The Goddess Of Death

Chapter 12 - Fighting a Different Battle

"–rdered not to tell you. I-I deeply apologize, My Queen!"

Frigga raised an eyebrow when the servant starts muttering vague excuses before bowing and trying to scurry off as quickly as she can.

"Stop right there!" Fulla, her loyal handmaiden shouted, "You dare to disobey orders from the Queen?"

"No need," Frigga held out a hand and Fulla obediently stepped back. She turned to the frightened servant; poor thing is trembling like a leaf. "My daughter asked to keep this a secret, didn't she?"

"Y-Yes, My Queen." Her whole body is practically shaking now. "The Princess told us Your Majesty already knew the details but not the whole plan. S-She asked us not to tell you anything more."

Frigga sighed internally; unlike her husband, she doesn't take delight in frightening and punishing the servants. It's just not the way she was taught by her father, Freyr. "I do know," She smiled wryly; "I was hoping that would change now. It has been a month, after all. However, if the Princess asked this of you, then far be it from me to go against her wishes."

The servant's head snapped up in surprise as Frigga chuckled and dismissed her. Fulla glanced knowingly at her, her own lips betraying her amus.e.m.e.nt. She was there, after all.

Frigga relaxed and they continued walking. She knows something big is going on. It is obvious in the way the princess's section of the palace seems to be in such an uproar, however, she does not really think it is a bad thing. At least, she doesn't think the sight of healers, servants, ministers, builders, and even Vor hurrying to and fro in Hela's study is bad. This most likely just means Hela's big project is now in full swing.

As the servant mentioned, she did know a few details, mainly because of that interesting conversation she had with her daughter a month ago when Hela suddenly came to visit her in her study. She remembered her daughter looking very determined, her green eyes steely and sharp. She had asked if it was possible for a princess to spearhead big projects for the kingdom and if she will be given the funds to do so.

"But of course," Frigga had said. "The Princess or anyone in the royal family can organize any project they wish, provided it is reasonable, important, and not a waste of resources."

It seemed to be all the confirmation Hela needed because she instantly brightened. To her bemus.e.m.e.nt, Hela had also asked Frigga to vouch for her if someone refused to do as she says. Understandably, Frigga was terribly curious and inquired what kind of project it was, but Hela only grinned and said it was a surprise. In fact, the only hint she gave was that it was for the people, and implored her to trust her to do this on her own.

She relented in the end. After all, Frigga doesn't think Hela had anything malicious in mind. No, she's too sensible for that. However, the way everyone keeps trying to be silent about this probably means this is more important than she had previously thought. She can admit she's very curious and worried, although it looks like Hela does have things well in hand. Moreover, she has Vor with her. Frigga knows that she's in very capable hands.

Reassured, the Queen of Asgard hid a smile behind her delicate hand before heading back to her rooms, trusting her daughter to reveal the 'surprise' to her when the time comes.

Meanwhile, Hela is absolutely enjoying this. It's really nice to do something productive again besides prepare for the terrible future ahead. She hadn't really noticed it before, but ever since she was born for the second time she had always felt anxious, almost as if she's waiting for an axe to fall and for everything to go to shit. She's always trying to prepare herself for something she doesn't even know will come true. But no more. She has plans now, and she'll do everything she can to see it through.

Right after she had received permission from Frigga, she immediately went to the Minister of Treasury's office and requested all the financial doc.u.ments that recorded all the transactions in both the palace and the whole realm. After all, she should take into account how much money the realm spends before doing anything.

The Minister had looked dubious at first, but provided it readily enough when Frigga – true to her word – vouched for her. She's just getting started though, because immediately after that long discussion, Hela had had to take time to review all of those doc.u.ments as well as conduct personal inspections to properly assess exactly what Asgard and its citizens need. It took her the better part of the month, but that's alright, because she now knows what to do.

According to the doc.u.ments, the source of most of Asgard's funds and money come from the wars and battles the Einherjar go on in the other Realms. By bringing back home their spoils of war, the Treasury is kept full. This is probably the main reason why Asgard's main focus is to produce the best warriors, weapons, and armor in the Nine; because they profit from war.

