The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 99 Where is my box?

Sif took the lead in charging, and the few remaining strong men in Asgard naturally couldn't accept the defeat. The three warriors showed off their swords, axes, hammers and other weapons, shouted vague slogans such as "I'm here to help you", and huffed and puffed into the pile of frost giants.

Several Asgardian men shouted at the top of their lungs, and the cold weapons collided with the blessing of the divine power of both sides, making a crisp sound of gold and iron. The dust on the ground stirred up, and sparks flew in the air. The modern war style formed by the round of saturation missile bombing just now was disturbed by these guys, and it instantly seemed to be thrown back centuries ago, and the battle actually seemed to be more intense than before?

These Asgardian warriors did have some skills. As soon as they took over, several Frost Giants fell into their hands. After all, the four of them are Asgard's elite soldiers, and they are more than enough to deal with the miscellaneous soldiers in the Frost Giants.

With the Frost Giant's previous record of resisting rocket barrages, the brave backs of these people suddenly made their image taller in the eyes of the soldiers. Agent Garrett watched behind for a long time. He felt that although these people seemed to be extremely brave and could defeat a hundred, why did it look like they were just hacking away without any tactics?

They don't really want to cut back all the endless Frost Giants behind them with just the four of them, do they?

Garrett thought this was unlikely. How could anyone come up with such a stupid idea?

However, Comrade John Garrett didn't know that these four people had followed Thor and Loki directly to the Frost Giant's lair to block the spring water. Compared with that, this was nothing.

But when the four warriors rushed forward, the army had to cease fire. If we continue to suppress fire like we just did, we will undoubtedly inadvertently injure friendly forces.

Brigadier General Tarbert was knitting his eyebrows together, thinking about the next order, when he suddenly shuddered involuntarily.

It seemed to have gotten colder without realizing it.

That was no illusion, everyone was clearly aware of the drastic change in temperature. The air became cold and biting, severely irritating everyone's respiratory tract. Snowflakes fell from the sky without warning, flying slowly and irregularly across the sky under the cold wind.

In the next twenty or thirty seconds, the temperature continued to drop to an extremely terrifying level. The strong wind blowing against my face felt like it was going to penetrate my bones, and the ground was covered with a layer of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even the tank barrels and machine gun barrels were covered with ice crystals, as if the whole world was frozen in ice.

Others haven't realized what happened yet, but the faces of the four Asgardian warriors in the battle and Thor in the camp have changed.

There is absolutely no way that this kind of weather is a natural phenomenon. The rich magical atmosphere in the air alone is enough to prove this. In their knowledge, there is only one artifact that has such an effect.

"Box of Ice." Thor looked solemn, as if the name he said was an absolute taboo.

Richard thought of it when he heard the name, but he had heard of no one else. Garrett turned his head and asked in confusion: "'Ice Box'? What is that?"

"The artifact of the Frost Giant can drag any world into eternal ice. Once the ice gate is opened, the magic from the kingdom of death will bring endless cold and darkness. No one can resist that power." Thor He introduced with a solemn expression, "But it was supposed to be kept in Asgard's treasure house, how could it be."

Thor suddenly paused when he said this, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

"Loki!" He clenched his fists angrily, and veins popped out on the back of his hands.

Yes, who would give up such an artifact to a frost giant? Who else could it be but his dear brother Loki, the self-proclaimed God-King?

This is beyond a prank. Thor now wants to fly back to Asgard immediately, slap Loki with his backhand, push him to the ground and give him a good education.

But Richard was a little surprised. Remember in the movie, Loki kept the Ice Box for himself? Even Uncle Heimdall, the gatekeeper in Asgard, was frozen by him. Now instead of keeping such a useful artifact to himself, he gave it to the Frost Giant?

Is it because you consider that if the Frost Giant confronts you, having the blessing of an artifact can slightly increase your chips?

What Thor said is indeed true. It is indeed the Ice Box that caused the drastic change in climate. At this time, the leader of the Frost Giants, Laufei, had also come to the earth through the space tunnel. He stood behind the giants, holding the open box of ice in his hands, with a scarlet dark light flashing in his eyes, and a dark blue face. There was a cruel smile on his face.

Finally, after so long, the Ice Gate was finally back in his hands!

Feeling the infinite cold air coming out of the box, Laufei felt stronger than ever before! As long as you have this power, taking down Midgard will be easy. Later, with the cooperation of Loki, the inner ghost, he even felt that it was not impossible to freeze Asgard and kill the God King Odin.

For so many years, Asgard has been pressing down on them like a big mountain, and now they, Jotunheim, finally want their serfs to stand up and sing. Soon, Asgard's dominance in the Nine Realms will be ended, and they, Jotunheim, will replace them and become the new masters of the Nine Realms!

Although the Ice Box is a large-scale AOE that does not distinguish between friend and foe, the Frost Giants born in Jotunheim are naturally extremely resistant to cold, which is nothing to them.

But it's different for humans and Asgardian warriors. Low temperature has a huge impact on everyone. The movements of the four Asgardian warriors gradually became slower and their strength began to decrease. They were in a dangerous situation and seemed to be defeated at any time.

The camp became anxious, and Garrett hurriedly asked Thor: "Then what are we going to do now?"

Thor showed a confused look: "The 'Ice Box' must be in the hands of a certain Frost Giant, and nine times out of ten it should be Laufey. We have to have someone break through the line, rush into the enemy's rear, and snatch it from Laufey." Take the box and close it, that's the only solution."

But how can things be so easy? The Frost Giants' array was as indestructible as an iron barrel, and even the four most elite warriors in Asgard couldn't break through at all. Normally, this kind of work should be left to Thor, but he doesn't have the power now.

Thor looked at his hand in annoyance, then at the hammer not far away from him, and couldn't help but grit his teeth.

If only he still had supernatural powers and could lift a hammer

Only then did Thor realize how stupid he had been. He thought of his recklessness and how his irresponsible behavior put the entire Asgard on the brink of war, and he couldn't help but regret it.

Now the world needs him to save it, but he can only watch from behind. Thor now desperately hopes that he will have another chance. He hopes to see his father again and tell him how sorry he is for everything.

In the moment just now, lightning flashed in Thor's eyes, and the hammer not far away seemed to shake slightly, as if it was sensing him.

And just when we, Thor, are finally about to have a profound enlightenment and prepare to enter the epiphany mode to regain divine power and save the world.

"Uh, sorry to disturb you, but I want to confirm. The 'box of ice' you mentioned should be this box, right?"


Thor subconsciously turned around, and when he saw Richard appearing behind him without knowing it, holding the "Box of Ice", his eyes almost widened.

"What are you doing?" Thor felt that his tongue was tied and he could hardly speak a complete sentence.

Richard explained calmly: "I just flew in very normally and took this thing out very normally, so I took it correctly, right?"

Thor: " # \u0026amp;% @\u0026amp;"

At the same time, Laufey in the Frost Giant formation was going crazy.

My day! Have any of you seen my Ice Box? ! Such a big one was in my hand just now, why did it disappear in the blink of an eye?

(Thanks to book friends Annihilation Xuyu, Boli zx, kidboy88, and Faust from the Demon Sealing Summit for their rewards!)

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