The God of Basketball

Three hundred and twenty-two: [New York New Weather]

As Li Zhen became the darling in the media, and became a clear stream in Sex and the City.

The Knicks' overall image in New York City has also improved rapidly.

That's evident in the quality of the celebrity stars that pop up next to Madison Gardens.

When the big guy sitting on the sidelines is no longer the same Spike Lee, the atmosphere is different.

Oscar winner Denzel Washington, who is always pursing his lips, came with a beer mug, rap superstar East Coast legend JAY-Z brought his wife, and Leonardo, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, also brought him 25 year old girlfriend came.

Of course, it was Paris Hilton who made the most uproar in the media. The wealthy wolf girl who claimed to sleep with Li Zhen also came to the sidelines with her bag-carrying sister, Kim Kardashian. There is also Anne Hathaway, who claims to be the daughter of the people of New York, but recently has a hot fight with a wealthy Italian businessman.

Madison Garden is star-studded.

But it was still Li Zhen who received the highest cheers that night.

His appearance triggered a tsunami-like response.

Some even started chanting MVP.

For the Knicks, Li Zhen is the rain after a long drought.

"Who would have thought that Bruce Lee would become the supreme basketball golden boy in the hearts of all New Yorkers in just one month?"

Even the commentator of the local TV station in New York couldn't help being speechless.

But that's the way it is.

The game against the Mavericks started quickly.

When Isaiah ranked the starting lineup of Li Zhen, Stephen Marbury, Crawford, David Lee, and Swift, not only the fans, commentators and even the head coach of the Mavericks fainted.

What kind of play is this?

No defensive lineup?

Little General Johnson raised his eyebrows, thinking to himself... As expected of a big city team, the ability to sensationalize is strong.

In everyone's established cognition, Crawford, Marbury, and Li Zhen are all players who need the ball to play. It is difficult for two people to get together, let alone three people playing at the same time. Moreover, they are not good at defense. Doesn't it mean that they are giving up on themselves?

However, as soon as the game started, the Mavericks got a taste of Sap.

Swift, known for his jumping, defeated the second center in the West, Dampier, without any suspense. Then, Li Zhen ran towards the frontcourt after receiving the basketball. Before the Mavericks' defense gathered, he directly passed the basketball to Marbury on the other side of the three-point line, and continued to drill into the penalty area.

Marbury bluffed a change of direction outside the three-point line, and the basketball went straight to Huanglong.

When Li Zhen received the basketball in the penalty area, he didn't even move, and he shot a backhand directly. The ball changed its flight trajectory instantly and went straight to the bottom corner of the three-point line.

The Mavericks' entire defense was dazzled.

And Crawford has already shot a jumper...the Mavericks have no time to react.


When the three-pointer falls into the Nets.

There are even defensive players who don't run inside the three-point line.

too fast.

And it's messy and fast.

Li Zhen ran wildly like a mess, completely dazzling the Mavericks' defense, and then went straight to Huanglong in a chaotic order to catch open teammates with passes.

The little general Johnson was stunned. Is there still such a style of play? ?

Looking back, the Mavericks still follow their rhythm.

They methodically displayed their strong team demeanor.

The basketball was tossed and turned in the hands of Jason Terry, Stackhouse, and Nowitzki. In the end, Josh Howard took the shot... Whoa!

Easy hit 2 points.

In terms of attacking firepower, the Mavericks are definitely the best of the best. Especially the mid-range shooting, which was tightly controlled by them.

However, they ran into Nix who was beginning to mutate.

Under the leadership of Li Zhen, the New York players did not play cards according to common sense. In an instant, before the Dallas people could react, the basketball was passed from the baseline to the free throw line by Marbury, and then Li Zhen threw it on the backboard. Swift came out of nowhere and scored a strong dunk over Dampier's head.

It's like juggling.

The fans were stunned and pleasing to the eye.

They couldn't see the way anyway, but it was lively.

Pure hilarity.

In fact, even professional commentators can't see the way. How can this be explained?

I can only ping pong pong bang bang bang Li Zhenchuan is really good, and Swift jumps really high.