Likely as a direct result, Asgard is now sorely lacking in structures and systems that can provide for its regular citizens. Not everyone wants to be a warrior; some people want to become healers, farmers, blacksmiths, and artisans, but has no means to learn because the Realm Eternal's main priority are their warriors.

Wracking her brain for memories of games she played on Earth provided an answer: guilds.

It's perfect! Guilds can help the people acquire the skills they want to learn, not to mention, it will finally give them an opportunity to rise in society. Guilds can also protect its members if they ever go through hard times. Most importantly, any goods its members will produce can be exported to other realms, making it an important source of income for Asgard.

In addition to that, she had inspected and gone undercover in the slums again. During that, she had noticed that almost all the houses there were old and rundown. Asgard's citizens doesn't deserve to live in such poor conditions, and she's honestly appalled Odin hasn't done something about it yet.

She then decided to also bring a little piece of Earth here and began planning to build housing units – or apartments, if you want to be more specific. Though she obviously won't call it that here. In exchange for living there, the people must join the guilds and organizations she's planning to form to produce more resources and goods, which will then be exported to other realms or bought by the people and nobility. Soon enough, the funds she expended from construction would be recovered as if nothing happened.

A small price to pay for what will be a successful long-term investment. Asgard will be exporting and trading with the other realms soon if she has anything to say about it.

It's actually a miracle Asgard survived this long. The realm produces no new products, therefore the poor doesn't even have the chance to work or even achieve a higher status and wealth to make a name for themselves. The economy is stagnant, and she knows if she doesn't do anything soon, Asgard won't prosper. By then, it won't matter if its people are immortal, since they will forever live in a collapsed economy akin to the Great Depression.

In truth, the only notable places of work here are pubs, blacksmiths, inns, and some stalls in the market. Everything else, the King and his administration provided. Taxes are minimal, definitely not enough to pay for road construction or other structures. Now the question is, if taxes are minimal, how exactly are the ornate roads crossing all over the realm built?

Hela could only wager her best guess: perhaps someone in Buri's line a long time ago (because it sure as hell wasn't Odin according to the doc.u.ments) thought it would be a good idea to build roads to make it easier for their horses and troops to move around the land, and transport goods, food, and other resources. Most of all, they probably thought it could be a symbol of power because of the reach they now have over the realm. However, what they forgot to do was give the people a means to live and survive on their own. They failed to use taxes to build essential buildings and systems such as public healing wards, places for artisans, builders, cooks, fishermen, hunters, and merchants, public libraries, and even land for farms.

That is why Hela decided to build all of that and more. If Loki found a way to build all those theaters and statues of himself in the movie for his own amus.e.m.e.nt, then she could build structures that are actually useful too.

Which leads her to now.

Ever since she delegated tasks and told Vor her plans so she could assist her, the palace has been a hive of activity. Hela knows the citizens are noticing by now that something big is going on, especially with how quiet everything previously was from the lockdown. However, she knows better than to stop rumors from circulating. In fact, it might even be beneficial to spread the word now so everyone has time to decide on their future.

She had thought of telling Frigga her plans. Gods know the Queen would be pleased as always, but Hela wanted it to be a surprise. She wants to show the King and Queen that she can do huge projects like this by herself, and she really wants to show Ornulf that she cares about the people with the so-called 'lower statuses' and that she's not all talk.

In spite of that, Hela can't deny that there's also a little selfish thought that if this turns out to be successful, then perhaps the people and her subjects would start respecting her more, not just because she has a fancy title, but because she actually did something that helped and benefitted them.

Hela may be enjoying herself immensely by getting to spearhead this project, but she also can't deny that planning the actual thing, as well as coordinating with a lot of people, getting resources and materials, and conducting assessments to know what the people really need is exhausting and stressful. And don't even get her started on the amount of funds needed. If the Minister of Treasury complains to her one more time, she's going to scream.

