The ability of psionic energy is actually very special.

However, after ignoring the ability of psionic energy to change the real world, psionic energy actually behaves more like a strange ability that can communicate with the existence of other dimensions.

However, this kind of communication is basically one-way and uncontrollable.

Psionicists often can only listen to the thoughts or voices emitted by creatures stronger than their own, but cannot respond.

Even they couldn't confirm what kind of advanced existence the sound they heard came from.

This can be proved from the time when Chu Hao first experimented with the endless abyss swallowing the secret realm world.

In that world at that time, the most mainstream ability was psionic energy (in the chaotic Dead Sea, psionic energy is a common ability, but it is also divided into strong and weak). It is the high-level psionicists.

They have never been in contact with the abyss, their brains were easily destroyed by the abyss, and they became a lunatic.

That's the downside of psykers.

The more powerful the psionicist, the more susceptible he is to the whispers of the abyss.

Moreover, the more powerful the psionicist, the greater the impact.

Because these strong psionics listened more clearly than those weaker psionics.

At some point, this kind of listening is not a good thing.

Especially when you're listening to the endless abyss, madness and chaos are bound to accompany it!


It is precisely because of this characteristic of a psionicist that Chu Hao decided to temporarily give part of his divinity to those creatures in the abyss who are best at attracting corruption.

After these terrifying twisted creatures received the divinity given by the Lord of the Abyss, they were able to greatly enhance their interference and temptation to the psionicists.

In addition to these creatures, Chu Hao used his own ability to artificially amplify the sound of the endless abyss, making it more penetrating.

After doing this, Chu Hao quietly waited for the consequences and effects of what he had done.

The influence of the abyss was also much faster than Chu Hao expected.

Just a few hours later (abyss time), some of the psionicists guarding in Jiang Ling's secret realm world showed signs of being affected by the abyss.

The signs were very mild at first.

Most of the time, the psionicists who encountered the influence of the abyss just heard inexplicable sounds in their ears.

This kind of sound is very ethereal and very illusory.

It sounded like someone was calling their names.

This kind of sign was not noticed by the psykers at first.

After all, since the psionicists began to show their psionic talent, things like "auditory hallucinations" have always been with them.

However, the effects of the abyss will gradually expand over time.

This kind of influence is not that the abyss aura invades their world, but it simply acts directly on the sea of ​​​​the minds of these individuals.

And the psionicists, the shouts they heard before, will gradually become clearer, and become in line with their state of mind and desire.

Yes, still **.

The endless abyss, a special world of the gods, was born from the beginning to the end to mark the ** of living beings.

In the same way, the ** of the creatures in the abyss is also the most **, the most unadorned and terrifying.

In many societies and worlds with strict order, these ugly ** are often repressed by individuals.

They are eager to donate blood.

They crave slaughter.

Even, they just want to destroy the **!

They are the Hearts Demon itself.

These darkest souls, known as Hearts Demons, have been suppressed by social order and "morality", unable to reveal themselves.

This also causes most of the creatures to have a fixed template, and Life is in their own world.

However, the abyss knows that the deepest dark ** in each of them.

And in the endless abyss, all the darkness will also be released.

Including these psykers!

The deeper the influence of the endless abyss, the stronger their Hearts Demon, and the more difficult it is to suppress the darkness in their hearts.

Ultimately, the whispers of the abyss will completely change the psykers who didn't notice in time.

Hearts Demon will replace their original main characters, take over their bodies, and help them accomplish what they originally wanted to do!

During this process, their eyes will become scarlet, the same color as the abyss creatures.

And their psionic energy will force the bodies of these psionicists to change due to their ability to change reality, distorting in the direction of the abyss creatures.

They are about to be finished


It's a pity that Chu Hao excitedly observed one after another psionicists. Under the influence of the endless abyss, he gradually changed his form and revealed his own killing talent.

A psionicist's head affected by the abyss suddenly exploded.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Then, the heads of dozens, hundreds, and thousands of psionicists exploded one by one!

The moment they were affected by the endless abyss, Jiang Ling marked them!

Although she can't directly block the invasion of the endless abyss to the sea of ​​individual souls, Jiang Ling's deity is a god, and she is still a disciple of the Sequence Lord God!

Disciple of Fantasy!

With Zhigao's psychic power, she can easily mark those individuals affected by the abyss and blow their heads directly.

While doing so will cost the psykers, the losses to these psykers are far less than the losses that would cause them to create a lot of chaos on the defensive line.


After Jiang Lingban returned to this game, he raised his head proudly.

Her eyes, staring at the black and red vortex in the upper abyss, looked at Chu Hao's eyes like a provocation.


Chu Hao's eyes sank back into the darkness.

This abyss lord rarely reveals his own anger.

But on the contrary, when he is really annoyed, it often means that more terrifying conspiracies and massacres will come to the enemy.

At this moment, Jiang Ling is still waiting for the rescue of his brothers and sisters with hope.


It's been a long time since I opened a reply, so the author decided to answer a few questions recently asked by the audience at the end of the chapter.

1. Why is the chapter progress so slow?

Answer In fact, the progress of the chapters is not slow, the book has reached the number of ten thousand words, and the general plot is three-fifths completed.

If you count all the subsequent plots, there are about 400,000 to 500,000 words left, which can be divided into two large plots and the final battle.

Why did the two protagonists create those uncontrollable spiritual planes and insects? Isn't it awkward to make it out of control?

Answer No, many of the things the protagonists make are actually just a routine stage in the development of the abyss.

Just like the technology in the real world that wants to reach a certain stage, it always needs to light up the technology on the technology tree, which cannot be bypassed.

As for not being able to control this, the explanation is also very simple.

Until now, human beings have not been able to completely control nuclear weapons and nuclear principles, and can only maintain and destroy them on a regular basis. Wouldn't it be even more awkward if you look at it this way.

Destruction is a threat, but you can't just stand still just because the threat exists, right?

How handsome are the three authors?

In fact, everyone has been chasing me to ask this question, and I am not too embarrassed myself.

I can only say that the author is just a little bit more handsome than Andy Lau, of course, it's really only a little bit, I swear!


Well, the Q&A is over. If you have any other questions, you can leave a message directly in the paragraph below, and I will reply from time to time.

Please leave a message after the beep.



biu. biu

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