The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 10 Things are about to get colder

Richard said that he really couldn't understand what kind of virtue and ability this General Ross had. He had committed such a huge mistake and was not charged with treason, but he actually became the Secretary of State in the next few short years. . Even as an amateur, it’s time to smell the news.

But after all, I was just watching a movie before. At that time, Richard only complained about the plot. Who has the time to argue with the rationality of the plot of the movie? But it's different now. Now that he has traveled to the world of this movie, there are a lot of fishy things to dig out about General Ross.

Maybe Ross had some shady dealings with certain departments?

Maybe he was proving to his superiors that he had greater potential value?

This is thought-provoking.

The hands of the office wall clock had just reached five-thirty, and Richard immediately stood up and left the office. There was still a lively scene outside, and although it was past the time to get off work, no one showed any sign of leaving.

Richard nodded with satisfaction. Well, this is the characteristic of our newspaper.

Every newcomer has been personally vaccinated when he enters the newspaper office. Once you enter this newspaper office, don't expect to be able to go back on time. Especially when there is big news, it is normal to stay up all night for three days. In fact, Richard even wanted to say that everyone should just set up a bed in their own office to save the trouble of running back and forth to and from get off work.

But in the end he didn't say that.

In fact, this is also the management experience he summarized from his personal experience in his previous life. Generally, public newspapers are fine, but whether private newspapers work overtime or not depends entirely on the mood of the boss. Unfortunately, the newspaper where Richard worked happened to have a boss who was crazy about working overtime - of course, this could not be him. As soon as it was time to get off work, the boss slapped his butt and disappeared in the blink of an eye. But newspaper staff? Haha, I'm sorry, if anyone dares to step out of the office at 5:30, your bonus will be gone too.

There was a foreigner who came to work in their newspaper office before. The foreigner was very enthusiastic when he first arrived. He wanted to see everyone in the office and said, "Hello everyone, I am a well-known workaholic here. Come work overtime and work hard with me every day!"

Only a week later, the foreigner said to them with dark circles under his eyes: "I'm telling you, it's inhumane for you to work overtime like this."

Everyone sneered. Haha, I can’t stand it at this level, and I’m still working overtime like crazy. When there is really big news to be busy, why don't you die suddenly on the spot?

At that time, Richard was very envious. Every time he got off work, his boss could drive home in style to have dinner, while they had to continue to be exhausted in the office. As the saying goes, things turn around, and now he finally got this opportunity. He waved his hands and walked past the busy employees, saying "Thank you for your hard work" as he walked towards the door. Seeing everyone's envious and jealous expressions made him feel happy.

Before going home, Richard stopped by a nearby small supermarket. The owner of the supermarket is also Chinese, an aunt in her forties. The aunt's surname is Lin, and since they are fellow villagers, Richard and her can quite easily chat.

As soon as he walked in, Aunt Lin smiled and said, "Hey, Xiao Li, what are you buying today?"

"Soy sauce." Richard waved his hand and walked straight to the shelf with soy sauce.

"The top row." Aunt Lin pointed to the top shelf from a distance, "That's a new brand recently introduced. Those foreigners are not used to it, but this is the most authentic soy sauce."

"Really?" Richard took a bottle according to her instructions, "Since Aunt Lin said so, I'll give it a try."

Then he took another sandwich and went to the counter to pay together.

"I read your newspaper today." Aunt Lin waved a copy of the Daily Planet in her hand, "It's really getting more and more unsettled now. It's both a giant and a monster."

"Yes." Richard responded casually.

In fact, this is pretty good, and there will be more exciting things in the future.

After Richard paid the bill, he was about to leave, but he heard Aunt Lin calling him from behind and said, "Do you have any plans tonight?"

Richard paused: "What?"

"My daughter is having a party at home. It's going to be really lively." Aunt Lin said, "If nothing happens, why don't you go join in the fun?"

here we go again. Aunt Lin has never given up the idea of ​​promoting her daughter since they met. According to Aunt Lin's description, her daughter is loved by everyone, and she is like a fairy descending to earth. Richard had never seen a real person, but his ears almost felt like cocoons.

Richard waved his hand: "No, I have other plans for the evening."

"Oh, that's it." Aunt Lin was a little disappointed, but not discouraged. After all, we are all neighbors, and we have a long time to come, so there is no need to rush this matter.

She asked curiously: "Can I ask, what do you do when you go back at night?"

She was indeed curious. As far as she knew, Richard seemed to be living alone. He had no relatives living nearby or friends he frequented. What did he usually do to pass the time?

Richard smiled at her.

"It's not a big deal." He walked out of the door and waved his hand, "Just being a nanny."

Cathy, a young intern reporter, couldn't believe her luck. Her investigation seemed to go a little too smoothly. A little too smoothly. She went to several places and asked several people about the boatload of girls that arrived at the dock on Wednesday. Although no one knew the exact location, an ex-con told her she could try her luck at a certain warehouse.

The Green Snake Gang often likes to temporarily store their goods in that area, that's what the guy said.

Cathy took advantage of the dark and windy night to reach the warehouse. This is an old warehouse with rusty exterior walls. I don’t know how many years it was built. The door was tangled up with a worn chain, but this small problem certainly didn't bother her.

As nimble as a nimble kitten, Cathy climbed up to the top of the warehouse along the pipe - thankfully the old pipe was much stronger than it looked. She fell from the skylight into the suspended aisle on the top floor of the warehouse and successfully touched it.

Cathy heard the faint sound of voices. She followed the source of the sound and found a huge container. There was only a padlock hanging on the door that looked like a street stall. Cathy took out the master key she carried with her from her bag and opened the lock easily.

When she opened the door of the box, a group of ragged girls huddled together and stared at her in horror.

Cathy couldn't believe she had found it just like that. It felt like she had hit the jackpot. She has already achieved more than half of the success. Now she just needs to take these victims to the nearest police station while the gangsters are not around. This mission will be perfect!

"Shh, don't make any noise, I'm here to save you." Cathy lowered her voice and said to the girls, "Be quiet now and follow me."

"Where are you following me?"

A rich male voice suddenly sounded, and Cathy was startled. She turned around quickly and found that a man with a fleshy face and a big gold chain hanging around his neck had appeared behind her at some point, staring at her with a fierce look like a jackal.

Cathy took a deep breath.

This is a big deal.

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