. 】

【I am~】

[It's two minutes to twelve, did he put anything in that grid? 】

【No, he didn't even get close to this set of cabinets. 】

[Very well, that's him. 】

【Catch him now? 】

[Wait a minute, I will do another verification, so as not to wrong innocent people. 】

【Do you need my help? 】

[What is the number of the originally designated cabinet? 】


[Okay, earlier you said that the one with a strong medicinal taste is in 8-203, right? 】

【Yes. 】

[It's almost time, I'll go in and pick up the goods. 】

【Um? 】

[If I guessed correctly, 8-203 is the correct grid, and 7506 is the password to open the grid. 】

【ah……? 】

[You are staring at it. 】

【Well, he can't run out. 】

Cen Wen walked slowly into the store with his half-drunk lemonade, and went straight to the No. 8 cabinet. He bent down, found the No. 3 grid in the second column, and entered the password 7506.

With a click, the door opened.

Cen Wen reached in and took out a courier carton tightly sealed with tape, without the name of the consignee.

She held the lemonade in her right hand and the package in her left hand. Turning her body halfway and looking back, she happened to meet the courier.

The man froze for two seconds, dropped the large mailbag in his hand, and ran out.


The little cane lying in ambush on the ground at the door tripped him firmly, and he fell to the ground heavily.

Because he ran too hard and fell too hard, his whole face hit the floor tiles according to the inertia, and his nose was injured on the spot. After a burst of unbearable heartache, his nose was numb and painful, and tears and snot came down together with nosebleeds.

The little rattan tripped successfully and quickly slipped back onto Cen Wen's wrist.

"What are you doing? I don't know you!"

"Of course you don't know me. I just need to know you. I made my sister's stomach bigger and ran away, and passed her venereal disease."

The courier was dumbfounded, eager to argue that he didn't have an STD.

Cen Wen stomped hard on the ground twice, making people breathless on the spot.

But in the eyes of passers-by watching the excitement outside the store, this is a good sister who finally caught a scumbag to avenge her sister.

"Aren't you good at running? Seeing that my sister is cute and easy to bully, why didn't you inquire about a sister who is not easy to mess with behind her when you start to pick her up?"

"Woman, you should take him away quickly, there are patrolmen on this street."

Passers-by kindly suggested.

Cen Wenchong thanked them with a polite smile, and then glanced at a car that had just stopped at the intersection.

The door of that car opened immediately, and two strong men stepped out wearing gloves. They bent down, each clamped the courier's arm, covered his mouth, and dragged him away so forcefully.

Cen Wen followed them and got into the car, started the car, and sped away.

None of the passers-by came forward and said that they had called the police and had to wait for the police to arrive.

So what if it's fake, let's see which of these three people is easy to mess with? Regardless of the two men, this woman is at least a supernatural being.

Meddling with the personal grievances of supernatural beings?

In the car, Cen Wen handed over the package in his hand to the police, who packed it in a large evidence bag.

"The hotel is just ahead, but it's best not to park at the door. Where are you going to get off?"

"Are you familiar with the neighborhood? Just find a restaurant and let me down. I'll buy lunch and go back. I'll ask the team members to write a report and submit the details."


The car drove past the hotel, and dropped Cen Wen off at a restaurant 200 meters away. She went in and packed a few signature dishes, drank the half glass of lemonade left in her hand, and leisurely returned to the hotel, knocking on her team leader's phone number. Door.

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