Jiang Shan couldn't make any facial expressions, but when she stared, Cen Wen still shrank his neck subconsciously. The fear of the teacher was deeply buried in every student's heart.

Cen Wen was determined not to read any more. She used to have developed athletic nerves. When it came to game tactics, she was articulate, and when it came to studying, she was drowsy. But thanks to her good brain, her academic performance was still at the top of her grade.

After the war, for more than three hundred years, her problem has not changed at all. Back then, in order to get a therapist certificate, she planned to get a diploma from the Pheasant Online School. The diploma was just a tool for her to earn a living.

But this can only be done by her, and anyone else will be overturned, because she is a big boss. As for most ordinary people, they should study hard and make progress every day.

She can understand the reason for her direct blogging. It is best for a high-ranking boss to have a high degree of education that matches his status.

Who stipulated this?

When she reveals her identity one day, the big hats of honorary doctorates will be put on her head by various universities, so that she can still have a high degree without studying hard, and she will be very happy.

"I really want to graduate as soon as possible and don't want to study anymore?"

"forget about it."

"But the student status has tax benefits. You only paid 8% last time. Without this status, it would be 45%. You can think about it clearly, majors, shareholders, and shareholders."

Cen Wen shuddered suddenly, his body stiffened, and he raised his eyes to look at the ceiling, his eyes seemed to penetrate the floor to the distant outer space of Li Nanxing, where a large sum of money was waiting for her.

"Fuck, tax!"

Jiang Shan smiled slightly, and the plan went through.

When Cen Wen looked away, his expression became much more serious.

"If I want to direct my doctorate, I can't continue to study as a therapist. No one can be my doctoral supervisor."

"Change major."

"Turn what?"


"Can I read this? No, they really will let me read it, so I will have military membership?"

"Actually, I think it's better to have a military status. You already have the position of lifelong vice president of a military hospital, but letting civilians sit in that position is easy to cause controversy. You also know that in the military environment, you should first recognize military status before looking at others. There is a As a soldier, you can directly give you temporary command authority when you go on a mission in the future, and you can save a few non-disclosure agreements.”

Cen Wen remained silent, and it could be seen that she was thinking seriously.

The rules in the army have never changed from then to now. With her status, it will be difficult for her to be a civilian with enough food and drink in the future. It is a waste of her fighting power to become an official in the political circle. She can only be used in the army. Space.

"If you want to switch to a military major, you have to write a lot of papers, right?"

"Looking at the subdivision of majors, most of the daily homework is papers, and a small part is related to mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, and there are a lot of exercises."

"..." Cen Wen suddenly had a bitter face, "How about I go to major in individual combat?"

"Well, then your classmate is really unlucky. In practice, he will lie down after being punched by you."

"I have already blogged directly, why do I still have practice duels?"

"Hey, practical training is a basic required course in military schools, and it has nothing to do with whether you are straight or not."

Cen Wen blinked, and smiled crookedly: "That's not right, you all know my combat effectiveness, how could you still let me be a student in the duel training class, and you have to give me a part-time job as a duel training assistant."

"Well, that student who was taught by you was really unlucky, and he lay down after being punched by you."

"..." Cen Wen smacked his lips speechlessly, Jiang Shan was right, "Forget it, I'd better write the thesis and hand in the homework earlier."

"The thesis is not in a hurry. I will guide you. I guarantee that you can finish it in a few days." Jiang Shan took a sip of water and raised her eyebrows. Your situation is too complicated, in fact, it is not suitable for you to directly study any existing major, you need to adjust it."

"Report it, report it."

Cen Wen nodded heavily with a look of death on his face. She knew without counting that in order to graduate in the future, she had to live in the pile of papers.

Jiang Shan opened a new light screen window next to the video connection window, and Cen Wen saw her eyes turn slightly, and heard the sound of keyboard tapping, and it was over in two minutes.

"Okay, the application is over, the school will handle the formalities, and you will have an official military registration when you come back after the New Year."

"So fast?"

"I can't help it. I'm afraid you will run away. Longshan Headquarters wants you."

"That won't work, I won't leave Li Nanxing."

"So, Longshan branch school has accepted the task of leading you to blog directly."

"Principal Nie must be grinning from ear to ear."

Just as he was talking, Cen Wen's bracelet rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Principal Nie calling.

Amidst Jiang Shan's laughter, Cen Wen chatted with Principal Nie for a minute, that is, about her straight blog, and Principal Nie laughed for 30 seconds on the phone.

Military academy graduates will be second lieutenants when they leave school, and doctoral students will be captains after graduation. Principal Nie just promised her that they will be awarded the title when they return to Li Nanxing.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Shan looked at her teasingly.

"Congratulations, doctoral student."

"Hey, thank you, thank you."

The two teased each other, and Cen Wen's bracelet rang again. This time it was from her main subject teacher, congratulating her on her blog, and then urged her to write a paper.

The thesis submitted yesterday was well written, and there is another one. The course of the past few years will be considered as the end of the course after submission, and the direct Ph.D. course will start next semester.

Cen Wen repeatedly promised to hand in the paper in a few days.

After hanging up the phone, I saw that Jiang Shan had already written out the idea of ​​opening the topic for the one-two topic.

"Choose one, and hand it in as soon as you finish writing in these two days."


Both topics were the same, so Cen Wen closed his eyes and clicked on a random one, and started drafting under Jiang Shan's supervision.

During the whole day, except for drinking water, going to the toilet and eating lunch, Cen Wen worked hard at the desk for the rest of the time. Jiang Shan accompanied him from beginning to end, and she answered even the smallest questions. This draft Can be sent as text.

Jiang Shan took the manuscript for revision. She finished reading the 8,000-word manuscript and added revision notes in an hour and a half. Cen Wen started working overnight, revising and revising, revising and revising, working until midnight, and finally passed it, and immediately submitted and sent it.

"Ah, it's finally over." Cen Wen slumped on the chair, rubbing his eyes, it's been a long time since he exhausted his brain and eyes.

"Congratulations, I will be a doctoral student next semester. I can't stand it anymore, so I'll go to bed first, Ann."

In the continuous video, Jiang Shan even yawned twice, she was so sleepy, she said good night hastily, and went offline to sleep before Cen Wen could say anything.

A few minutes later, Cen Wen also got up and turned off the phone, took a shower and went to sleep.

Without the pressure of the thesis lingering in his heart, Cen Wen slept soundly this time, and it was almost eleven o'clock when he woke up.

After half an hour lying in the comfortable bed, I finally couldn't bear the hunger and got up to eat.

While selecting the lunch menu in the guest room system, the wristband vibrated, and the temporary assistant called.

"The security department contacted our superhuman center. An international team of hunters arrived. They were found carrying weapons by the border security, but only two people were caught, and three escaped. Let us notify all the high-level plant pets and beast pets in the world. Those with supernatural powers should pay attention to safety."

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