The action of the three major tribes was fast.

The sun just rose the next day.

Lin Ze received a report from the scouts that the coalition of the three major tribes had arrived ten kilometers away from the Hailin tribe.

Fortunately, after defeating many tribes, the Hailin tribe migrated all the population to this tribe.

Otherwise, this will definitely have been broken by the enemy individually.

In order to meet the menacing enemy, Wu Wu had already mobilized the army and formed a formation five kilometers in front of the Hailin tribe.

Except for leaving a thousand soldiers to guard the tribe, all the rest of the troops were dispatched.

Thirty-five thousand soldiers lined up in formation, standing with their heads held high, silent.

From a distance, the darkness is overwhelming, and the iron-blooded aura is about to rise to the sky, making it impossible to hold your breath and palpitate!

The tribal coalition army marched, and this was what they saw.

The leading group of spirits took a deep breath.

The three controllers headed by them even looked at each other in dismay, and they couldn't hide their astonishment.

In their expectations, the Hailin tribe annexed eight tribes in just two months, absorbing more than 70,000 people, which is more than three times the original!

Such a huge population change is definitely not something that can be digested and integrated in just two months!

There are more than 30,000 warriors in the Hailin tribe, but when the hearts of the people have not yet reunited, and the army's heart is not uniform, it is very good that 100% of the combat power can exert seven or eight achievements!

This is one of the reasons why they are so confident in launching the war!

But now it seems that their guesses have gone wrong.

Looking at the chilling and stern military face of this army in front of me, that soaring into the sky has a real arrogant fighting spirit, where does it look like the army's heart is unstable?

How did the controller of the Hailin tribe do it?

Why is it possible to gather people's hearts to such a level in just two months?

Momang, Jidiao and Quanliu were full of confusion and puzzled.

Breaking their heads, I would never have imagined that there would be such a thing as a simulated godhead in this world!

"It seems that we underestimated the controller of the Hailin tribe, that guy has some tricks!"

Mo Mang said with a gloomy expression.

Jidiao and Quanliu also frowned.

This situation is not good news for them!

This means that there is a tough battle ahead!

And tough battles often mean huge casualties!

If possible, they didn't want their tribe to suffer too many casualties.

But at this point, there is no room for retreat.

Jidiao's eyes flickered for a moment, and he said solemnly

"No matter what, we still have the advantage in terms of military strength!"

"That's right!"

Quanliu raised his chin, his eyes gloomy.

"And the number of monsters is also on our side!"

Mo Mang turned his head to look at the dense monsters behind him, and his heart was settled.

"That's right!"

In order to suppress the Hailin tribe in one fell swoop, the three major tribes can almost be said to have come out of their nests this time.

Just to guard the spirits, the three major tribes dispatched a total of forty heads.

And according to the spies' report, the Hailin tribe plus the controller only had four sprites!

Forty to four!

With such a huge disparity in numbers, Mo Python really couldn't think of a reason why his side would lose!

In fact.

The guardian spirits of the tribal coalition all hold similar ideas.

It is true that the controller of the Hailin tribe is said to be extremely powerful.

But no matter how tyrannical, there is only one!

There are so many guardian spirits on their side, each spit is enough to drown each other!

As for the other three spirit monsters, Mo Python and the others didn't pay attention to them at all.

They had already figured out that the three-headed monster was just a wild monster two months ago.

The most powerful one of them is only the third rank of the king.

Among the many guardian spirits of the tribal coalition, it cannot even be ranked in the middle reaches!

Not to be afraid!

"It's just four monsters, it's not easy to kill them!"

"That's right, I heard that the controller of the Hailin tribe named Lin Ze is very powerful, I want to see it!"

"Hahaha, that's not your turn. There are three masters in control, where is your turn to take action?"

"That Lin Ze is really stupid. He annexed so many tribes, but not a single spirit remained. Does he think the Hailin tribe is too strong?"

"Who knows, it's good for us anyway!"

"That's right, hahaha"

A group of spirits chatted and laughed without anyone else.

He didn't even think about the next war at all.

No wonder they are complacent.

As the three controllers said, whether it is the number of guardian spirits or the strength of the troops, the tribal coalition has crushed the Hailin tribe!

If they all lose, it only shows that their luck is extremely bad!

Watching the spirit monsters make a commotion, the ink python, the eagle and the spring did not stop it.

After a while.

Jidiao glanced at the sky and interrupted the conversation of the spirits.

"Okay, it's getting late, it's time to act! If you have anything to say, wait for the celebration feast after the war!"

Mo Mang and Quanliu also said similar things.

With the order of the three masters, the huge army quickly moved.

Forty-five thousand soldiers moved slowly forward, and only when they reached a suitable distance, they launched a fierce charge.

at the same time.

The Hailin tribe's army also began to move forward.

Lin Ze knew that he had no experience in commanding wars, let alone any material in this area, so the commanding power was handed over to the headman Wowu.

He stayed behind with blue roses, dead branches and earth and rocks.

It was the first time the three spirits had personally experienced such a large-scale war, and their expressions could not hide their nervousness and anxiety.

But more is still eager to try.

During the two months they stayed in the Hailin tribe, the three Qing Qiang enjoyed a wonderful life that they could never imagine before.

Not to mention the all-you-can-eat food and attentive service.

The power of faith alone makes them feel like they are in heaven.

You must know that a powerful tribe like the Hailin tribe, with a population of more than 90,000 and only one step away from the Black Steel level, does not have thirty or forty guardian spirits.

In addition to the controller, there are often dozens of guardians who share half of the power of faith.

But in the Hailin tribe, it is the power of belief that the three Qing Qiang share equally!

And because of the existence of Lin Ze, with the same number of people, the power of faith contributed by the Hailin people far exceeds that of other Linghua tribes, both in quantity and quality.

In other words.

The power of faith absorbed by the three Qing Qiang is dozens of times that of ordinary guardian spirits!

After two months, their strength level has broken through a rank.


They are very grateful to Lin Ze, and even have a strong sense of belonging to the Hailin tribe.

For the tribal coalition forces that invaded the Hailin tribe, they naturally want to clean up the other side!

Lin Ze looked in his eyes, smiled slightly, didn't say anything, and looked into the distance.

The art of war on the Linghua plane is still very primitive.

Not to mention tactical strategy, not even the most basic army formation.

It was only less than a kilometer away, and the troops on both sides became chaotic at the same time, completely out of line.

Lin Ze was very speechless.

"When this war is over, this aspect has to be improved!"

Lin Ze doesn't know much about the art of war, but it doesn't matter, there aren't too many books on the main plane about it.

The big deal is that when he comes back next time, he will bring some more related books, translate them into the language of Linghua plane, and let Wowu and the warrior leaders learn it.

It doesn't require them to have a deep grasp, at least they can't be as hot as they are now!

Thinking about it, even a little bit of fur is enough to run wild in a tactical desert like Linghua Plane!

Just as Lin Ze was thinking about it, the distance between the two armies had been reduced to less than 500 meters.

almost the same time.

A desolate and long horn sounded from the rear of the armies on both sides!

The moment the voice sounded, the armies of both sides launched a charge at the same time, with deafening shouts of killing, and aggressively attacked each other!

"here we go."

Lin Ze's eyes narrowed slightly, and his mind moved abruptly.

next second.

He saw a strange wave gushing out from his body, turning into an invisible wave, and spreading to the entire battlefield in an instant.

In an instant.

I saw the colorful faint brilliance suddenly emerge from the countless Hailin warriors.

The combat effectiveness of the entire army suddenly skyrocketed!

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