On the other hand, the commentator of CCTV on the other side of the ocean is wise and insightful: "Hey! This pass is really beautiful. Our Knicks' current tactic is called Bingwuchangshishuiwuchangxing. You don't know where he came from. Play the cards. The basketball grows in Li Zhen's hands, and he can do whatever he wants. Today, if you want to eat stir-fried vegetables, you want to eat boring vegetables, you are talented!"

The audience in front of the TV in this passage is not aware of the situation.

And the bewildered expression of General Johnson on the TV screen proves this point even more.

He was really confused.

For a while, he couldn't even tell who the Knicks' three guards were attacking.

Sometimes it is Marbury who takes the ball to control the rhythm, sometimes it is Crawford who is strong, and sometimes it is Li Zhen who breaks through and divides the ball.

The only thing that is the same is that Li Zhen is always running, and I don't know if he learned some tricks from Hamilton.

Anyway, when he started to run, the Mavericks were worried, because his passing speed was so fast, he seemed to have opened his eyes. If the basketball was given to him, it could be passed to the Terminator immediately, which was extremely efficient.

The game goes on and on.

The Mavericks are at a loss.

Although they have always maintained their own rhythm, proceeding steadily.

I couldn't bear Jason Terry's sudden rivalry with Crawford in the second quarter, and the two convulsions had to compete. As a result, the CPU was burned.

However, the sad thing is.

Crawford's CPU burned, and there was a water-cooled radiator next to it. Li Zhen could bring the game back to the main thread at any time. No matter how bad it is, there is Marbury, who is now a model of a gentleman. Although he does not have the power of water cooling, air cooling can still be achieved.

Poor Dallas Mavericks have a group of scorers. Once Jason Terry, a "weak point guard", burns the CPU, their offensive rhythm will collapse a lot.

The Knicks seized this wave of opportunities and completed a wave of leads.

When Li Zhen rested in the third quarter, the Mavericks recovered some points.

But entering the fourth quarter, the Mavericks' biggest shortcoming was finally exposed.

They are the 'pitchers build teams' mentality.

Although Nowitzki is very strong, he is a historical power forward. However, after all, it is still unavoidable to be called "soft".

When Li Zhen led Marbury to rush into the penalty area without hesitation, when Eddie Curry sat on the basket and repeatedly forced him.

The defensive efficiency of the Mavericks was abruptly beaten down.

It seems like a replica of last year's finals.

Li Zhen copied Wade's path.

Eddy Curry is a mini version of Shaquille O'Neal.

Coupled with the fact that Nowitzki accidentally sprained his finger in the penultimate fifth minute, the game that was supposed to be a big victory for the Mavericks abruptly changed direction and was won by the Knicks with difficulty.

With the colorful ribbons flying down the sky, the audience shouted MVP to cheer for Li Zhen.

The Knicks won this crucial game, and they are only one win away from the eighth in the Eastern Conference.

"The focus of our tactics is that there is no core. The three defenders can all be core players. The reason why they can perform so well is because they are very selfless."

Isaiah Thomas was eloquent in his post-match interview.

But these words have an indescribable flaw.

You say that Li Zhen is selfless, but you actually say that Marbury and Crawford are selfless? Isn't this bullshit?

But looking back at the video, I can't tell what's wrong. It's really speechless.

When the little general concluded his statement after the game, he scratched his head a little bit. Even though he lost the game, he didn't realize where he lost. In the end, he could only say: "We were indeed caught off guard. Nowitzki's injury had a great impact on us."

But when Li Zhen saw this interview, he thought that the Mavericks hadn't found the real problem.

The old problem exposed by the Mavericks in this game is still the fear of breakers and back-up madmen in the penalty area, and the new problem is that they are helpless in the face of this situation where all outside players have the right to fire first, especially in the fast attack. situation.

If they don't fix that, their championship run will be bumpy.

Of course, Li Zhen did not make his thoughts public, and he has no obligation to provide advice to other teams. What's more, people may not listen.

At least Johnson still feels good now, thinking that it was only because of Nowitzki's injury that he failed.

Just an accident.


