Wilson Fisk was a fat man - such a simple word may not be able to accurately and vividly describe the exaggerated image.

He has a huge frame that is different from ordinary people, and a face full of flesh. His clothes and pants have to be customized by a store because no store has a size that can fit him. He could take up the space of two people - maybe three - by himself at the table.

The most amazing thing is that that kind of body shape does not give people the intuitive impression of being "fat". Instead, it makes people feel that he is very strong, like a mountain made of stacked rocks.

It's easy to imagine that when such a big man gets angry, facing him is like facing a volcano that erupts all the molten lava above your head. But what is surprising is that Fisker looks quite kind in his normal state.

At least that was the impression that Wilson Fisk left on Richard when he first met him. Fisk was smiling the whole time, and his expression looked relaxed and not rigid. He looks at people politely but not uncomfortable when they speak, and he never interrupts them before they have finished speaking.

Even though he knew in his heart that this guy was actually a criminal leader, Richard still had to admit that it was very easy to have dinner with this guy. He found that there seemed to be a reason why this guy had climbed to such a position.

"Aren't you from New York before?" Fisk asked, cutting a small piece of steak with a silver table knife.

Richard found that this guy's table manners were actually quite good. He had imagined that when Fisk ate steak, he would hold a whole piece of semi-ripe steak and gnaw directly on it.

"No." Richard shook his head.

"I'm a native New Yorker." Fisk said to himself while eating steak. "I've seen all aspects of this city. There are good parts and bad parts. To be honest, these days, There may be more of them.”

Richard said nothing and waited quietly for him to continue.

"Most outsiders only see the bright side of this city. Its skyscrapers, its bustling streets, all its beautiful sides. But many people can't see its dark side, which is what it really looks like. "

Fisk put down his knife and fork and looked out the window of the restaurant. Outside the window is a dark river, quiet and calm, but so deep that no one knows its roots. It seems that any secret can be swallowed up by it.

"I have watched the changes in this city with my own eyes." Fisk said, subconsciously clenching his fists and holding the silver tableware. "I have watched it deteriorate and decay, and I have watched evil grow in it like germs. I saw good people struggling in this city, but bad people living freely and in high positions.

The city is sick, very sick. Many people living in it are aware of this problem, but they all choose to remain silent, give in and compromise. Crime is becoming more and more rampant and lawless with increasing tolerance."

Richard looked at Fisk's impassioned speech here and couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. Fisk's appearance reminded him of those loyal ministers in ancient poetry who wanted to serve the country with loyalty, but suffered from the rampant influence of corrupt officials and villains.

It's just that you shouldn't be in the lineup of corrupt officials and villains, right? Is this the wrong role?

Listening to Fisk's emotional talk about the rampant crime here, it feels like Qin Hui's inscription "Man Jiang Hong", the painting style looks awkward.

Fisk continued: "I used to be indifferent to all this, just like everyone else. To a certain extent, this also made me a part of the accomplices and fueled the evil. This made me very regretful and angry, It's like... like there's so much evil these days and I'm responsible for it."

Richard sneered.

Install, then install. It's like you're not actually responsible.

"So I've decided that I can't go on like this. It's our duty to save this city, Mr. Lee. You and me, and everyone else like us who is capable."

"I think you're right," said Richard.

"That's why we need to make changes. In fact, you can do more in this regard than me." Fisk said, "Look, after all, I'm just a businessman, and all I can do is Just provide money. And you, you can do much more than me. All I can do is invest some money to build a school, hospital or library. But you are different, you can make people think, Lead people's thinking so they can make the right decisions.

This is exactly why I found you, Mr. Li. I have a series of plans for New York. An ambition, you could say. I will devote half my life to doing everything I can to make this city a better place. But I can’t do it alone, I need the support of others. "

Richard understood.

Fisk has said so much and taken such a big detour. In fact, to put it bluntly, he hopes that Planet Daily can give him more kind words and say something good about him in the future. After all, the reputation and influence of Daily Planet are increasing day by day, and Fisker must have taken a fancy to this.

Richard raised his cup and smiled at him: "Of course. If my small newspaper can also play a role in Mr. Fisk's great plan to build New York, we will naturally be obliged to do so."

Seeing as they had paid so much money, it was natural to say a few good words, at least until Fisker was caught by them.

Richard said that if one day his reporter accidentally discovered evidence of Kingpin's murder or something, he would not be blamed.

But as far as tonight was concerned, the two of them were still chatting quite speculatively. When Fisk mentioned the crime and darkness in New York, he hated it so much that Richard, who was deceived for a while, almost believed it. When he mentioned his deep feelings for New York and his determination to reform, he didn't seem to be pretending, as if he was really thinking about the future of the city from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe Fisk really loves this city in his own twisted way.

But Richard felt that the main reason why he could sit down and chat with him so happily was because the fat man bled for the newspaper.

Richard had always wanted to install a golden model of the Earth on the roof of the newspaper office, and it had to be one that could rotate by itself - just like the newspaper office where Superman worked.

That's called Planet Daily. It can be called a landmark of the metropolis. How handsome it is!

I had no money to do it before, but now it's better. The most troublesome part of the problem has been solved.

Richard was chatting happily with Fisk when a group of guys who seemed to have bad intentions at first glance barged in regardless of the restaurant waiter's dissuasion. The leading man was dressed in black and had a big beard. He walked straight through the restaurant and sat down at their table.

Several other men gathered around him without saying a word, each with a black expression on their face, and their expressions looked like "Who are you going to do, boss?" written all over their faces.

"Are you Richard Lee?" the bearded man asked arrogantly.

"We know each other?"

"You can call me 'Viper'."

Richard suddenly realized: "Oh, you are the leader of those stupid guys. I'm glad to meet you."

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