She straightens and tries surreptitiously to shake her head to clear her thoughts, before focusing again on the meeting at present.

"–nd construction for the medical institution is well underway. We have taken into account what you have suggested for its location, Your Highness, and decided that it would be best suited in the middle of the city for better accessibility." The master builder explains as he points to a spot in Asgard's map. "The buildings for the other guilds will also start construction as soon as we found suitable lands for them. Everything is going according to schedule." He finishes with a satisfied smile, no doubt pleased with their work.

Hela nods; impressed despite herself at how quickly he's working. "Very good. I leave it in your capable hands then.�� She smiled at him, who bowed deeply, before turning to the next person who'll report. "Healer Eir?"

The sharp-eyed head healer of the palace immediately steps forward; her grey-streaked hair held up in a particularly tight bun that Hela felt a headache just by looking at it. "Training for the healers who will take up residence in the medical institution is going well. The volunteers are all interested in the subject matter and diligent enough that we are now finished with the basics and moving on to the more difficult aspects of the program. At the rate we are going, Her Highness will have capable healers by the time the building finishes construction." She nodded curtly, "That is all."

Thorough and to-the-point, as expected of Healer Eir. "Good work. I will be sure to trust in their expertise when the time comes." She nodded at her before moving on to the last person in the room, "Lady Vor?"

Her wise instructor met her eyes before standing, "As Her Highness commanded, I have met and talked to the list of people who have the abilities needed to run the guilds and these are the ones who passed assessment," She walked forward and slid a list of names across her desk. "Authun, as the leading merchant in the market and a well-versed traveler between realms, will be the head of the merchant guild. Njord is the god of the sea and as such, will be the head for the fisherman's guild. Haldier is the most renowned blacksmith in the realm and as such, he's qualified to be head of the blacksmith's guild. As the god of poetry, Bragi will be the head of the artisans guild, and lastly, Lucas will be the head of the hunter's guild after he presented the biggest game after you in the Coming-of-Age ceremony."

Hela had been nodding at the constant stream of information before that last bit. She looked up at her in surprise and recognition, "Lucas? Duke Einar's son?" At Vor's nod, she frowned. "Why would he volunteer to be a guild head? Surely he has many duties to attend to?"

Vor never shrugs, but she looks like she wants to. "He has expressed interest in the position, and assured me that he is quite free."

Hela leaned back on her chair. Huh. She hasn't seen him since the feast after the ceremony and has truthfully almost forgotten about him. Also, he is apparently the best hunter among the trainees after her. Curious.

"I would suggest a meeting with all of the heads to properly inform them of their roles and duties." Vor added and Hela nodded, "I agree. Astrid, arrange missives to invite them to a meeting for tomorrow. The rest of you, thank you for your hard work."

At her dismissal, everyone bowed and left, leaving Hela alone with Vor. Finally away from prying eyes, Hela sighed deeply before slumping on the soft chair, distantly feeling a headache building. Her instructor eyed her, "You handled that well."

"Thanks to you."

Vor returned her impassive gaze to the door, "No, this was all your work." A pause. "Queen Angrboda would be proud."

Hela dropped her gaze to the list of names she's still holding in her hands, "…I hope so."


After that fulfilling meeting with her project heads, Hela bade farewell to Vor before heading straight below the palace and to the kitchens. Popping her head around the massive doorway, she searched the huge bustling room for a minute before finally spotting him, "Greetings, Andhri!"

Andhrímnir – a huge portly man with a cleanly-shaved face and an ever-present scowl reserved just for his kitchen aides – quickly whirled around in surprise before raising an eyebrow, "Back again, Princess?"

She shrugged, and tried not to giggle at all the kitchen aides' sighs of relief at the head chef's distraction. "Fenris is hungry."

The man heaved a sigh so loud and exasperated Hela fought the urge to snort, "Again? This is the fifth time today! I'll run out of meat at this rate."

"I'm sorry." She said genuinely.