Li Zhen did encounter an accident after the race, when his car hit a Rolls-Royce in the underground parking garage.

Although the matter was resolved peacefully, news still came out the next day.

Because the owner of that Rolls Royce is Anne Hathaway.

This relationship, which sounded like nothing to do with it, turned out to be a love triangle after media exaggerated it.

Because Hathaway was not in the car at the time, and the media captured her arguing with her wealthy businessman boyfriend that night.

When this matter has something to do with Li Zhen, the troublemakers can always fabricate some news.

This made Li Zhen feel depressed.

What made him even more depressed was that Anne Hathaway actually asked for her phone number from the driver, and called in the middle of the night to comfort Li Zhen and let him not be so depressed.

And chattered that he would always support him.

This made the drowsy Li Zhen quite speechless.

It's as absurd as if he'd seen Paris Hilton clench her fist and swear on TV, 'I'm going to sleep till Bruce Lee'.

Can't you let me have a good game?

The game against the Utah Jazz is a back-to-back.

This is why Isaiah Thomas expressed his desire to give up strategically yesterday.

In this game, the Knicks' three-perimeter tactic did not achieve as much success as in the previous game. On the one hand, it was because of Crawford's poor hand tonight, and on the other hand, it was because the Jazz were under coach Sloan. After years of building, a tight defensive closed loop has been formed.

However, in the end the Knicks struggled to win.

Even Deron Williams scored 42 points, 9 assists and 6 rebounds, and won a complete victory against Li Zhen. But I can't stand the undercover performance of Carlos Boozer and Okur tonight. The two big shooters jointly made 8 of 32 shots. It is too difficult for them to win.

In the end, Isaiah Thomas never forgot to cry and pretend to be merciful. He said regretfully: "It was a fluke for us to win. If Bruce hadn't made consecutive steals at the last moment, we might have lost to Deron Williams."

Yes, Li Zhen completed steals at the penultimate 2 minutes 19 seconds and penultimate 1 minute 29 seconds of the fourth quarter.

The first ball was to steal a pass from Deron.

The second goal was Deron who directly steals with Marbury on the center line.

These two goals made up for Li Zhen's previous poor defense. He was still helpless against Deron Williams' physical offensive, even though his positioning was very smart. But the gap in strength is still huge, even if he now has 62 points of strength talent.

2 steals directly sealed the victory, even if Deron finally tried a three-pointer against the sky, he was still weak.

When Li Zhen had the last laugh again, Delong felt a little emotional. He said after the game: "He fouled that last steal, and he pushed me."

"But what else can I do now? I can only accept it."

His helplessness reflects his unwillingness.

But so what?

It's as if Paris Hilton is spouting nonsense in the media again, saying that she has started practicing yoga and is working hard to make Li Zhen feel more comfortable.

Such words of tiger and wolf made women in the whole city become impetuous.

Even more impetuous are Li Zhen's teammates.

"I think you should have a haircut with her before you go to the away game, just in the presidential suite of the Hilton Hotel, overlooking the night view of the entire city, what a sense of conquest." Eddy Curry tirelessly provided advice.

At the same time, he also suggested that Li Zhenzhen should grasp Playboy's invitation, which would benefit the entire team.

Li Zhen gave him a blank stare.

Think he's a little drifting.


The Knicks' road trip began after a loss, and the Heat from Miami got a win in New York, a game in which Dwyane Wade tackled Li Chen throughout. This super guard with all talents above 90 is now approaching the pinnacle of his career. He is already recognized as the league's second shooting guard.

Li Zhen was really powerless against him.

Although he also had a wonderful performance in this game, the data of 12 points and 11 assists in the game is not bad.

But this still didn't stop the rotten Heat from taking the victory from Madison Garden.

The Knicks' three-perimeter style of play showed its decline in this game, Crawford continued to slump, and Stephen Marbury's performance was also very ordinary.

In contrast, Swift has the spirit of a little overlord in the East. With the help of Li Zhen, he dunks in the penalty area one after another, which is one of the few bright spots in this game.

