The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 399 Invited to attend an exchange meeting abroad (1)

She specifically hired a professional company to loosen the soil and re-cultivate the large hilly area, and now planting plans have begun one after another.

The main grower, His Majesty the Plant Emperor.

You can use the seeds in the pet planting space at will.

Many of them can no longer be seen on the Li Nan planet today. They are either extinct or mutated.

In order to collect seeds, Cen Wen also pried into countless seed banks, picking them up wherever he went.

In addition to national ones, there are also institutions and companies. There are countless large and small seed banks. Many of them were buried deep in the ground by the ruins blown up by artillery fire. It took a lot of effort to dig them out.

It would be such a waste if we don’t plant the seeds that we have worked so hard to preserve until now.

The little rattan branches out countless roots to look after its plantation, but its main body still follows Cen Wen. Wherever she is, it is where it is, and the master and pet are inseparable.

Jiang Shan has also started working in her design office. She does not have a team now. She is the only living person in such a large workplace. She is only given permission to enter and exit by herself. Even the cleaning is done with a low-smart machine. Single-function sweeping machines and floor washing machines prevent hackers from controlling and manipulating smart household robots to do bad things.

Even Cen Wen cannot use space teleportation to enter and exit directly at will. In order to prevent people with space teleportation abilities who behave randomly, special security equipment is installed inside and outside the entire design, especially in some important locations, where the installation density is higher. A mouse suddenly Appearing or disappearing triggers an alarm.

The lives of the two of them were ordinary and regular. Over in Capital Star, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a message from the new ambassador of the United Nations in Wanhua inviting Cen Wen to go to Wanhua for an exchange visit.

This event is real. A powerful country like Wanhua with strong strength in all aspects attracts all walks of life to hold exchange meetings there. In addition to intra-industry exchanges, there are also investments and sponsorships.

What Cen Wen was invited to this time was a high-level exchange meeting on medical services. The participants were all well-known hospitals and doctors from various countries, as well as special therapists.

Top therapists like Cen Wen are the ones who must be invited.

The Republic of Leland has participated in the event in the past, but they only went to top doctors from large hospitals. The two elderly national treasure therapists were weak and could not bear the adverse reactions when the spaceship left the atmosphere.

This year there is a third national treasure who is younger and in better health, so it is natural to extend the invitation.

But I always felt that there was an indescribable flavor behind this invitation.

But no matter what he thought, the invitation was transferred to Cen Wen through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After receiving the invitation, Cen Wen said he would definitely go, and then sent a letter to the military minister's mailbox to let the military settle accounts.

Calculate how much war compensation should be paid to Wanhua United Nations after the war of aggression that year, and add the interest for more than three hundred years to them. After her trip, she can get some benefits back.

When Cen Wen went to Capital Star, she told the military department that she was waiting for an opportunity to cause trouble in Wanhua's land.

Now that the opportunity has come, she has to take action.

In the secretary's office of the Minister of Military Affairs, a secretary who specializes in checking emails clicked on Cen Wen's letter. After reading the content clearly, he subconsciously exclaimed.


"What's wrong?" Colleagues on both sides heard the movement and asked with concern.

“Master Cen’s letter is so amazing!”

The secretary took a long time to find his tongue and called the first secretary to share the news.

The first secretary stood at attention with all the hairs on his body after reading the email, and immediately submitted it to the minister.

After the minister read the email, he laughed after a brief shock and asked the secretary to call someone for a meeting.

"Master Cen wants to take this opportunity to collect the compensation. Okay, let's settle the accounts quickly. If there is too much, don't take advantage of them."

Thinking of Cen Wen's great achievements on the border not long ago, all the subordinates who received the task devoted themselves to their work with enthusiasm.

The next day, the minister conveyed the news to the president and elders, and convened a meeting with ministers from various departments to obtain a unified opinion.

Let's forget about too much.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs happily arranged the departure of the exchange group.

The people who went there, except Cen Wen, were the same as in previous years. They were all top doctors from the top departments of well-known hospitals in the capital city.

In addition to their own assistants, Cen Wen's one hundred guards were responsible for the entire team's security.

But it depends on the situation when returning. Cen Wen may not return together.

Wanhua United Nations is accustomed to wooing corruption. If it really has this intention, it may leave Cen Wen alone.

Therefore, in order to prevent the exchange team from becoming hostages in disguise, they returned as usual, leaving Cen Wen to improvise.

As for how to return to China when she is left alone, that also falls into the category of adapting to circumstances.

Only Cen Wen knew about this decision, and she told the guards.

Of course the guards refused. They were Cen Wen's guards. As a result, they didn't do much. Finally, they had the opportunity to go abroad for exchanges and had to protect the others who were accompanying him.

"I have a second mission when I go to Wanhua. They have not paid the war reparations more than 300 years ago. I have to go and collect the debt. With their usual attitude towards the elites of other countries, they will either corrupt them or destroy them physically. If I express They will definitely be happy if you want to stay and play for a few more days. During this time, you must stay away from Wanhua's territory and don't let them react and take you hostage."

"You want to do something big?" Captain Xiang Zhen was a little eager to try.

"Don't be excited. I won't take anyone with me. You must bring those medical experts back home safely. Don't let me suddenly hear the news that you are being held hostage while I am causing trouble outside."

"Understood, we will pay attention to safety."

Although the guards were unwilling to give in, considering the comparison of their combat capabilities with Cen Wen, they insisted on following but were held back. They finally accepted the reality and honestly took over the task of protecting other experts.

The exchange team set out together, so Cen Wen had to go to Capital Star to meet the team first.

As a result, patients waiting in line for treatment received a unified message from the hospital’s official account that Master Cen was going to Wanhua United Nations to attend an industry exchange meeting and would suspend medical visits.

The patients accepted it as a matter of course.

In fact, this is common sense. The top doctors in the top departments of major hospitals are like this. They will take a leave of absence at any time due to external social activities. The more famous doctors are, the busier they are.

This is the first time that a top elite like Master Cen has been invited to participate in a foreign peer exchange meeting, and there will only be more in the future.

Cen Wen arranged the work and study at hand, counted the days, took his one hundred guards on a public spaceship to the capital planet, met with other members of the exchange team at the space port hotel, and then set off again.

The exchange meeting will be held in Wanhua, a residential planet where tourism and recuperation are the pillar industry. The global population is less than two billion, and every densely populated city is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery.

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