The silver giant and the insect-like monster struggled together, and the long tentacles danced around like vines. Bursts of dull thunderous noises echoed in the space, and the ground was stirred up like a curtain wall of dust.

The screen paused at the moment when the giant grabbed the monster's tentacles, and the projection screen was shrunk. Nick Fury sat behind the table opposite the screen and held his chin, his one eye almost narrowed to a slit.

"'Indescribable'." He turned his eyes to Agent Coulson standing at the table. "Is that the best word you can think of in the mission report?"

Agent Coulson nodded solemnly: "Believe me, sir, if you were there at that time you would understand. The scene was truly unparalleled. Those two guys made us look like a bunch of funny clowns. Quinstyle The firepower of fighter jets has no effect on that big guy. Vulcan cannons and high-explosive warheads have no effect. They can't even scratch the skin of that thing. Now I'm even beginning to wonder if all our thermal weapons are against something like that. It’s all ineffective”

You can't blame Agent Coulson for starting to doubt life, I'm afraid anyone who witnessed that scene would. Until yesterday, the Quinjet was still classified as "heavy firepower" in Coulson's perception, but now he feels that those onboard weapons are of no use at all, and at best they are only slightly more powerful than decorations. .

"All thermal weapons?" Nick Fury raised his eyebrows. He felt that Coulson's statement was too absolute. In his opinion, although the monster was scary, it was nothing more than a larger beast. The ineffectiveness of the attack only means that the firepower is not strong enough. Using a larger gun may not necessarily kill it.

"I don't know, sir." Colson pondered for a while and said, "But I personally think that conventional weapons below nuclear weapons may not be effective."

Fury said nothing. He always trusted Coulson's judgment, but this time he felt that Coulson had exaggerated a bit. But considering the nightmarish night Coulson had just endured, this wasn't surprising.

The picture on the projection screen resumed playing, and the battle between the giant and the beast continued. In a short time, the giant beast was completely suppressed by the giant. Finally, the giant made a cross posture with both hands, and a dazzling golden stream of light shot out from the edge of the raised palm, exploding the giant beast into pieces from the inside out.

The screen paused again at this frame.

Fury turned to Coulson and asked, "What do you think?"

"The destructive power is very powerful. If compared with existing weapons of mankind, the most conservative estimate should be that it is equivalent to the power of tactical missiles."

In fact, Coulson didn't know the true power of that light at all. He only made a visual assessment based on the effect seen with the naked eye. But Coulson also knew clearly in his heart that the power of that golden beam must be more than that. Speaking of this, he couldn't help but remember that when the giant performed this trick in front of them, the Doctor SHIELD at the scene jumped up with excitement and almost lost his breath. He held Coulson's hand, pointed at the sky-breaking energy readings on the tablet and said incoherently something like "incredible" and "miraculous".

Coulson couldn't understand the energy property curves and a lot of complicated readings, but he could roughly understand the horror of that light just from the actual effect - the Quinjet bombed with all its strength for a long time, and the monster Not even a scratch on the skin. But the giant only shot out such a ray of light, and it actually blew up the behemoth to pieces on the spot. You can imagine its power by comparing it a little.

"I have consulted several experts, and they all tend to believe that this giant is an extraterrestrial creature." Colson said, "They said that the existence form of this giant's body is different from all the creatures we know. They It seems to have mentioned something like quantum, you know, I can never understand those scientific things, but in short, it sounds like they all agree that this giant is the alien we have always imagined."

"He's human," Fury said suddenly.

Colson was stunned for a moment, unable to react: "Sir, what did you just say?"

"I said he is human." Fury said solemnly, then paused, "At least that's how he looks."

Coulson was a little confused. He didn't think the director was the kind of person who could joke, but that guy was fifty meters tall and could lift a giant beast weighing tens of thousands of tons with his bare hands!

This kind of guy has nothing to do with the word human, right?

Fury expressionlessly pressed a few times on his console. The images of giants and monsters on the projection screen were zoomed to the corners, and a new image popped up in the center of the screen.

It was obviously a picture taken by a surveillance camera on a street corner. What appeared in the picture was a man wearing a black coat and dark trousers.

"This is a surveillance video from the blocked area when the incident occurred last night." Fury said calmly. "He was the only person who appeared in the blocked area during the whole process. There is no clue as to how he crossed our blockade. In addition, Until the end when the giant beast was defeated, he never appeared in any footage, nor was he witnessed by anyone, as if he evaporated out of thin air in the sealed area."

Colson was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Sir, are you saying that this person is..."

Even though this was a conjecture proposed by Nick Fury, he still thought it sounded too bizarre. Not to mention the logic and rationality of this speculation, is it really possible that such a powerful existence as the giant known as "Ultraman" could be the form of a human being?

"Yes, and I think the other party must have noticed the surveillance camera, but they didn't even think about hiding it." Fury continued, "A few hours ago, I asked some experts to enhance and process this image. Facial recognition, guess what? We found this guy—who you just happened to have met a while ago.”

Coulson was stunned again. I have seen? Who is that?

When the sharpened face of young Chinese-American Richard Lee appeared on the screen, Agent Coulson's open mouth could almost swallow the entire screen.

"I know this is surprising, but strange things are constantly happening in this world, and we have seen it before." Fury said, "We are still not sure whether Richard Lee is Ultraman. , but at least he should have some contact. So I need you to go to Daily Planet again and ask."

"No, sir." Coulson turned his head stiffly and said in a mechanical tone, "You don't understand, he. He told me personally last time. He told me that he was Ultraman."

Fury looked at him in surprise: "So you didn't tell me such an important thing until now?"

Colson looked sad and felt so miserable that he couldn't express it.

No, who knew that guy was serious when he said this?

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