What's interesting is that although the Knicks lost the game, the New York media, known for their harshness, did not sneer after the game. They were extremely generous. I think the team's performance is good enough, after all, the opponent is the defending champion.

Most importantly, the team is only one step away from the playoffs.

No one wants to put extra pressure on the team at this time.

Except, of course, the Italians.

Anne Hathaway's boyfriend, a wealthy Italian businessman, suddenly made a big fuss after the game. He claimed that Anne Hathaway embezzled his property, and that he didn't know about the Rolls Royce that was damaged by Li Zhen. Under the circumstances, it was purchased by Hathaway with a credit card. And he also emphasized: The most unbearable thing for me is that Anne Hathaway kept emphasizing how good Bruce Lee is in front of me. I very much doubt that she will become Li Zhen's vassal like Paris Hilton. Emotional infidelity.

Lovers falling apart happen every day.

But it's the first of its kind this year that the Italians are making such a fuss.

The thing that frustrates Li Zhen the most is: You two are having conflicts, why should I be in the headlines?

I have a fart relationship.

I haven't even seen Anne Hathaway's face, I hit her car? Obviously your car is fully responsible, okay? Why do everything come to me?

Classmate Li Zhen was so angry that he was about to explode.

He didn't want to suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

However, his teammates were quite envious of him.

"Hey, Bruce. Anne Hathaway, this is the most beautiful female star produced in New York. Her sexy big mouth will definitely make you..." Nate Robinson suddenly jumped out to talk to Li Zhen when he was boarding the plane.

This made Li Zhen change hands and push Xiaotuo's head into the seat.

Then, he received a call from Hathaway.

Hathaway apologized to him on the phone, and also clarified that she did not swipe her ex-boyfriend's credit card, and also tearfully accused her ex-boyfriend of being a control freak, saying that he was stingy and even involved in dangerous crimes.

Um... ok.

Li Zhen is really going crazy.

Why are you calling me about this? Why do you treat me like a tree hole?

The phone call lasted almost half an hour.

This even interrupted Li Chen's arrangement for this round of away trip.

The Bulls are now ranked ninth in the Eastern Conference, only one game away from the Orlando Magic, which is eighth in the Eastern Conference.

And the next three games are all in the Eastern Conference.

The first away game is the Washington Wizards. If they can beat the Washington Wizards and then beat the Magic in the second away game, the Knicks will become the new eighth place.

But...Washington is definitely not so easy to beat.

Even before the Knicks played the Miami Heat, Washington had already released the news that Arenas strongly declared that he would bury the Knicks' playoff dreams at Capital One Arena.

Caron Butler even emphasized that Li Zhen's disguise must be torn apart, and the illusion of an All-Star will soon be exposed.

They always believed that the reason Li Zhen was able to slap them in the face in the All-Star Game was because the western players headed by Kobe let the water go. If they didn't help Li Zhen on purpose, Li Zhen would be the one who should get zero points.

Such rhetoric has been circulating in Washington.

But in San Antonio, there was no sound at all. After all, Tony Parker was cleaned up badly.

It was even rumored that he had a big fight with Eva on the plane back to the holy city.

However, because the two of them really didn't have much traffic, they were completely overwhelmed by Paris Hilton's tiger-wolf words. Of course, what reporters are more willing to report is the love triangle between Anne Hathaway and Li Zhen.

The plot looks more and more exciting.

Because the damn Italian businessman took out a stack of Li Zhen's albums and posters, claiming that they were found in Hathaway's bedroom.

This makes this gossip story sound more and more bloody.

But Li Zhen had no interest in following up the report at all, and he even hung up on Anne Hathaway's phone call.

Because, he wants to ensure the victory of the next game.

The Washington Wizards are really a difficult opponent. If they are not fully prepared, they will really be defeated by them.

And once defeated by them, these arrogant and domineering people will not show mercy, they will definitely trample themselves to death.

How can they get what they want?

On the plane to Washington, Li Zhen didn't even do push-ups, but watched the Wizards game video over and over again.

He is more serious about exploring the Wizards' tactics than the coaching staff.



[Black Mamba has been away for four days. On the last day of January, I will send a hard update to commemorate my idol. 】


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