"Bah!" He waved it off, "I signed up for this when I became head chef of the palace. Besides, that Wolf can't go around hunting forever, it'll devour everything in that blasted forest. At least this way, it'll be regulated." He turned and hefted a huge slab of raw meat from a table. "Boar meat, rich and juicy in flavor and very tough. Your Wolf will be quite occupied with this for a while."

Hela lifted the meat with ease, ignoring the way its blood squelched under her fingers. "Thank you, Andhri."

To her surprise, he suddenly turned and pushed a pouch in her hands, and she struggled to hold both. He leaned forward carefully, "Rumors have been circulating about your plans. Everyone's eager to see the results."

"Ah," Her lips quirked up, "Quite frankly, I am too."

He analyzed her for a moment, hands still holding the pouch, before finally leaving it in her grip. "Consider that as thanks." He stepped back, "This is a good cause, Princess, but don't push yourself so hard. You look like drit."

Hela barked a surprised laugh at his bluntness, "I'll keep that in mind."

He waved her off, and she turned to leave, but not before seeing all the aides flinch when Andhri turned his scowl back on and began to lord over his kitchen once again.

Fenris looked up in surprise when Hela suddenly appeared in its abode near the forest's edge. She watched warily as the little princess stopped before unceremoniously plopping the slab of boar meat right in front of Fenris.

The Wolf didn't move. Usually, she would be lunging for the meat by now. Hela frowned in confusion before wrinkling her nose at her blood-covered hands. She quickly found a water skin and washed it away. That done, she arranged her skirts before settling beside a tree in front of the uncharacteristically silent Wolf. She waited for a long moment before it finally bit into the meat and chewed slowly.

Hela frowned again and almost called her out on the unusual behavior before suddenly remembering the pouch. She opened it and found honey nut cakes. Her favorite! She promptly stuffed one in her mouth and sighed happily. 'Andhri is the best!'

They continued eating silently, each in their own worlds, before a sudden movement alerted Hela. She looked up to find Fenris gazing unnervingly at her.

"What?" Hela raised an eyebrow.

To her confusion, the Wolf remained silent, with its bright green eyes seemingly staring straight into her soul.

She was about to ask again, wracking her brain for any odd conversation they must have had last time when Fenris suddenly spoke, 'Exhausted?'

Hela looked down at the intense scrutiny, before shrugging. "I'm alright; it's just been a hectic month."

A pause. 'The debt is null if you die of exhaustion.'

This time, Hela did roll her eyes. "Don't sound so excited, I won't die."

Fenris suddenly huffed something, and Hela frowned, "What did you say?"

It stilled, before huffing again. 'I was not excited.'

Hela stared blankly for a moment before realization ripped through her. "Are you… are you worried, Fenris?

Fenris stiffened impossibly further, and Hela quickly spoke before she could bolt and disappear into the forest, "I mean, I don't mind. But there's really nothing to worry about, everything's going so smoothly I can hardly believe it myself." She laughed lightly and leaned on the tree behind her, "Soon enough, Asgard would prosper, and its people will be able to pursue their interests and perhaps even gain their own statuses. No one would be discriminated like Ornulf had been if everyone has a chance now."

She refrained from looking over at the Wolf's direction, but it didn't seem ready to run anymore, which is good. Slowly, Fenris settled on her haunches and began tearing into the meat again. 'The Allfather does not yet know?'

"No," She replied, "But I think he'll be fine with it. It is for the good of Asgard, after all. Though with the rate the war is going, father's probably going to end up seeing just the finished product instead."

Fenris snorted in amus.e.m.e.nt, 'Tell me if he's furious and I will handle him.'

Hela grinned at her, knowing the Wolf's always looking for a reason to tear at Odin. "I'll keep that in mind." She joked, failing to notice her eyes beginning to droop. She swayed.

Fenris did not dare make a sound as the stubborn and exhausted princess finally succ.u.mbed to sleep. The Giant Wolf, so feared in Asgard and the Nine Realms alike, quietly stood and settled beside her, narrowed eyes keeping vigil through the night.

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