Agent Coulson has been working for SHIELD for a long time. As a top-secret organization that has not been made public at this stage, when Coulson shows his Aegis badge, 90% of people will usually ask questions such as "What organization is this and why have I never heard of it?"

Then at this time, he will patiently explain that we are a top-secret agency responsible for handling some issues involving high-level secrets and so on.

It turns out that the newspaper boss doesn’t play by the rules! How can anyone ask someone to memorize the full name of the organization as soon as they come up?

The name written on the ID badge is "S.H.I.E.L.D.", which is the abbreviation of a certain series of words. SHIELD agents all know this, but not many can recite the full name of the organization.

I really can’t blame them, it’s just that the full name is too damn long!

But Coulson was worthy of being a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and recited fluently without breathing or blinking: "Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division), commonly known as S.H.I.E.L.D."

Richard was suddenly in awe of Agent Coulson. Can you memorize such a long name? I admire you.

Agent Grant Ward on the side remained calm, his expression still rigid, but he was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, you didn't ask me, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to answer. He couldn't help but look at Colson with a hint of admiration. It's a shame he remembered such a long name that couldn't even be written on the ID.

"Awesome, I think SHIELD should award you a few more medals." Richard said seriously.

Colson was stunned for a moment, unable to keep up with his rhythm. Why, just memorize the full name of the organization. Although it is a bit difficult to remember, does this thing give out medals?

Richard pointed at his head: "Your head shape indicates that you have a particularly heavy workload. You must be very busy, right?"

With such thin hair, those who didn't know better thought he was a programmer.

Colson's face turned dark. What does a particularly heavy workload mean? Do you have any objection to having my hair styled specially? Can you speak?

"Okay, so two SHIELD agents." Richard asked, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"It's about what happened last night." Agent Coulson didn't care about it. "Yesterday's conflict happened to happen at the door of your newspaper, as did the appearance of the giant. We are investigating this matter. . We want to know if anyone in the newspaper office saw or heard anything unusual beforehand, especially before the giant appeared."

"Ultraman." Richard waved the newspaper at his side, "If you read today's newspaper, you will know that the giant has a name. His name is 'Ultraman'."

"Okay Ultraman." Agent Coulson obviously didn't want to get hung up on such a trivial matter as his name, "So, do you have any information that you can provide? I imagine that for a newspaper as big as yours, there won't be any clues, right?" "

Richard shrugged: "So why don't you buy a copy of today's newspaper and read it?"

"Thank you. I bought a copy on the way to work and have read it," Colson said. "But we would like to know more about the content that is not written in the newspaper. It would be better if there are some photo resources."

"No." Richard said crisply, "I'm very sorry, but I really can't help."

The two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents looked at each other and exchanged glances, and then Agent Ward walked to the back and silently closed the door.

Richard raised his eyebrows. Why, are they still trying to extract a confession by torture?

Although Richard is completely honest, no matter how you say it, this is too arrogant, right?

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Li, we just want to have a good talk." Colson said, "You see, we didn't want to mention this originally, but in order to enhance your trust in us, I decided to be a little more open and honest." He paused and said, "We know your secret."


Richard was a little surprised. They actually knew that he was Ultraman so quickly? Then this Aegis seems to be really capable, but it doesn't matter even if they know about it.

"A few years ago, before the Daily Planet was established, you once encountered a group of robbers in Hell's Kitchen." Coulson said, "There were three people on the other side, and they were armed, and you took them all down with your bare hands. One of them Flying more than ten meters away with your push is not something ordinary people can do."

Richard was stunned.

Oh, you mean this, you should have told me earlier.

He remembered. That was when he just traveled through time and came to Marvel. He was indeed blocked by a few blind gangsters in Hell's Kitchen. In fact, to be precise, that should be his first day in this world.

Richard really didn't want to reveal his abilities that time. To be honest, he didn't even know what abilities he had at that time. At that time, he had just traveled through time and was in a state of confusion. Even before Goldfinger had time to check, he was blocked by those three unlucky gangsters. At that time, the three guys were pushing and shoving him, but he actually resisted subconsciously for a while. With a casual push, one of the tall guys pushed him ten meters away.

At that time, the other two guys were so frightened that they didn't even have time to care about their teammates who were knocked unconscious. They turned around and ran away.

Richard said he was innocent. You may not believe it, but it was really their first move.

He soon discovered that he had Ultraman's golden finger. He was mentally prepared for his water meter to be checked at that time. After all, he was using force that was clearly non-human on the street, so it was not surprising that he was noticed.

As a result, no one came up to trouble him, so he naturally forgot about it.

It wasn't until now that he realized that it wasn't that SHIELD didn't notice him, but that it had noticed him and never said anything.

In fact, this world is far from as simple as it seems on the surface, especially in today's era, the number of superpowers around the world is increasing day by day, and a mere power superpower is not worth the fuss of SHIELD. .

"I'm not saying this to threaten you." Coulson continued, "What I want to say is that you can trust us. SHIELD has long known that you are different, but it has never disturbed your life. There is no need to be wary of us.”

In fact, this is a very common situation in various cases. Some witnesses with ulterior motives often resist dealing with official personnel. For example, ex-convicts, drug addicts, illegal immigrants, etc., these people will not tell the truth even if they know something when questioned by the police or agents.

Clearly, Coulson viewed Richard as being in this type of situation.

"If you still can't remember anything, I can give you a little hint." Colson continued, "Last night, just before the giant appeared, our instruments detected an unprecedentedly powerful energy reaction. .That is a powerful energy that we have never seen before, and the source of that energy happens to be near the location of your newspaper."

"Oh? That's quite a coincidence." Richard nodded, "So you want to ask, did I hide that giant in my storage room? Then I can responsibly tell you, no, Mr. Agent. I There’s no giant man as tall as a building hiding in the storage room of my newspaper office.”

Coulson couldn't help but want to roll his eyes. Nonsense, I also know you're not hiding it, isn't it obvious?

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