"Construction complete...."

After Chu Hao took back his own divine fire, he looked at the rapidly changing warp area and said.

The goddess of annihilation, standing beside Chu Hao, also looked at her former kind with hope, and entered the subspace to settle down one after another.

In the entire endless abyss, there is no creature that understands the pain of the spiritual plane creature better than her deity.

That never-ending sense of nothingness is unacceptable to any thinking creature.

That infinite journey with no meaning of its own makes the goddess of annihilation fearful even now.

Even if the existences of the idealistic plane signed a cooperation agreement with Adeline who established the abyss sect, and could absorb the beliefs from the creatures in the endless abyss to temporarily anchor themselves, they still could not completely the ideal plane. All biological problems can only be alleviated.

But now, Chu Hao's behavior has indeed made the creatures in the spiritual plane find a glimmer of hope.

Although they also know that the huge number of ethnic groups on the ideal plane cannot guarantee that everyone will get a suitable spiritual body.

"Thank you, great Lord of the Abyss!"

"Thank you for all you do for us."

The goddess of annihilation spoke to Chu Hao, the master god of her own, with a newly learned etiquette.

Chu Hao, on the other hand, waved his hand and replied indifferently.

"Don't learn such meaningless words of gratitude, touts like Dimon, one of my side is enough."

"In the abyss, etiquette and order are rare luxuries."

"After all, no matter how the living environment is changed, the Endless Abyss will make these efforts go to waste."

"Even if I have built a warp area now, its function is not to provide a home for your former tribe, but to contribute to subsequent larger wars."

"Follow-up.... the war with the other disciples of the fantasy dream!"

Chu Hao turned his head and looked at the goddess of annihilation.

"So, at this moment, I want to know how much combat power you can provide."

"Your combat power will determine my strategy in subsequent battles."

That's right, even now, Chu Hao doesn't know what the abilities of this nascent abyss native deity are.

And if you want to fight with the other disciples of Fantasy Dream in the back, the strength of the goddess of annihilation itself is also very important.

The difference between a god fighting alone and two gods working together is huge.

Even if these two gods are the upper and lower gods in the abyss.

And Chu Hao created her, not for her to enjoy life. All existences who want to survive in the abyss must fight.

And this is also the final manifestation of the chaos in the abyss world.

The goddess of silence naturally understands this.

She changed from her previous polite posture to standing and said respectfully to Chu Hao.

"Lord God, I want to borrow some of your divine fire."

There is no way for the abyss's body gods to directly generate their own god fire.

Even if she can enjoy the worship of abyss creatures, she cannot reverse this characteristic.

After all, their source is still affiliated with the world of the gods established by Chu Hao, so she still has no way to escape the rules and characteristics of the real world.


Without any hesitation, Chu Hao directly transferred a part of his divine fire to the goddess of annihilation for her to use her own strength.

And after the goddess of annihilation obtained these divine fires, there was also a ray of joy on her face.

But this ray of joy soon disappeared.

She quickly became serious and said to Chu Hao.

"Lord, my abilities are somewhat different from when I was on the plane of idealism."

"The biggest difference is that I can directly affect reality."

"And among my abilities, the strongest and most basic ability is to create an increase in entropy."

"An ability to turn a healthy and orderly state into a dilapidated and declining state."

After speaking, the goddess of annihilation showed her own ability against an abyss continent.

Countless divine fires were transformed by her into some kind of breath that was invisible and intangible, but it did exist.

These breaths began to quickly sweep the entire continent.

In an instant, the entire continent, from the beginning of the abyss creatures to the end of the continent itself, began to decay rapidly.

After a while, the continent shattered directly under Chu Hao's gaze.

Everything on the continent has turned into dust.

"This is my ability."

The goddess of silence said to Chu Hao.

And Chu Hao looked at the powder and frowned, as if thinking about something.


Just when Chu Hao planned to kill more fantasy disciples.

In the distance, in the spiritual world where the fantasy is located, there is also a change.

Fantasy Dream, a god who spent most of his time in deep sleep, suddenly woke up from his deep sleep.

Countless mists appeared out of thin air, condensing an extremely beautiful white body in the virtual world.

And above the body, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly opened.

In her previous dream, she sensed something happened.

However, this matter is not a "little thing" like a disciple of own.

This kind of small thing is not even enough for her to forcibly end her own sleep.

The culprit that really woke her up came from...

Star God Realm!

Not just her.

More Sequence Lord Gods, no matter what state or form they are in.

They all chose to focus their attention on the real world. …

Put it on the top of the real world, on the world of stars with endless starry sky!

The fall of the former punishment angel was just a trivial "little thing".

"The big event that really wants to change the pattern of the gods' world has just begun to sign!"

A woman wearing a hat, sitting on a high tower, said with a smile.


p There is only one chapter today, so let's take it as a preparation for the following consecutive chapters.

Take a day off, hehe.

. .

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